PLEASE READ: SF Sessions -- GMT -- dates & sessions

clikkclikk's picture
October 7, 2012 - 1:15pm
Find and fix dates for sessions withing GMT. Open a new thread for a session/series of sessions.

Please state: 
- When it would suit you, according to GMT /CET
- Whether official rules only or "add-ons"/special settings as well  (Standard, with Star Frontiersman expansions, specific universe, other special rules/settings ...)
- Whether you would be a game master or need one
- Whether you wish special software for it (might be a bad idea) or basics like Skype 
- ...

You can use the Project download area for documents for your adventure.

Last game played: Somewhere in the 80th (Vrusk by heart) -- fond of Jugger, a "post-apocalyptic" sport