900 years is a long time & the truth about the mechanons

jedion357's picture
July 12, 2012 - 2:05pm
Been thinking about (its Oncefaroff's fault) the eorna defense instalations and the 900 year period since the Day of Doom and the first sathar visitation to Volturnus. 900 years is a long time. Cant imagine trying to use a 25 year old computer let alone a 900 year old one. It does n't really make sense for the eorna defense stations to be able to be put back on line after 900the years.

Secondly, it would be criminally negligent to not fire everything, Your whole society is in the process of being wiped out by the sathar and you dont fire every weapon you have? "Well, if we do that we might really piss them off." Really? So its very unlikely that there is much in tact after the Day of Dome (or whatever it was called in the background on the eorna).In all likelihood the sathar neutralized or knocked out pretty much everything.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

OnceFarOff's picture
July 16, 2012 - 8:41am
^ I can spin words a little, but have difficulty in generating new ideas - I guess to me the creative aspect is what makes a writer. But thanks.

jedion357's picture
July 16, 2012 - 10:10am
OnceFarOff wrote:
^ I can spin words a little, but have difficulty in generating new ideas - I guess to me the creative aspect is what makes a writer. But thanks.

This is why I call myself an idea whore. I'll steal inspiration from anything, anybody, anywhere.

Funny, I was watching a documentary on artist with names that people would recognize if I could remember them and they were saying how one would come by the studio of the other and see what he was doing and then go steal his idea and theme and create a masterpiece and then the other would do the same. I got a kick out of that, they were idea whores too.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

OnceFarOff's picture
July 16, 2012 - 3:52pm
^ lol. I guess that's me.

BTW - I just got done with a marathon session with the kids. They went through the ruins and loved it. The hint of information about the Eorna, the binary speak of the First (I decided to go with 1X01 for my campaign). They are trying to piece together all of the clues and it's cool watching their little wheels turning...

OnceFarOff's picture
August 3, 2012 - 8:47pm
My kids made it to the Lunar Defense Installation tonight. In order to explain the ability of the station to 1. Even exist and not be a mound of rubble and 2. Still be repairable I did the following:

1. I figured that the Sathar sent agents out ahead of the invasion, and captured one of the Eorna assigned to the Lunar installation. There they hypnotised him, and implanted suggestions to reprogram the installation robots to attack the Eorna. Then they had him open the bulkheads when his comrades were readying the fighters in the launsh bay, exposing them to explosive decompression. The PCs were able to learn this from the installation computer logs. When the day of doom arrived, the installation was offline and the Eorna inside were all dead.

2. The Sathar only needed the Eorna patsy to reprogram the robot IFF protocols - to switch friendly to foe. After the 'foes' were eliminated, they executed the remainder of their programming, which was installation maintenance. The generators were designed for massive energy output for the defense batteries, so without the heavy discharge of the weapons, the advanced crystlline technology of the Eorna reactors was sufficient to power the facility for a few centuries. Finally, the primary and secondary power went offline, and the installation went silent.

There's probably a better explanation, but that's what I went with for my campaign...

jedion357's picture
August 4, 2012 - 5:05am
I like it.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!

bossmoss's picture
October 7, 2012 - 4:38pm
Wow, some great stuff here, guys!

I just wanted to add a note about how I handled Mechanon names.

The oldest ones (earliest models) had alpha-numerical & binary names just as you described.  Gradually, as they had more contact with the other species of Volturnus, a few of them started adopting foreign ideas, including the concept of names.

Around the Second Sathar War, you started seeing a handful of new Mechanons with names taken from the Ul-Mor, Kurabanda and Edestekai.

Then, once the war was over and they started expanding into space and interacting with a wider range of Frontier species, a few began adopting names taken from Dralasites, Vrusk and Yazirians.  Even a few Human names.

This only applies to newly built Mechanons.  Existing Mechanons would not change their numerical designations.

OnceFarOff's picture
October 28, 2012 - 3:54pm
bossmoss wrote:
The oldest ones (earliest models) had alpha-numerical & binary names just as you described.  Gradually, as they had more contact with the other species of Volturnus, a few of them started adopting foreign ideas, including the concept of names.

"We are Hugh"

bossmoss's picture
October 31, 2012 - 5:30am
Exactly  Tongue out

jedion357's picture
August 28, 2014 - 4:29pm
On second thought, or is this third thought? The primitive eorna robots would have been programed in an eorna programing language. This would make for some base recognition between what the eorna now speak and what the mechanons communicate in.
I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers!