![]() April 5, 2012 - 12:49pm | I suppose the first question is what do its adherents worship, if they worship anything at all? For that I suppose we should start with the name: Family of One. Focus is on the word One but one what? Family of one- which suggest that the worshipers are all one family. In light of the ancient clan structure this is very instructive. Suggesting a development of this religion as a counterbalance to clan strife. The core principle would be the oneness of the whole race. It does not suggest a theistic belief in one god though it does not rule that out. My inclination is not to make this a theistic religion with a personal deity that is worshiped. Though that could be a possibility. (Call it catholic baggage and uncomfortable experience with people role playing worship of Palor or other D&D deities). I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 8, 2011 - 9:20am | If the first tenet of the Fo1 is the oneness of the race then clan war would be a sin. Which is ironic considering the purpose of this project. Ironic also if the Fo1 is the cause of brother on brother violence and I have a great appreciation for irony myself. The modern Yaz considers clan conflict a thing of the past and the tenets of the Fo1 reinforces this belief. Yet the reality of the possibility of clan on clan violence has not gone away but laid dormant during the struggles for survival and the star exodus, and in meeting the other sapient species in the parsec as well as surviving the sathar onslaught. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() December 8, 2011 - 9:26am | Another implication of making the "oneness of the race" the first tenet is that there probably is an ideal of what it means to be a yazirian. Naturally clan Anglaan will try to define this ideal in its own image. Likely that the clan anglaan /Fo1 definition of the yazirian ideal in not in line with traditional yazirian ideals which leads to conflict eventually. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 11, 2012 - 11:05am | On further reflection the oneness ideal probably stems from an attempt to apply the normal principles of how a yazirian relates to his clan to the whole race, no longer can you just worry about the survival of your clan you must worry about the destruction of your race. A credo for recitation as ceremonies: "We are one family. We are the children of Yazira. The Spirit of Yazira is a flame within the sha-ka of every yazirian. The Yazira will endure because we endure. We will make Yazira's name great among the stars." I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() January 11, 2012 - 11:00am | Belief #1 All Yazirians are One Family, Clan war is a sin, before clans shed blood they should bring their conflict before the Inquisitor's Court for it to be settled peacefully. Belief #2 We MUST recreate the Garden of Yaz on Yazira blessed worlds like Hentz no matter what the cost. (pre existing ecosystems will be pushed aside). This belief has given rise to eco-theism a worship of the perfect ecosystem that no longer even exists. A deifying of the legendary ecosystem of Yazira. "We will recreate this world in the image of Yazira" Belief #3 Yazira has appointed the yazirian to inherit the galaxy? Yazirians will spread the spirit of Yazira throughout the galaxy breinging consciousness of the spirit of Yazira to the galaxy and eventually recreating the galaxy in the image of Yazira. (not sure about this belief whether it should be in) Thinking of the 5 Pillars of Islam and crafting something similar for Fo1 if we only go with the first two beliefs they could be refered to as the Two Wings, which seems somehow appropriate. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() June 18, 2012 - 1:41pm | The Family of One has what is known as The Two Wings and Five Tallons the Two Wings are the belief statements codified in the previous post. They have been formulated into a creed that is recited; much like the Hebrew shema, or the Apostle's Creed, or the pillar of Islam that starts with, "there is no god but allah and...." there can be a third school of thought, much like the difference between Greek orthodox and Catholics, which esposes belief #3 in the previous post, perhaps the followers of this alternate creed are called third wingers and its a minor sect within the Fo1. the affirmation of belief in the two wings is the first of the five tallons. Pilgrimage to Hentz to visit the gene bank of preserved genetic samples from yazira which has been incorporated into a temple is the second tallon Planting of a ______________ tree is the third tallon- this tree has been deeply connected with yazirian society as it was the tree that the first clans in the faded recesses of time made their homes in. Fo1 promotes the idea that you must obtain the seed or seedling from the gene bank on Hentz to fulfill this talon but the fact that the trees have been transplanted to all the yazirian colonies means that the seeds and seedlings are available without travel to Hentz. To some extent some yazirians have performed the 3rd tallon then performed the 3.5 tallon when they were able to finally afford the pilgramige to Hentz and bought the overpriced seed from Fo1. The fourth tallon is producing progeny for the continuation of the Family. Fifth Tallon is the taking of Priestly vows- there is a dictomy here as only members of Clan Anglan can truly be priest of the temple but there is a second order of priest that sort of function like Missionaries- they support themselves or their clan supports them and they're job is to preach and evangelize for the Fo1. On Hentz this priestly order is filled by everyone and is simply a way of proving your zeal and currying favor with the Fo1. On other colonies its finding a priest of this order is often a true and sincere believer. On a planet like Yast or a moon like Exib taking this priestly vow will cause you to be expelled from ones clans among many of the very traditional clans. Thus these individuals are very much like the Apostle Paul in the Bible, tent making missionaries paying their own way. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |