![]() April 2, 2009 - 11:52pm | In SF-0 Crash on Volturnus page 11 (in the original) titled "Player Character's Background Report" at the very bottom of the page beneath the bios of the missing expeditions is this statement: "Truane's Star has found itself short of personnel and funds due to colonial troubles and associated police action on Cygnus Omicron IX recently, They have hired you, a team of unkown adventurers....." First question: where is Cygnus Omicron IX? 2nd question if they're so short handed form an police action how did they even mount an expedition to face down the sathar in Volturnus? 3rd question: if all the personnel in the first team are lvl 5-6 why are they hiring lvl 1 unkown adventurers? My personal answer for #3 is that the players are patsies and are meant to fail. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 3, 2009 - 9:55am | If memory does not serve well I thought the PC's were en-route *somewhere* and crash landed? IMHO its not the Level that dooms the PC's, its the lack of gear/equipment/weapons. Star Frontiers scales based on gear, not levels. |
![]() April 3, 2009 - 9:58am | First question: where is Cygnus Omicron IX? Between Cygnus Omicron VIII and Cygnus Omicron X. ![]() 1) I did check AD, KH and Zebs and could not find it listed. The map in Zebs shows several unnamed systems. It could be one of those. "colonial troubles and associated police action" indicates that it is a colony of Truane's Star. The map shows that Truane's Star has no close unexplored systems. If it is a colony, it is far away from Truane's Star. 2) Perhaps it was one of those future projects that TSR never completed because they stopped supporting Star Frontiers. It could also have been just a cool sounding name that the writers pulled out of thin air as it really didn't effect the module. 2nd question: If they're so short handed from an police action how did they even mount an expedition to face down the sathar in Volturnus? They didn't. With the exception of Commander Jameson, the original expedition members are all Corporates or University Types. The costs were probably paid by the corporation and the university. Jameson was sent along to "keep an eye" on them. It was probably a deal made by the government: You pay all expenses, our man goes along and is in charge, or you don't go. The Sathar are not mentioned at all. The original expedition was a survey to gather data on possible mining operations and colonization of the planet. The PC briefing does not say anything about the Sathar at all. 3rd question: if all the personnel in the first team are lvl 4-6 why are they hiring lvl 1 unkown adventurers? The government of Truane's Star probably only sent a rescue expedition under pressure from the corporation and university. It looks bad in the press to do nothing. They probably think the original expedition is dead and this is not a priority given their other troubles. No one suspects Sathar. It should all be routine. Thus they hired cheap and available - the PCs. |
![]() April 3, 2009 - 1:45pm | 2nd question: If they're so short handed from an police action how did they even mount an expedition to face down the sathar in Volturnus? They didn't. With the exception of Commander Jameson, the original expedition members are all Corporates or University Types. The costs were probably paid by the corporation and the university. Jameson was sent along to "keep an eye" on them. It was probably a deal made by the government: You pay all expenses, our man goes along and is in charge, or you don't go. The Sathar are not mentioned at all. The original expedition was a survey to gather data on possible mining operations and colonization of the planet. The PC briefing does not say anything about the Sathar at all. Actually I meant at the end of SF-1 when the PCs can radio home and inform everyone of the impending Sathar attack. Maybe in the modules it was just the UPF force that comes to the rescue but I thought it was a joint UPF and Truane's Star fleet. I might not be a dralasite, vrusk or yazirian but I do play one in Star Frontiers! |
![]() April 3, 2009 - 2:51pm | Truane's Star technically DOES have a colony...the Streel colonized world of Corpco in the New Streel system. Least, according to ZEB's.... "You're everything that's base in humanity," Cochrane continued. "Drawing up strict, senseless rules for the sole reason of putting you at the top and excluding anyone you say doesn't belong or fit in, for no other reason than just because you say so." —Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stephens, Federation |
![]() April 4, 2009 - 4:45am | There was a decent debate on this over at the SF.org forums a few years ago. IIRC it was agreed that Cygnus Omicron IX was a gas giant occupying Truane's ninth orbit. I had penned a background for it after that...I'll have to see if I can find it now. |
![]() April 4, 2009 - 4:58am | Okay found it... Cygnus Omnicron IX is a Habitat space station around a moon named Omicron (named in sequence from the Greek alphabet) which in turn orbits around a gas giant named Cygnus in the Truane's star system, occupying the ninth orbit. There could be other habitats around this moon (in particular #1-#8). I recall there were several proposed backstories posted in that discussion as to what exactly was going on there. Here's mine: _________________________________________ Streel's official stance on Cygnus Omicron IX is, of course, the "use of creating Galactic Peace and Prosperity". Streel has been actively mining the gases of Cygnus Omicron, particularly the nearly limitless supply of liquid hydrogen. These fuel profits are enjoyed both locally and by selling the L-Hyd to neighboring systems such as Zebulon, Dixon's Star, and Prenglar. Thus fulfilling the "prosperity" portion of their mission statement. During the passage of the "Operation: Dreadnaught" bill, PanGalactic was awarded contract renewal to maintain and service the UPF's fleet of battleships despite challenge by Streel. Passage of OD brought further smiles to PGC executives as the resulting orders increased for construction of more battleships.
![]() April 4, 2009 - 9:23pm | I remember seeing that in the .org forums, Shadow, and I like; I've made one tweak for Space Rats in that Clarion and the Pale worlds are on equal footing in terms of power and influence, as Clarion was the first colony in the Frontier Sector, and, along with Triad and Rupert's Hole, is the primary world in the United Kingdom of Clarion and Cassidine, with the UKCC basically becoming more of a loose alliance similar to the British Commonwealth(my starting point), with Rupert's Hole being a full republic, and Triad retaining a Governor-General, but is otherwise similar to Canada and Australia. The UKCC was one of four power blocs in the Frontier in pre-Fed times, with the Port Loren Alliance Treaty Organization(PLATO; PGC, Gran Quivera, Gollwin[Morgaine's World], Exodus, Genesis, Minotaur and Lossend), the Hargut Pact(run by Streel and the Truane's Star government[same difference], consisting of the Pale worlds, all the Yaz colonies and sometimes Outer Reach), and the Association(Inner Reach, Groth, Tereldrom, Circe, Kir'kut and the Vrusk worlds) being the other three, with Laco being independent, and Volturnus being Rimmer territory prior to the Capellan Wars fought between the Coalition and the Pact in pre-Fed times. "You're everything that's base in humanity," Cochrane continued. "Drawing up strict, senseless rules for the sole reason of putting you at the top and excluding anyone you say doesn't belong or fit in, for no other reason than just because you say so." —Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stephens, Federation |
![]() May 15, 2016 - 10:38am |
<!--[if gte mso 9]>
I am placing Cygnus Omicron IX not in the Truane's Star system but in the binary system between Dixon's Star & Athor. Cygnus Omnicron is the systems name. I am working in Volturnus as really the start/part of SWI, this pushes back the CO IX colony collapse into the New Pale war and the war probably has something to do with the colony's problems. I am going to make Star Devil and thus Pan-Galactic part of the problem for this colony, though PGC's involvement will stay in the shadows. There will probably be other elements as well. Basically CO IX in my current timeline was a colony of Pale, once the war is over the new TSR sends in a "police force" to liberate the populace from the criminals who have seized control and render aide. The colony is in dire straights when the police forces arrive, criminals really are in control of the system. Hey, it's not easy forging an Empire (I mean Republic) and keeping all of the colonies in order. Pale in my setting was more of an ad hoc colony, the Yukon of the Frontier and at first ignored by corporations, so the individuals and small companies seeking to make it went to the end of the frontier hoping to do just that, and they did but it meant a bigger melting pot on Pale and resulted in no existing colony being able to claim Pale. Pale's climate sucks in my setting. New Pale was Pan-Galactic funded and founded colony. I used ideas from the article on Volturnus background and wiki quake event. Pale starts become expansionist all on it's own. In some folks settings Streel is bad PGC good, in my setting PGC does some dodgy stuff, and Streel will eventually do dodgy stuff too. Basically Streel and PGC are in a war even if no one else knows it (even Streel may not know what is up yet), with PGC using Star Devil and even HUSP to do a lot of stuff as it was loosing control over it's New Pale colony and could not directly act without looking like the bad guy. Since PGC's involvement is never confirmed it still is the major business on New Pale even if it is no longer in control of it's government. But you can bet PGC blames Streel for loosing New Pale to the TSR/Pale government. I am having Star Devil take control of the OC system along with other agendas of some groups... so the action taken by TSR is in keeping with previous actions of Pale... 1 assert control over colony because you have citizens in danger there & 2 stop the pirates, terrorists and bad bigot types harming said citizens. I do believe Human Colonization in the Frontier works like this: "We stole planets with the cunning use of flags. Just sail around the galaxy and stick a flag in. "I claim Volturnus for Truane's Star Republic!" They're going "You can't claim us, we live here! Five hundred million of us!" "Do you have a flag …? "What? We don't need a bloody flag, this is our country, you bastards!" "No flag, no planet, you can't have one! Those are the rules... that I just made up!...and I'm backing it up with this gun, that was lent from the Interplanetary Rifle Association." (adapted from Eddie Izzard's Dress To Kill, I just SFed it up) <!--[if gte mso 9]> "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 15, 2016 - 10:48am | You know, it's an interesting co-inky-dink that I just did a wiki article for CO IX for the "other" wiki... Which propmptly got edited by the resident anal-retentive stating that you couldn't say it's related to a planet becuase they didn't explicitly say it was a planet...never mind that it's in standard science fiction planet name format....smh |
![]() May 15, 2016 - 12:37pm | Which propmptly got edited by the resident anal-retentive stating that you couldn't say it's related to a planet becuase they didn't explicitly say it was a planet...never mind that it's in standard science fiction planet name format....smh That is messed up... it could be a planet, a moon or an asteroid... it could be a space station, or system name. Wow I hope you have your original article. Too many sour pusses and control freaks think their way is the only way. I just wanted to make TSR a bit expansive and trying to consolidate power and land grab systems in the begin of my setting so I looked at the map and picked the Binary Star, made perfect sense to me. I named all the moons not already named in the System Briefing I am doin' terrible things to for Truane's Star after characters from the Ricky Jones Space Rangers Winky, Biff, Vena, Bobby, Rocky, Drake and Newton. Works for me ![]() "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 15, 2016 - 2:30pm | Yep, that's why I gave up on that wiki site. As long as the site owner allows that kind of crap to go unchecked, it will continue to be a graveyard. Which is why I maintain that this site is better suited for posting material since it doesn't go away moments after posting it. ;) Anyways, this is my take on CO-9: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/3731 |
![]() May 15, 2016 - 2:31pm | Someone is having the double post bug, two threads in a row now... |
![]() May 15, 2016 - 4:00pm | Oh, the article didn't "go away", it just got edited to take out the reference to it being a planet...which is still smh territory because of naming conventions, but try telling that individual that. That site may be a bit of a graveyard, but it's still got some good stuff on it. Probably the best wiki about SF out there (one of only two that I know of in any event). |
![]() May 15, 2016 - 4:46pm | It could be New Pale. Maybe Cygnus Omicron is Truane's Star. |
![]() May 15, 2016 - 5:14pm | Anyways, this is my take on CO-9: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/3731 Yes, very nice for the TS system: I think I borrowed a few details from yours and I am using the articles from the magazine and some ideas from wiki... and the Quest books. CO9 being a Gas Giant in TS system has some good merits. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 15, 2016 - 11:49pm | @Bio-Social - That's what I thought when I read it. Pre-"pruning" Truane's Star. |
![]() May 16, 2016 - 4:27am | I could see that. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
May 16, 2016 - 5:35am | Dear Tch: Trade Routes Once touted as “the far end of the Frontier,” Truane’s Star has become an important link in the Zebulon Pass through the Lesser Morass and the Xagyg Dust Nebula to the Rim Sector. Cygnus Omnicron – Distance: 5 light years Dixon’s Star – Distance: 5 light years Zebulon – Distance: 5 light years through the “Zebulon Corridor
..A year later a major food transport to Pale was sabotaged; a Husp faction claimed responsibility to protest the “oppression and manipulation” of New Pale by Pale’s government. Pale sent military ships to orbit New Pale to protect vital food shipments. New Pale’s citizens protested and called for UPF intervention. Even as the Zebulon project remained shelved, Pale opened the star route to Cygnus Omnicron, a binary star system through the Lesser Morass Dust Cloud. A number of Palonite licensed mining colonies were established by various companies including Streel, Pan-Galactic, and the Cassadine Development corporations. The ninth planet was especially attractive to the mega-corporations for its rich resources. Pale also licensed Galactic Overall Development Corporation (GODCo) to begin terraforming Cygnus Omnicron IV and VI.. Joe Cabadas |
May 16, 2016 - 5:37am |
The wiki site also had a write up on the binary systems on the two-dimensional Frontier map, so I altered one -- not on the site but for my own materials -- to read this way: The Standard Map of The Frontier and The Rim includes fourteen binary systems (three of these in Rim space), not including the Formad Cluster. Most binary systems are classified as “uninhabitable” due to a lack of suitable planetary bodies therein; this is not to say that they are actually uninhabited: most have asteroid and (Kuiper belts and cometary shells, as well as minor rocky or gaseous planets that may house mining ventures, research facilities or even secret military, corporate or pirate bases. Cygnus Omicron (Binary Star H-D). This system is 4 light years (LY) from Dixon's Star, 5 LY Truane’s Star and 3 LY from Belnafaer. The eccentric nature of this system makes it a challenge to navigate and, combined by the “Veil's Train” of the Lesser Morass, make a direct route from Dixon's Star to Scree Fron a practical impossibility. Truane’s Star opened a star route to this system and is sponsoring its development, including terraforming two small planets.. Joe Cabadas |
May 16, 2016 - 5:49am | Tch: I've uploaded my star map from Truane's Star to the binary star system here: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/9291 If this is of any use, please feel free to adapt it to your project. (I can try to make a higher resolution version. The graphic is on the lower resolution side. OK for printing at home or on a monitor, but not magazine quality.) I had set the time of the Volturnus modules about the time Laco's War is going on, so Truane's Star has its hands full with Husp flair ups on New Pale, trying to keep Streel and PGC forces from spilling over their corporate war on Pale and New Pale, and then the problem spills over into Cygus Omicron. This is why they are short staffed for the Zebulon expedition... However, I note that you want the Volturnus modules to be the opening salvo of the First Sathar War. So, I can actually see that being a very reasonable explanation. Joe Cabadas |
May 16, 2016 - 6:46am | Anyways, this is my take on CO-9: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/3731 Hi Shadow: Yes, I think I stumbled on that posting recently... it makes me want to scrap my idea of having CO-9 in a separate system. Best Regards, Joe Cabadas |
![]() May 16, 2016 - 12:26pm | No do not scrap something just because of a wiki-kingdom ruler do as you please it's your setting with in the big box of the limited rules and canon materials, don't let others make your box smaller and thus all ref's smaller. I for instance always felt OC9 was in another system than Pale but others like it being in Truane's Star, we all have slightly different ideas and that is good and only right. I enjoy reading everyone's ideas even if they may not work with what I am doing... but you never know a few tweaks and it can work just in a round about way. Some refs have Yazirians as vegetarians others as omnivores. OC9 can be what ever and where ever a ref needs it to be in my opinion. Differences are good. I have borrowed ideas from folks even if we have different ideas about other things in the game or over all on a subject. This site is supportive of differences, it get's us thinking. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |
![]() May 16, 2016 - 12:34pm | I've uploaded my star map from Truane's Star to the binary star system here: http://www.starfrontiers.us/node/9291 If this is of any use, please feel free to adapt it to your project. (I can try to make a higher resolution version. The graphic is on the lower resolution side. OK for printing at home or on a monitor, but not magazine quality.) I had set the time of the Volturnus modules about the time Laco's War is going on, so Truane's Star has its hands full with Husp flair ups on New Pale, trying to keep Streel and PGC forces from spilling over their corporate war on Pale and New Pale, and then the problem spills over into Cygus Omicron. This is why they are short staffed for the Zebulon expedition... However, I note that you want the Volturnus modules to be the opening salvo of the First Sathar War. So, I can actually see that being a very reasonable explanation. Thanks for the image. I am sort of working on the Sathar having reasons for being pissed off even if the Core 4 don't get the reason why. In the back of my mind I have always wanted to run the setting from the Sathar's point of view, with the Core 4 being the threat. I like my smart monsters to have a reason to be they way they are. "Never fire a laser at a mirror." |