Born on the outpost world of Laco and raised in the yazirian worlds (Histran, Hargut, & Hentz), Gumbahr is something of a loner. As such, he lacks the typical sense of humor that his species shares, instead acquiring some of the "finer" personality traits of the yazirians he grew up with: boorishness, arrogance, and pride. He prefers the company yazirians over his own kind, followed by neutral tolerances toward both humans and dralasites, and has often shown disfavor among vrusks.
Having observed the Black Mandrils hovercycle club in action in his youth, he became attracted to the other side of that life: ground cycles. He acquired an intermediate sized machine as soon as he could become a legal operator and began tinkering on it ever since, molding it to what it is today. It is his sole pride and possession.