Basic Information
79Ability Scores
45/45Initiative Modifier:
+7Punching Score:
+3Ranged Weapons:
43%Melee Weapons:
Walking: 15 m/turn
Running: 35 m/turn
Hourly: 6 kph
Running: 35 m/turn
Hourly: 6 kph
Racial Abilities
Ambidextrous: Can use either hand equally well.
Ambidextrous: Can use either hand equally well.
Primary Skill Area:
MilitaryBeam Weapons:
Level 2Gyrojet Weapons:
Level 2Technician:
Level 1Background
S'clicloclu'clikk (or, in short, S'clikk to his buddies) has started his career as sergeant-at-arms at a light cruiser of the Contract Control and Interception Fleet. Due to his outstanding dexterity and fine intuition, S'clikk served both as a shocktrooper, using his ambidexterity skill for combined blaster/gyrojet fire after chasing the enemy out of his hiding by grenade thrower pounding, and as a starship gunner. S'clikk left the CCIF to gain experience in the field, a basic condition to gain higher ranks amongst the CCIF.
The Contract Control and Interception Fleet is a prospering corporation that has enlisted almost only Vrusk personnel.
It is a military task force that maintains maintenance/supply points at Star Bases at choice locations, and utilizes a Star Fortress as its center at a fortified Vrusk planet. Besides some minor engagement in standard Vrusk enterprises as back-up, its main issue is to act as some kind of hardcore insurance for contracting parties. If one side breaks the contract and usual legal action fails, the CCIF pushes in with its shock troops and military vessels to re-establish the contract conditions or to ensure that the contractual penalty is paid.
CCIF forces and single agents are employed from rich individuals up to influential coprorations and planetary governments in unstable regions. The incorruptiblety of the CCIF is legendary even among the Vrusk. Their personnel on the path of the "Great Metamorphosis" (the time of gaining experience in teh field, like S'clikk) also acts as agents to report on potential new customers or rumours on the CCIF, and thus keeps contact with their company at irregular intervals.
Aditional ranks (Knight Hawks):
Starship Gunner: 0 (working at it)
Gyrojet pistol, 2 clips; Blaster; Grenade thrower; Frag grenades (3); Poison grenades (2); Electrosword, 2x20SEE clips
Military Suit
Special: Concealable Needler Pistolet (1d10+Slp; To Hit 43; 5/10/15/25/50; Rate 3; Clip 6) Ammo: 2 Clips
Polyvox; Toxy-Rad; Chronokom; 50 Cr.