Basic Information
83 kgAbility Scores
45/45Initiative Modifier:
+4Punching Score:
+3Ranged Weapons:
20%Melee Weapons:
Walking: 10 m/turn
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 5 kph
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 5 kph
Racial Abilities
Primary Skill Area:
MilitaryGyrojet Weapons:
Level 2Environmental:
Level 1Background
Military PSA Lvl 2: Gyrojet
Agent Lvl 1: Stealth
Scout Lvl 1: Survival
Keegan spent his early years in service with the Militia. He never saw any real action but learned to adequately and safely handle weapons as well as some scouting and survival skills. His heart wasn't in a military career so he drifted around from job to job; usually serving in a security position. One day it happened to get involved with the Acquisition Service of the Triad Institute of Technology and enjoyed the work as well as the friendships. However, his heart my lead him away after a time. Keegan seems to suffer from a mild case of the Seven Year Itch.
Keegan is laid back most of the time and tends to not take himself or situations too seriously. However, he does seem to have need for excitement. His outlet for this usually surfaces in a compulsion to gamble. While not an addict, he often passes time with friendly, low stakes games of chance and even betting on dares with friends. There are currently no known problems with this behavior, but close friends worry that someday, it may get out of hand.
Keegan performs some fairly mundane taks for the Aquisition Service. He does some basic digging, cleaning, crating and hauling. He also does basic camp security. This usually comes in the form of keeping aggressive native life forms (99.9% of the time it is non-sapient) from the camp/dig perimeter. This sounds much more exciting than it is. Most of the time you will find him behind a hand of cards and next to an open bottle. (However, he is not a drunk.)
Agent Lvl 1: Stealth
Scout Lvl 1: Survival
Keegan spent his early years in service with the Militia. He never saw any real action but learned to adequately and safely handle weapons as well as some scouting and survival skills. His heart wasn't in a military career so he drifted around from job to job; usually serving in a security position. One day it happened to get involved with the Acquisition Service of the Triad Institute of Technology and enjoyed the work as well as the friendships. However, his heart my lead him away after a time. Keegan seems to suffer from a mild case of the Seven Year Itch.
Keegan is laid back most of the time and tends to not take himself or situations too seriously. However, he does seem to have need for excitement. His outlet for this usually surfaces in a compulsion to gamble. While not an addict, he often passes time with friendly, low stakes games of chance and even betting on dares with friends. There are currently no known problems with this behavior, but close friends worry that someday, it may get out of hand.
Keegan performs some fairly mundane taks for the Aquisition Service. He does some basic digging, cleaning, crating and hauling. He also does basic camp security. This usually comes in the form of keeping aggressive native life forms (99.9% of the time it is non-sapient) from the camp/dig perimeter. This sounds much more exciting than it is. Most of the time you will find him behind a hand of cards and next to an open bottle. (However, he is not a drunk.)
Gyrojet rifle
5 Rifle Clips
Gyrojet pistol
5 Pistol clips
Smoke grenades -3
Doze grendades -3
Gas mask/breather
Assorted Playing Cards
Premium Single Malt Whiskey, 1 bottle