Basic Information
1.2 metersWeight:
75kgAbility Scores
40/40Initiative Modifier:
+6Punching Score:
+3Ranged Weapons:
30%Melee Weapons:
Walking: 5 m/turn
Running: 20 m/turn
Hourly: 3 kph
Running: 20 m/turn
Hourly: 3 kph
Racial Abilities
Lie Detection: 5%.
Elasticity: Up to 6 limbs.
Elasticity: Up to 6 limbs.
Primary Skill Area:
Level 6Gyrojet Weapons:
Level 1Martial Arts:
Level 1Melee Weapons:
Level 1Projectile Weapons:
Level 2Thrown Weapons:
Level 1Technician:
Level 2Background
Shoo Yaktaboovi has lived a long and interesting Dralasite life, owing a great deal
of his wisdom to the study of eschatology. His true love seems to be "blowing things
up", a passion that stems from his early years working with particle explosives for the
'Dralasite First Defense Force, and also from his investigations into death and dying.
"If you're going to go, you may as well blow up. As death goes, it's as quick as a
Quickdeath," Shoo said once. (Naturally, this pun broke up the whole office, but they
were Dralasites.)
Shoo said that his first impression, no matter how hard he tries to alter it, rests
exclusively in that he's THAT good and it's simply too hard to win people's
approval. A friend proposed that all the bombs he's detonated have "deafened
his skin", but that someone was another Dralasite who spent a great deal of time in
a scented steam bath, and, as Shoo pointed out, had merely deafened his skin
with perfumes instead of combustibles. Shoo's riposte currently holds 1,206th place
on the Dralasite Community Wit List.
Shoo also said that Dralasites cannot cause their skin to lose responsiveness
by repeated exposures to explosions, but it doesn't stop them from trying. This
statement briefly made him a Dralasite Wit Major General on planet Acrinia XIV.
Shoo follows a sect that renounces the possession of material items that cannot be
disposed of within a twenty-four hour standard period. That stated, he is in no way
destitute and has plenty of rainy day caches of credits for temporary lodging, meals,
and supplies.
He particularly loves saying his own name over and over until some
kind stranger escorts him to a medical unit. Only Shoo finds this funny.
No personal effects. Will equip as needed.