Basic Information
50Ability Scores
45/45Initiative Modifier:
+8Punching Score:
+3Ranged Weapons:
38%Melee Weapons:
Walking: 10 m/turn
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 4 kph
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 4 kph
Racial Abilities
Battle Rage:5%.
Night Vision: But -15 to all actions in full light.
Gliding: Can glide 1m forward for each 1m dropped.
Night Vision: But -15 to all actions in full light.
Gliding: Can glide 1m forward for each 1m dropped.
Primary Skill Area:
Grelikk always liked the stories his grandma would tell him when he was a little chap, about the great warriors of Yazarian history. He always wanted to grow up and be one of those heros. Hence he joined the royal marines in hopes to make those dreams come true.
Grelikk tends to be a "shoot first and ask questions later" kind of Yazarian. He is a bit hot blooded and yearns for some combat.
Grelikk tends to be a "shoot first and ask questions later" kind of Yazarian. He is a bit hot blooded and yearns for some combat.
Standard equipment pack
-Doze grenade
-First aide pack
-ID card
-Pocket tool
-Survival rations
Automatic Pistol (2d10 per hit {2 shots/round} or 6d10 burst/5 targets) 200Cr/2k
Bulletclip (20 rounds, interchangeable) 10Cr/0.2kg (x10)
Laser Rifle (6d10 damage per shot) 800Cr/3kg
Laser Powerpack(20 charges) 20Cr/0.2kg (x10)
Electric Sword (4d10 or stun, uses laser powerpack) 150Cr/2kg
Skeinsuit (armor vs ballistic attacks, absorbs 1/2 damage for 20 hits) 300Cr/1kg
Dark lensed Goggles for daylight.
-Doze grenade
-First aide pack
-ID card
-Pocket tool
-Survival rations
Automatic Pistol (2d10 per hit {2 shots/round} or 6d10 burst/5 targets) 200Cr/2k
Bulletclip (20 rounds, interchangeable) 10Cr/0.2kg (x10)
Laser Rifle (6d10 damage per shot) 800Cr/3kg
Laser Powerpack(20 charges) 20Cr/0.2kg (x10)
Electric Sword (4d10 or stun, uses laser powerpack) 150Cr/2kg
Skeinsuit (armor vs ballistic attacks, absorbs 1/2 damage for 20 hits) 300Cr/1kg
Dark lensed Goggles for daylight.