Basic Information
Ability Scores
Running: 20 m/turn
Hourly: 3 kph
Racial Abilities
Elasticity: Up to 4 limbs.
(as of F.Y. 111)
Malic Tharigan (a.k.a. "Malice" a.k.a "Mal-Thar" and eventually known across the Frontier as "the Malthar") is perhaps the greatest criminal mind the Frontier was bore witness to. He was directly responsible for the Third Dramune War, and as a result he exiled himself from the Frontier following that skirmish. He introduced the deadly and addictive narcotic "ixiol" during his reign at Darkworld Station, orbiting Outer Reach. He has since devised a synthetic formula to replicate the drug, no longer requiring the biological content which stirred the civil war. His rise to fame saw involvements with various pirate and criminal factions in and out of the known star-routes until he amassed enough wealth and power to establish and lead his own criminal empire. After losing his foothold in Outer Reach he was able to quickly re-establish himself from seclusion, and continued to grow in other fields legal and illegal alike.
As the Sovereign Domain Authority spread its presence across the Frontier, Malic saw the opportunity to enter the Frontier once more. Once Mercenary Starbase and Strike Force NOVA were on the run, Malic filled the authority vaccuum created on Volturnus and assumed operations of the Stellar Tower Casino in Port Lavakos, one of the most premiere casinos in the Frontier. Once he established a legitimate business foothold, he was able to replicate his criminal operations once more.
The Malthar eventually acquired one of the commercial orbital space stations, and soon afterwards his personal fleet of starships made berth. MalCo Enterprises was reborn. While SDA was suspicious of his activities, and knowing what transpired in the past, they were unable to find anything incriminating in this rebirth. Soon MalCo Enterprises was attracting various independant starship operators for chartered business, all under the watchful eyes of Yan-Soon's gestapo-like Star Law. As such, his smuggling operations were limited to untaxed stimstiks & alcohol along with unregistered firearms, although Star Law was never able to directly or legally connect him to the confiscated loads.
Malic's 100th birthday is approaching, and he recieved an early present in the form of SDA's removal of the Volturnus garrison. Malik is now free to resume business as usual, although he remains very suspicious of SDA's watchful eyes. Rumor has it he is assisting the underground operations of UPF Loyalists that are attempting to wrest control of the Frontier, although he publicly denies this as it "contradicts other rumors concerning his shady nature".
Civilian Skeinsuit
Albedo Screen
Inertia Screen
Accel: 30m/turn, Decel: 30m/turn, Turn Speed: 60m/turn,
Top speed= 36kph or 60m/turn Cruise Speed: 6kph or 10m/turn
Power Source: Type I ParaBattery w/weapon & screen powercord attachments
remote controlled laser and gyrojet rifle concealed in front
Automatic Pistol w/3 20R BulletClips (hidden in left armrest)
Laser Pistol (hidden in right armrest, powercord to battery)
KH Skills >>> Pilot LVL:3 , nergy Gunnery LVL:2 , Rocket Gunnery LVL:1