Basic Information
Ability Scores
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 4 kph
Racial Abilities
Night Vision: But -15 to all actions in full light.
Gliding: Can glide 1m forward for each 1m dropped.
Gideon Pai-jon hails from the polar regions of Hargut, made apparent by his thick white fur that is typical of Nievara clan yazirians. As such he is not as susceptible to freezing climates but will find hot arid climates quite uncomfortable.
He had a profitable career with Streel Corporation's Department of Military Development, where he enjoyed a seven year tenure as a project leader responsible for testing and evaluating dozens of prototype pieces of equipment. He is very business savvy and did well financially, investing heavily in Streel Corporation stock along with other interstellar mutual funds. He was in a position of wealth and power, the subject of much envy.
One day he discovered that a major buyer of Streel hardware was linked to the Free Frontiersmen Foundation, who reputedly participated in several terrorist anti-UPF operations. His conscience got the better of him, and he quietly stepped down without a word. Fearing retribution, Streel had their banks freeze his assets. He began to receive periodic visits from MerCo goons at home, some of which he was able to dispatch and others who got the better of him. Eventually he was framed and arrested for embezzlement and fraud. He had enough funds in private accounts along with the sale of most of what he owned to pay for a defense team that weas able to clear his name against Streel's legal team, but when the dust settled he had little more than the shirt on his back.
He took a lengthy (year +3 months) exploration job to a system which he is sworn to secrecy about under Pan Galactic, and while debriefing he was able to help one of his team mates receive a significant bonus for recovering some alien tech that PGC was low balling him over. As such he now finds himself gainfully employed by his former competitor, Pan Galactic in a secret weapons R&D facility.
Automatic Pistol w/9 20r BulletClips (1 loaded, 8 on belt)
2 Swords (1 long, 1 short)
2 Doze Grenades
Standard Equipment Pack (chronocom, coveralls, ID, pocket tool)
Gas Mask
ToxyRad Guage
Stowed Gear/Not Always Carried
(Inertia Screen)
(Vintage pre-UPF Laser Rifle)
(Machine Gun w/140r belt, 2 spare 200r Belts)
(Guided MissileLauncher w/3 type-1 missiles)
Guided Missiles(vehicle) Skill: 2
Carrying: 18kg
Current Mission Pay: 1000Cr/TenDay*
Current STA: 50
XP: 2
* tax free