Basic Information
55kgAbility Scores
35/45Initiative Modifier:
+6Punching Score:
+3Ranged Weapons:
33%Melee Weapons:
Walking: 10 m/turn
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 4 kph
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 4 kph
Racial Abilities
Battle Rage:9%.
Night Vision: But -15 to all actions in full light.
Gliding: Can glide 1m forward for each 1m dropped.
Night Vision: But -15 to all actions in full light.
Gliding: Can glide 1m forward for each 1m dropped.
Primary Skill Area:
MilitaryBeam Weapons:
Level 1Martial Arts:
Level 1Melee Weapons:
Level 1Thrown Weapons:
Level 1Technician:
Level 1Background
Ri-kono "Riki" Shea-Dow has been answering to authorities since he came of age. After all, a half-clan brother of his (Yan-Soon Shea-Dow) has gone missing and is believed to have ties with the Free Frontiersmen Foundation, a cult with ties to anti-UPF terrorist acts in the past. Needless to say he knows most of the Star law officers by name now. Add to that his runt-like nature, many a yazirian has picked a fight with Ri-kono both past and present, and he has been brought in for many a bar room brawl by local constabularies as well.
Growing up as the runt of the litter, Ri-kono always had to prove himself amongst his peers. He learned early on how to protect himself, and has handled himself in many a fight with favorable results. As a result he is not an approachable type, he keeps to himself but does not enjoy company in the least. He has few friends, and is immediately suspicious of any newcomer. Suffice to say, gaining his trust is an earned process with Ri-kono. His childhood name of "Riki" is one that he abhors, and as such only his trusted friends are permitted its use as long as it is not slung in a derogatory way.
His travels have brought him far from his Regaria clan homeworld (Hargut, Gruna Garu). He now finds himself in the "Hub of the Frontier" , namely the capital city of Port Loren, looking for work and a group worthy of utilizing his childhood name.
Growing up as the runt of the litter, Ri-kono always had to prove himself amongst his peers. He learned early on how to protect himself, and has handled himself in many a fight with favorable results. As a result he is not an approachable type, he keeps to himself but does not enjoy company in the least. He has few friends, and is immediately suspicious of any newcomer. Suffice to say, gaining his trust is an earned process with Ri-kono. His childhood name of "Riki" is one that he abhors, and as such only his trusted friends are permitted its use as long as it is not slung in a derogatory way.
His travels have brought him far from his Regaria clan homeworld (Hargut, Gruna Garu). He now finds himself in the "Hub of the Frontier" , namely the capital city of Port Loren, looking for work and a group worthy of utilizing his childhood name.
Military Skeinsuit
Laser Pistol w/20SEU PowerClip
5 spare 20SEU PowerClips
Sonic Knife w/20SEU PowerClip
2 Doze Grenades
2 Frag Grenades
2 Tangler Grenades
SEP (coveralls, ID, chronocom)
Gas Mask
IR Goggles
Rental Hovercycle
Laser Pistol w/20SEU PowerClip
5 spare 20SEU PowerClips
Sonic Knife w/20SEU PowerClip
2 Doze Grenades
2 Frag Grenades
2 Tangler Grenades
SEP (coveralls, ID, chronocom)
Gas Mask
IR Goggles
Rental Hovercycle