Basic Information
88kgAbility Scores
60/70Initiative Modifier:
+7Punching Score:
+4Ranged Weapons:
40%Melee Weapons:
Walking: 10 m/turn
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 5 kph
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 5 kph
Racial Abilities
Primary Skill Area:
TechnologicalBeam Weapons:
Level 6Demolitions:
Level 3Gyrojet Weapons:
Level 4Martial Arts:
Level 4Melee Weapons:
Level 4Thrown Weapons:
Level 3Computers:
Level 6Robotics:
Level 3Technician:
Level 6Background
(as of F.Y. 111)
The son of Captain Jonathan Knightrazor, last of the original Knighthawk Special Forces team. Steven's parents were both killed when he was five years old during a Sathar invasion while stationed in Yast, Athor. Rescued by the neighboring Yazirian "Pasamoria" Clan, the Yazirians raised the young orphaned Steven as one of their own and brought him up along the traditions and cutlure of the Pasamorian way of life. Steven holds a deep respsect for the Yazirian race and will always help one in need. As is with the customs of the Yazirians whom he was raised, Steven selected the Sathar as a "life-enemy" and will often slip into a berserker rage against them, assuming their numbers aren't overwhelming. He has a small weakness for a thick Yazirian Ale, but never consumes too much of it.
Steve worked exensively during the construction of Mercenary Starbase, a joint venture between PGC and Star Law to crete a mobile defensive network to assist both Spacefleet and Star Law in patrolling the space lanes. He ran numerous loads of freight to the Zebulon system as an independant hauler, starting with his first craft (the Aquilian Starling) and eventually purchasing a newer model (dubbed the Volturnian Knighthawk). Once MS was completed, he signed on with them and rose to the rank of Colonel. As such, he helmed a second generation heavy cruiser that was named after him, the MSV "Colonel K".
When the Sovereign Domain Authority began to spread across the Frontier, the Knighthawk and her crew disappeared, never to be seen again. They are believed to be hiding out somewhere in the Rim Territories.
KH Skills: Pilot (6), Engineer (4), Astrogator (2), Energy Gunner (3)
Dreadnought Pilot (3)
Click Here for Additional images of Knightrazor & Associates (younger days)
The son of Captain Jonathan Knightrazor, last of the original Knighthawk Special Forces team. Steven's parents were both killed when he was five years old during a Sathar invasion while stationed in Yast, Athor. Rescued by the neighboring Yazirian "Pasamoria" Clan, the Yazirians raised the young orphaned Steven as one of their own and brought him up along the traditions and cutlure of the Pasamorian way of life. Steven holds a deep respsect for the Yazirian race and will always help one in need. As is with the customs of the Yazirians whom he was raised, Steven selected the Sathar as a "life-enemy" and will often slip into a berserker rage against them, assuming their numbers aren't overwhelming. He has a small weakness for a thick Yazirian Ale, but never consumes too much of it.
Steve worked exensively during the construction of Mercenary Starbase, a joint venture between PGC and Star Law to crete a mobile defensive network to assist both Spacefleet and Star Law in patrolling the space lanes. He ran numerous loads of freight to the Zebulon system as an independant hauler, starting with his first craft (the Aquilian Starling) and eventually purchasing a newer model (dubbed the Volturnian Knighthawk). Once MS was completed, he signed on with them and rose to the rank of Colonel. As such, he helmed a second generation heavy cruiser that was named after him, the MSV "Colonel K".
When the Sovereign Domain Authority began to spread across the Frontier, the Knighthawk and her crew disappeared, never to be seen again. They are believed to be hiding out somewhere in the Rim Territories.
KH Skills: Pilot (6), Engineer (4), Astrogator (2), Energy Gunner (3)
Dreadnought Pilot (3)
Click Here for Additional images of Knightrazor & Associates (younger days)
Albedo Suit under unifrom
Inertia Screen w/50SEU PowerBeltPack
Laser Pistol
VRF Gyrojet Rifle
RAFLUR M-0 Proton Sword
2 Doze Grenades
2 Frag Grenades
2 Tangler Grenades
Chronocom, ID
Anti-Shock Implant