Basic Information
Ability Scores
Running: 35 m/turn
Hourly: 6 kph
Racial Abilities
Ambidextrous: Can use either hand equally well.
K'ras-Tvil is rather small for his species, a trait that led to his training to develope his personal strength and prowess in an ever-competitive field. Out of work after a brief sabatical at one of Streel's various manufacturing centers, K'ras-Tvil yearns for a steady paycheck. Desperation leads to enlisting an employment agent, something his business-like species is loathe to participating in. But that same desperation led to the sale of most of his valuable goods, including a sweet open top skimmer and a Streel 'Crossbow' hovercycle along with a fair collection of projectile weaponry in order to continue living indoors rather than in a gutter.
Recently hired on by Pan Galactic and travelling to mission destination via chartered starliner where he fell in with a group of hovercycle club members and began selling narcotics to the crew in order to get into good terms with said club. When the dust settled (literally), he was granted honorary membership into the Knights of Hell's Highway club as a nomadic member.
"In For Life" --- Honorary member of KHH Cycle Club
"Marked Man" --- Club logo tattoo on right arm
30 - pistol bulletclips