Basic Information
Ability Scores
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 5 kph
Racial Abilities
Jack Walker had a brief military career before striking out on his own. He entered Landfleet for a few years and then recieved some formal starship training in astrogation courtesy of Spacefleet before deciding that the life of a free roaming spacer was ultimately for him. He picked up a little engineering in that roaming profession as well, making him a decent technical hands-on member of any ship's crew.
During his career in Spacefleet he worked aboard the destroyer UPFS Melinda McCoy, starting off as an entry level astrogator that doubled as an internal security officer in charge of the brig. He eventually worked his way up to assistant astrogator before resigning and taking on various jobs in the civilian market aboard various freight haulers and privateers. As it turns out, it was a wise move as the destroyer was obliterated by the Malthar as the most recent Dramune War kicked off.
He has developed a strange obsession with scatterguns in recent years, and has selected it as his favorite choice of weapon. He just prefers the nasty get down to business pattern of a shot shell at close range, add to that he has discovered that in a vaccuum the shot shells place a good number of holes in the enemy spacesuits...but he is equally at home behind the grips of modern projectile weapons too, and to that end he truly enjoys firing a mounted machine gun.
His present day status finds him in Triad without a ship to work on. He has a fair nest egg built up but certainly not enough to buy his own starship, at least not without the help of a few trustworthy fellow spacers that are in the same boat: stuck in dry dock without transport. Needless to say, he has a certain affinity with the salvaged hull of the McCoy...she sure would make a fair shake of a civilian ship with the right re-engineering. Not to mention he'd finally score the chief astrogator position if he were to get back onboard!
Knight Hawks Skills: Astrogator LVL:3 , Engineer LVL:1
Anti-Shock Implant
Albedoline-coated Flak Armor
Combat Shotgun w/20R drum (EXP EXP Sabot Slugs)
2 TAC Pump-action Shotguns (BuckShot in one, EXP Sabot Slugs in other)
4 Double Barrel, sawed off shotguns (over/under) , EXP Sabot Slugs
4 Double Barrel, sawed off shotguns (side by side) , BuckShot
Standard Equipment Pack
(ID card, chronocom)
gas mask
2 doze grenades
*Dual War Monger auto-shotgun w/tripod, 2 60R EXP Sabot Slug belts
*Armored Spacsuit w/ magnetic boots, anchor, 2 extra LS refills, 4 patches
* currently in storage