Basic Information
1.8 mWeight:
75 kgAbility Scores
35/50Initiative Modifier:
+6Punching Score:
+3Ranged Weapons:
30%Melee Weapons:
Walking: 10 m/turn
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 5 kph
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 5 kph
Racial Abilities
Primary Skill Area:
MilitaryBeam Weapons:
Level 4Melee Weapons:
Level 3Projectile Weapons:
Level 2Technician:
Level 1Background
Carlos was born on Minotaur but emigrated to Pale when the planet was colonized. He is a first wave colonist but has become a bit of curmudgeon with age. Carlos is the classic “been there, done that and got the scars to prove it” sort of character. He grew up at Point True and was present when the sathar landed at the outset of the First Sathar War. He joined the Aletheia Resistance Band and fought the alien invaders for the duration of the war. With the defeat of the sathar fleets in space and material support from the Pan Galactic Corporation the government of Pale inducted all the resistance fighters into ad hoc army formations. Carlos attained the rank of sergeant in one of these rag tag militia formations but left the military after the sathar infantry were wiped out on Pale.
Since that time he’s done well collecting bounties on sathar attack monsters that were let loose during the war. He uses a modified Snow Rhino track vehicle. For a time there was a glut of bounty hunters seeking quick cash but the pickings have become slim and only a few hard cases remain in the business. Carlos had his crew quit after a run of bad luck and is seeking extra hands for his team.
Skien Suit, military issue Parka & Snow Pants, Sonic Disruptor & Power belt, Machete, Chronocom, ID, Sungoggles