Space Station Examples

Boneyard Station
Location: Evergleem/Triad/Cassidine
Owner: Shat Rat's Salvage
HS: III (triple extended hub)
HP: 225
Mooring Bays: 24 (HS:14 max)
Population: 3000max, 1200 regulars
ADF: 0 MR: 0 DCR: 75
Weapons: none
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x6)
Alarm(3), Analysis(3), Commerce(3), Communication(3), Computer Lockout(5), Computer Security(6), Damage Control(3), Industry(5), Installation Security(3), Interceptor Missile(3), Life Support(3, capacity:3K, two programs), Maintenance(3), Transportation(1)
Communication: SubSpace Radio, VideoCom, Intercom network
Detection: Radar (3X range), camera system
Misc. Equipment: Backup Life Support Equipment, 500x100meter external cargo net (scrap yard)
Storage: 336 units (mostly salvage parts)
Quarters: 1400 single cabins, 600 double cabins, 200 luxury cabins
Vehicles: 15 launches, 6 small launches, 12 cargo launches, 12 workpods
Emergency Vehicles: 120 lifeboats, 600 escape pods
Vruskan entrepreneur Sha-T'rtl (nick named "Shat Rat") founded the Frontier's premier and largest space ship salvage yard after having collected a large cache of used parts and hulls. Having run out of viable space to store all of his goods, he constructed Boneyard Station orbitting Triad's moon Evergleem and his business has been booming ever since. The station only has a single entry/exit bay as the opposites side of the triple hub has a large cargo net where all the scrap metal and other non-viable bits can be stored (for use as hull plate patching and fabrication purposes).
The aft third of the hub which said net is attached houses a variety of salvaged hulls that have been collected over the years, and the bay doors are typically closed unless any large pieces of scrap need to be moved into the hub. Several launch "airlocks" are adjacent to the bay doors for access to the scrap heap.
The middle third of the hub is reserved for customer salvage/construction, patrons may lease berthing space while they work on their resurrection projects. Various hulls can be found berthed here, either hulls purchased from the Comapny or privately owned/claimed wrecks that simply need major work.
The forward third of the hub (adjacent to the entry/exit bay doors) is for docking purposes, ships requiring repairs and Shat Rat's fleet alike can berth safely in this section. If your ship is able to move under its own power, it gets berthed in the forward section...anything else gets ferried to the mid-section.
Shat Rat maintains a small fleet of freight haulers that scour the Frontier for salvageable goods, mostly HS:5-6 freighters and his HS:18 freighter flagship. The flagship is too large to be berthed inside so when it arrives it will typically park near the station's bay doors while cargo is offloaded and will typically take a berth at neighboring Triad Station until needed again.
Shat Rat's Salvage has been a very lucrative business, and the proprietor is typically quite eager to meet with and advise any potential customers. His motto is "Good business is where you find it, and I am always looking."
Clarion Station
Location: Clarion, White Light
Owner: Clarion Government
HS: V (double-linked) Commerce Station
HP: 375
Mooring Bays: 30 (HS:20 max)
Population: 10000max
ADF: 0 MR: 0 DCR: 188
Weapons: none
Defenses: none
Alarm(5), Analysis(3), Commerce(6), Communication(5), Computer Lockout(4), Computer Security(6), Damage Control(5), Industry(3), Installation Security(5), Law Enforcement(4), Life Support(5, capacity:5K, 2 programs), Maintenance(5), Robot Management(4), Transportation(1)
Communication: SubSpace Radio, VideoCom, Intercom network
Detection: Radar (5X range), Camera System
Misc. Equipment:
Storage: 600 units
Quarters: 4000 single cabins, 2000 double cabins, 1000 luxury cabins
Vehicles: 80 launches, 20 small launches, 10 cargo launches, 20 workpods
Emergency Vehicles: 400 lifeboats, 2000 escape pods
Wheeling majestically over the surface of Gollywog is Clarion Station, pride of the Royal Government. All of the megacorporations have offices aboard this station and it is a popular hang-out for indepenent freight haulers and their crews as well. As such all types of trade can be found within the docking bay and ring alike.
Clarion Station is also home port for the Clarion Royal Marines militia fleet. Those crews and the hundreds of support staff call the administrative decks their home, although while off duty they can be found on the commercial, entretainment, and residential decks as well.
While it is not the largest commercial station in the Frontier, it is certainly the most elegant in design. A significant amount of decorative engineering surrounds the hub along with occasional outcroppings along the spokes and double-rings.
Daedalus Shipyards
Location: Minotaur, Theseus
Owner: PanGalactic & Trans Travel
HS: VI-triple Spaceship Construction Center (Class II)
HP: 600
Mooring Bays: 60 (HS:20 max)
Population: 18000 maximum
ADF: 0 MR: 0 DCR: 300
Weapons: none
Defenses: RH, MS(x3), ICM(x12)
Alarm(6), Analysis(6), Bureaucracy(3), Commerce(6), Communication(6), Computer Lockout(4), Computer Security(4), Damage Control(6), Industry(6), Information Storage(3), Installation Security(4), Interceptor Missile(3), Life Support(4, capacity:18K), Maintenance(6), Robot Management(6), Transportation(1)
Communication: SubSpace Radio, VideoCom, Intercom network
Detection: Radar (6X range), Camera System
Misc. Equipment:
Storage: 1200 units, mostly parts & materials storage
Quarters: 7200 single cabins, 3600 double cabins, 1200 luxury cabins
Vehicles: 100 launches, 50 cargo launches, 60 small launches, 240 workpods
Emergency Vehicles: 720 lifeboats, 3600 escape pods
The Theseus system stands on the precipice of being the most industrial system in the Frontier. They have the most formidable planetary militia (worthy of being listed as a detachment of Spacefleet) posted at a Fortified Space Station, they have a bustling tourist industry in their capital city Maze (which is also home to Starplay Enterprises), readily available hydrogen fuel processing via the gas giant Ares, and they have a construction center capable of producing any size & type of starship. Daedalus is unique in the way that it's trio of habitable rings is smaller in diameter as you go stem to stern, this allows variances in gravity as the smaller rings have lower gravity thus enabling the production and movement of heavier items for the shipyard. An armored shroud tapers to the egress point of the main hub, ending at the commercial ring where most of the offices and residences are located. The center ring is predominantly administration and smaller production while the smallest ring houses the big construction projects (mostly drives and raw steel for bulkheads & hull plating).

Darkworld Station
Location: Outer Reach, Dramune
Owner: currently under transition (formerly MalCo Enterprises)
HS: III (custom hull)
HP: 150
Mooring Bays: 8 (HS:14 max)
Population: 3000max
ADF: 0 MR: 0 DCR: 75
Weapons: LB, RB(x6)
Defenses: RH, MS(x2), ICM(x6)
Alarm(3), Analysis(3), Commerce(3), Communication(3), Computer Lockout(4), Computer Security(6), Damage Control(3), Industry(4), Installation Security(3), Interceptor Missile(3), Laboratory(3), Laser Battery(1), Life Support(3, capacity:3K), Maintenance(3), Robot Management(6), Rocket Battery(2), Transportation(1)
Communication: SubSpace Radio, VideoCom, Intercom network
Detection: Radar (3X range), Energy Sensor (3X range), Camera System
Misc. Equipment: Pharmaceutical Laboratory
Storage: 112 units
Quarters: 1200 single cabins, 600 double cabins, 300 luxury cabins
Vehicles: 24 launches, 12 small launches, 6 workpods
Emergency Vehicles: 120 lifeboats, 600 escape pods
Darkworld Station barely survived the Third Dramune Civil War and is currently under transitional ownership via the government of Outer Reach (with close supervision and interaction from the Inner Reach government). It is unique in the fact that the hub does not rotate with the upper portion of the station, thus remaining in a constant zero-grav environment.
The upper portion rotates independently of the hub connected by a series of airlocks in the station-to-hub "axle" and typically rotates at a speed sufficient enough to generate between 0.5 and 0.6G, although this drops significantly closer to the center as the upper portion is only marginally wider than the hub.
The hub itself has a single acess point, the bay doors are located at the "bottom" and the docking bay comprises roughly 2/3 of the total area. The upper third is a large pharmaceutical lab and production facility, although this is likely to be refurbished for other purposes considering what orignally transpired in this area under MalCo's ownership. The station's weapon systems are also unique, being mounted on tracks that encircle the hub so that either battery can acquire targets approaching from any angle relative to the station. Likewise, the interceptor missile launcher is also mounted on a third track system to defend the station accordingly.
Fortress Gollwin
Location: Morgaine's World, Prenglar
Owner: UPF
HS: VI fortress
HP: 600
Mooring Bays: 20 (HS:20 max)
Population: 6000 max
ADF: 0 MR: 0 DCR: 300
Weapons: LB(x3), EB, PB, RB(x12)
Defenses: RH, MS(x3), SS, ICM(x20)
Alarm(6), Analysis(6), Bureaucracy(), Commerce(6), Communication(6), Computer Lockout(6), Computer Security(6), Damage Control(6), Electron Beam Battery(2), Industry(6), Installation Security(6), Information Storage(6), Interceptor Missile(3), Language(6), Laser Battery(1)x3, Law Enforcement(6), Life Support(6, capacity:6K, two programs), Maintenance(6), Proton Beam Battery(2), Robot Management(6), Rocket Battery(2), Stasis Screen(3), Transportation(3)
Communication: SubSpace Radio, VideoCom, Intercom network
Detection: Radar (6X range), Energy Sensor(6X range), Skin Sensors, Camera System
Misc. Equipment: Backup Life Support Equipment
Quarters: 2400 single cabins, 1200 double cabins, 600 luxury cabins
Vehicles: 15 launches, 6 small launches, 12 cargo launches, 12 workpods
Emergency Vehicles: 120 lifeboats, 600 escape pods
Laco Research Station
Location: Laco, Dixon's Star
Owner: Streel
HS: I Scientific Research Station
HP: 50
Mooring Bays: 4 (HS:6 max per bay)
Population: 1000 max
ADF: 0 MR: 0 DCR: 25
Weapons: none
Defenses: none
Alarm(1), Analysis(6), Bureaucracy(3), Commerce(1), Communication(1), Computer Security(5), Damage Control(1), Industry(6), Information Storage(6), Laboratory(3)x12, Language(6), Life Support(1, capacity:1K), Maintenance(1), Remote Probe(2), Robot Management(4), Transportation(1)
Communication: SubSpace Radio, VideoCom, Intercom network
Detection: Radar, Camera System
Misc. Equipment: 12 laboratories, 40 remote probes
Quarters: 400 single cabins, 200 double cabins, 100 luxury cabins
Vehicles: 6 launches, 8 small launches, 2 workpods
Emergency Vehicles: 40 lifeboats, 200 escape pods
Streel was quick to build a research station over the outpost world of Laco. With their homeworld's discovery of Zebulon and the general isolation Truane's Star contends with, it was a natural move to nab some control of their other neighboring outpost system. While PanGalactic may enjoy an overwhelming presence in the "hub of the Frontier" Streel has this spoke of the wheel that stretches into the Xagyg Dust Nebula all sewn up. Streel also owns & operates the Starport at Point Glass on Laco's surface, so they have a fair say at what comes and goes from this small world.
Red Syn Station
Location: <uncharted system>
Owner: Crimson Syndicate
HS: IV (incomplete) fortified station
HP: 220
Mooring Bays: 12 (HS:18 max)
Population: 2400 maximum
ADF: 0 MR: 0 DCR: 120
Weapons: LB(x2), EB, PB
Defenses: RH, MS(x3), ICM(x8)
Alarm(4), Analysis(3), Bureaucracy(3), Commerce(4), Communication(4), Computer Lockout(6), Computer Security(6), Damage Control(4), Electron Beam Battery (2), Industry(1), Information Storage(2), Installation Security(6), Interceptor Missile(3), Laser Battery (1) x2, Life Support(4, capacity:3K, two programs), Maintenance(4), Proton Beam Battery(2), Robot Management(6), Transportation(1)
Communication: SubSpace Radio, VideoCom, Intercom network, WNB (deluxe, 4X range)
Detection: Radar (4X range), Energy Sensor(4X range), Skin Sensors, Camera System
Misc. Equipment: Backup Life Support Equipment
Storage: 216 units
Quarters: 1000 single cabins, 500 double cabins, 200 luxury cabins
Vehicles: 16 launches, 12 small launches, 8 workpods
Emergency Vehicles: 80 lifeboats, 400 escape pods
Red Syn Station was once a UPF early warning center that was never finished, constructed around the fourth planet of this eight planet uncharted system. When the Syndicate discoverd this station they immediately got to work on it in order to make it habitable and operational despite its unfinished nature.
Due to the incomplete construction the station is not capable of rotating fast enough to reproduce 1g, however the current 0.6g status has been found acceptable to its inhabitants (particularly the Yazirians who prefer lower grav worlds anyways).
Through this station the Syndicate has managed to assemble an impressive fleet, more than enough to rival any planetary militia. Despite a rarity in the way of actual warships, the sheer numbers alone ranks their fleet with a SpaceFleet division. However, outside their own established system it is rare to see more than two or three of these vessels operating together on a single venture.
Said fleet consists of a light carrier, an escort cruiser that serves as a flagship, a destroyer, a scout carrier, two frigates, four corvettes, four assault scouts, numerous fighter craft, and a compliment of support ships (freighters and such).