HS:6 HP:50 Powerplant: 2 Atomic "B" drives
ADF:3 MR:3 DCR:75 Crew:40-50
Armament-Type CC: LC, T(x2), RB(x4), LB, EB
Armament-Type FE: LC, T(x2), LB(X2), EB(X2)
Defenses - Type CC:: RH, MS(x2), ICM (x6)
Defenses - Type FE:: RH, MS(x2), ICM (x4)
Communications/Detection: SubSpace Radio, Videocom, Radar, Energy Sensor, WNB, Intercom network, Skin Sensors
Cargo: 1.5
Passenger Accomodation: 8 single occupancy cabins, 5 suites (single or double occupancy), 18 double occupancy cabins, 2 triple occupancy cabins; 2 first class suites
Ships Vehicles: Lifeboat, 3 lg Launches, 2 workpods
The Destroyer design is an older one and as such its usefulness in Spacefleet has become questionable...Frigates are nearly as capable in combat yet faster at the same time. However, what a Destroyer lacks in speed it makes up for in armor, it can take a more severe beating than the Frigate. It is also the smallest Spacefleet vessel that features a cargo hold, useful for transporting smaller amounts of supplies as needed or reacquiring the "swag" from pirates.
Constructed with a Class 6 hull, the Destroyer measures 148 meters without cannon or drives, and 24 meters in diameter at the widest point without taking into consideration of any weapons or drives. Displacement comes in at 5400 tons. The UPF Destroyer is currently available in two configurations, the Type:CC (close combat) or the Type:FE (Fleet/Escort).
Fore Decks

Deck 1 Key: Forward Sensors & Avionics --- This deck houses the access for various flight control systems and a diagnostic center, along with access to the communications and sensor arrays
Deck 2 Key: Bridge --- This deck is the operations command center, featuring a two station helm at the center for a pilot and a co-pilot/energy gunner to assist with the cannon, to the left of that an astrogation center (with movable command chair), to the right of the helm is the chief engineer's station. The Captain's station is behind the engineer, and the XO is stationed behind the captain. A computer operator with another movable command chair can oversee the communications and sensor equipment, and an eigth command chair is reserved for a rocket gunnerry expert to operate the torpedo launching system. A quartet of escape pods can be accessed from this deck. An access plate in the deck near the computer station permits access to the mainframe for maintenance and repair work.
Deck 3 Key: Forward Maneuver Drive --- The forward maneuver jets can be accessed here for service, along with the ship's hydroponics bins

Deck 4: Officer Quarters --- Three single occupancy cabins are on this deck, typically occupied by a pilot, co-pilot/energy gunner, and chief engineer. A lounge area is adjacent to the lift shaft and the dorsal section contains a full service galley with a sink, auto cooker, refrigerator, and pantry. Viewports in each room permit visual access to the exterior.
Deck 5: Forward Gunnery Deck & Officer Quarters --- Two single occupancy cabins lacking viewports (the masking screen launchers occupy the external positions where a viewport would normally be) are typically occupied by the XO and a rocket gunnery expert. The ventral area is the captain's suite, the dorsal area contains a galley, lounge area, and fire control for the rocket battery. Masking screen launchers flank the port & starboard sides.
Deck 6: Officer Quarters --- Similar to Deck 4 with different decor, these single cabins are typically occupied by the astrogator, a computer operator (who may also possess astrogation skills), and an officer proficient in rocket gunnery.

Deck 5 Alternate Floor Plan (Type: FE) --- The type FE destroyer replaces the space hoarding rocket battery with a pair of laser batteries, and the former laser battery on the main gunnery deck is upgraded to an electron gun. This cuts down on the officer cabins on this deck, reserving passage for the captain and XO while the gunners reside in one of the officer cabins on deck 9.

Deck 7 Key: Vehicle Bays - The dorsal bay houses a lifeboat, the other three bays contain one large launch each. All are typically kept in a vaccuum. Each bay is accessible via an airlock (with vacc suit racks). The central area is also comprised of spacesuit racks.
Deck 8 Key: Main Gunnery/Crew Quarters - Eight double occupancy cabins occupy this deck, each furnished with a bunkbed, wardrobe, and table & chair along with a viewport. The central area is a lounge, small galley, laundry room, and washrooms. Battery controls are found dorsally and ventrally, the former eing the electron gun and the latter the laser. ICM launcher access can be found on the port and starboard ends.

Deck 9 Key: Crew Quarters - Eight more double cabins similar to those found on Deck 8 are here, with different decor. Also similar to deck 8 is the central lounge, washrooms, and galley. Occupying the end of each section is an officer's cabin.
Deck 10 Key: Administration - The central area has a lounge and galley, along with two double occupancy cabins. The dorsal section is the brig, with eight frozen berth cells (which may also be left as live occupancy for minor offenses by crew members) and a watch station. The ventral section contains the captain and XO offices along with a meeting room. Portside has an arsenal/armory (complete with powerpack recharging equipment) and surveillance center. Starboard is the medical bay with office, a full medical laboratory with three surgical stations, and a recovery room.

Deck 11 is a two tier 1.5u hold, with dorsal and ventral bay doors.
Deck 12 contains access to the stern maneuver jets along with a back up life support unit, main water tanks, and a purification plant.
Stern Decks

Deck 13: Recreation Deck - Where the crew unwinds...complete recreation facilities include a three station simulation center, gym, arcade, lounge, and a bar & grill that is typically named after the craft (re: "the Allison May Lounge")
Deck 14: Passenger Deck - two double occupancy first class cabins are on this deck for transporting government officials, planetary emmisaries, or other such passengers. They are flanked by a pair of triple occupancy cabins typically housing marines. A galley, lounge, and washroom round out the deck, along with the main airlock and universal docking collar. Heavy weapon mounts are at positions "w" intended to repel boarders.
Deck 15 - Engineering - The engineer station is where 50% of overhaul time is spent, a secondary engineer is typically stationed here while the chief is on the bridge. Also present are the ship's primary life support unit, a generator and power relay station, two robot closets, and a robotics repair room with tool rack, workbench, parts, and parabattery recharging equipment. Starboard is a full toolshop with laser drill press, laser lathe, foundry, workbench, and toolracks. The port airlock permits outer hull access and has a spacesuit closet.

Deck 16: Engine Room - Port and starboard decontamination/airlocks permit access to the atomic drives, where the remaining 50% of overhaul time is spent. Dorsal monitoring banks assist in this work, ventral closets contain insuits and two spacesuits. A pair of workpod pens flank the ventral side.
Deck 17: Aft Sensors - the stern mounted radar and energy sensor arrays can be accessed here for service and repair.