Frontier Year (clean canon timeline)

3PF  Arrival of the Sathar in the Frontier and the destruction of several outposts and isolated colonies AD

3PF - 0FY The Sathar War KH

0FY  Founding of the United Planetary Federation, planet after Admiral Morgsine, founding of Space Fleet KH

1 FY Colonization of Morgaine's World. KH

5FY  Establishment of Star Law to combat Sathar subterfuge campaign, interstellar criminals, and pirates AD

31 FY. Kraatar Liberation Corps founded. DSotM

36 FY Second Dramune War. Dramune

55-70 FY Age of Adventure

61 FY Relations between Inner & Outer Reach at all time low (events in the Dramune Run module). Dramune
Rihanna system and planet Alcazar discover. MtA