D&D Creatures

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Gluey Rough Draft in progress

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Gluey or Adherer:


The Gluey first appeared in White Dwarf number 7 June/July 1978 edition created by Guy Shearer. From there it found it’s way into the 1979 Dungeons & Dragons Fiend Folio.


NAME: Gluey


TYPE: Medium Carnivore

SIZE: 1.3 meters, 65 kgs
NUMBER: any where from1-4 to hundreds
MOVE: Very Slow  NS: 5m CS: TS: MS: 20m
IM/RS: 6/55


LOGIC: Average or better.

DAMAGE: Absorption 3d10, constrict/smother 1d10,  
SPECIAL ATTACK: Adhesion & Grapling Limbs
HABITAT: Caves or Cement type bunkers
GENOTYPE: Dralasite

MUTATIONS: Telepathy only to/from other Glueys, Adhesion



At first glance this creature is vaguely reminiscent of a mummy, with folds of off-white skin resembling filthy bandages. The "bandages" act like limbs to reach out and grapple victims. In addition to the two arms and legs Glueys usually posses, they can in one turn send out bandage like grappling limbs equal to their DEX divided by 10 rounded up. The average NPC Gluey has a DEX equal to their RS.


The creature has a sour, mucilaginous smell that accompanies it. The smell comes from the resin-like secretion with adhesive properties that is constantly exuded through pores of the creature's skin. The only sound Glueys make are moans, groans, grunts and gurgles. Glueys appear to have no way to speak. Glueys are telepathic amongst each other.


Origins and Reproduction for the Star Frontiers Setting:


The Gluey is mutated species of the Dralasite race, caused by radiation and biochemical mutagens which created a new species. Glueys can produce more Glueys by splitting off another creature in the same way normal Dralasites do. In addition a normal Dralasite exposed to the right mutagenic and or radioactive conditions can be transform into a Gluey. Such exposer could be accidental or purposeful (survivors of bio-chemical warfare weapon inflicted on them, lab experimentation, exposurer to nuclear contamination). The transformation excelerates the victims metabalism resulting in the Gluey reproducing at accelerated rates budding while in female stage 3 times a GSY, shortening their life spans, growing limbs more quickly, improving DEX and RS by +10, reducing STR -10, improving STA +10 and making them very hungry. Once a Dralasite transforms into a Gluey they will live for only 35 years more. Glueys that are born from Glueys have a life span of 35 years. The Gluey retains all knowledge they possed before being transformed into a Gluey and can learn new information.


Increased Metabolism: 

This defect forces the Gluey to spend great amounts of time feeding. In combat it must stop every 9 turns (54 seconds) and spend one turn eating, before returning to battle, or lose 2 stamina points each melee turn thereafter. NOTE: these losses are temporary.


Habitat & Habits:


Glueys are territorial creatures that tend to live in shallow caves to deep caves, underground cities, bunker systems, etc. Though occurring and living in groups (probably related) the group does not seem to have a defined hierarchy, there is never a clear leader. Each creature acts on it's own instincts.


Living spaces of the creature are usually clean. The creature can secrete a solvent for its resin at will, which allows it to voluntary release items attached to it. Glueys do collect and hide things of use to them. The resin does not stick to stone (cement), Glueys however can live in other environments such as metal ships by excreting solvent. 


This creature lays in wait for its victim, usually covering its body with items that help it blend in with the surroundings. They are very skilled at concealment, thus have an advantage to surprise, but because it relies on stealth attacks, if it is spotted before it can leap onto it's victim it will flee 40% of the time.


When the creature leaps out onto the target (usually closest) it will attempt to attach itself by means of it's adhesive resin which cover's the whole creatures body. Once attached the creature will punch, kick, and if possible suffocate the victim. If the creature is attacked by it's victims companions it will attempt to use the victim as a living shield between itself and the other attackers. Generic NPC Glueys punch/kick 2 (Gluey NPC STR is 40), constrict-smother 1d10 per turn but can smother in 2-5 turns if the gluey successfully blocks air off, and absorb (eat victim alive) 3d10.


All edged or blunt weapons will stick to its body, doing only half the normal damage. Piercing weapons do full damage but will require the next turn to pull free. The adhesive is very strong requiring a STR of 80 to break free.


Fire, boiling liquids, beam weapons, or the creatures on secretions can weaken the adhesive bond. Boiling liquids reduce the effects of the resin for one combat round only to the point that STR 49 can break free. After one round the resin returns to full strength.


The resin is flammable in nature, making it susceptible to beam weapons and fire based attacks. It will take full damage from normal fire, and any beam weapon requires a STA roll by the Gluey, success means the creature takes normal damage, failure means it takes double damage.


If a gluey is killed while attached to a player character and there is no way to remove the gluey, then the attached and the dead gluey will have to be carried by their mates to the means of getting the gluey off, which involves heat and boiling liquids. 



