Contained herein are the compiled reports of exploration and survey crews from their missions in uncharted space.
Note to clerks filing new survey reports: start a new cover page for the system or planet as being a "descendant" of this page and file all other data or docs under that cover page otherwise your reports could end up lost in the archive. The archive librarian will not be responsible to fix your filing mistakes.
Polyphemus system and Cyclops reports
Initial Discovery Report: Polyphemus and CyclopsReporter: Captain Danneille Froe
The system Polyphemus and its inhabitable planet were discovered by the crew of the free trader class ship, Robemsome out of Cassidine, captained by Danneille Froe (Human female). Crew roster for the Robemsome was unavailable at time of report filing or Captain Froe declined to provide.
Inhabitable planet, Cyclops, was briefly landed on (2 GST days). Most of the planet is barren but unusual "poka-dot" oasis' of vegetation were discovered. 100% cloud cover and high greenhouse effect reported. All lifeforms encountered had single large eye which lead to choice of system and planetary names. A primitive tool using species was encountered which injured one of the crew and resulted in immediate departure of ship. Limited photographic evidence of native lifeforms available (see attachments) but no holographic footage available.
Captain Froe provided only return jump route charts as discovery was by miss jump. (See attached astrographic charts.)
Original Discovery Report sold to Pan Galactic Corporation but database queries of the primitive sapient image were flagged by Star Law as possible hostile alien species. The partially viewed primitive conforms in some respects to the heliopes discovered on Starmist. Star Law informed PGC of system quarantine till the mater could be explored in detail.
At this juncture a multi-disciplinary team from the UPF Exploration Service with Star Law oversight and an observer from PGC is being assembled to investigate the mysteries of Cyclops. The team will be outfitted with an armed scout ship due to the potential hazardous nature of this investigation.
Star Law has code named the mission: Operation Argonaut
Star Law Reports, Operation Argonaut
Star Law Special Investigation Division, Hostile Aliens
Operation Argonaut: the investigation into the potential presence of hostile aliens in the Polyphemus system. In particular the species known as 'klikks'.
Report 1: Attempts to identify and question the crew of the TSS (Triad Star Ship) Robemsome have proved futile. The ship left Port Loren 2 GST days after selling their initial Discovery report to PGC. Star port personnel reported that the ship left with one engine unoverhauled and cargo pallets sitting in a rented warehouse. The ship has not made port of call anywhere along the possible jump routes leading away from Prengular.
Financial forensics reports the transfer of 500,000 Cr to Captain Danneille Froe's account immediately before departure. The transfer was through several layers of dummy corporations and at this time it is not possible to determine the source of the funds.
It is suspected that Captain Froe is returning to the Polyphemus system and a BOLO has been issued Frontier wide for both the TSS Robemsome and Captain Danneille Froe. The ship, crew and Captain are to be detained for questioning. If the the quarantine of the planet Cyclops has been violated the ship is to be impounded and the crew arrested.
Report 2 Analysis of the Robemsome photographs
The partially seen creature in image 011 conforms in general to the heliopes of Starmist. Detailed computer analysis rates it at a 64% match.
Exploration Service Preliminary System Report: Polyphemus
Forward: The following report is based off the incomplete data provided by the crew of the TSS Robemsome.
Captain Danneille Froe identified the system primary as a K6 Star but spectrum analysis of her raw data suggest that it could be anywhere from K5 to K8.
Cyclops is reported to be close to the primary .4 to .5 AU and but Captain Froe asserts it is not tidally locked.
The crew of the Robemsome detected 3 other planets. These have been designated Brontes, Steropes, and Agres in keeping with the mythological Greek theme. It's unknown if there are more.
Operation Argonaut, Mission Objectives
Mission Objectives: Operation Argonaut
1. Produce Detailed Survey Reports
A. Astrographic Report: confirm preliminary system
data and full map Star system as well as chart
jump routes.
B. Planetary Survey
1. Environmental Survey
2. Zoological Survey
3. Botanical Survey
C. Xenological Survey Alpha: determine in native
possible sapient is the heliopes of Starmist.
2. Xenological Investigation Beta: look for evidence
of hostile alien presence, whether klikk or
A. Report hostile alien presence immediately via sub
space and avoid direct confrontation if possible.
B. Report via sub space daily or as able with all
compiled data.
Referee Information: Fate of the TSS Robemsome
After Captain Froe took the bounty from PGC for the Initial Discovery Report on Cyclops, her crew enjoyed a night on the town and bragged about their Discovery including showing off some of the photos of the primitives they discovered. They were overheard by Garret Black, a sathar agent.
Garret's report to his handler resulted in the sathar discovering a potential contact with an old enemy as the proto heliopes were recognized. Garret was ordered by his handler to higher Captain Froe at any price to take him to the planet Cyclops and then transmit the location to the sathar and eliminate the crew.
The ship was sabotaged, most of the crew killed and Garret now awaits the arrival of his sathar masters. One crew member managed to rig a radio beacon to call for help to any ship entering the system.