Appendix A Non Player Characters
Notes on yazirians living on Pavor
The yazirian exploration craft Pavor crashed here before the yazirians entered the Frontier and met the other star faring species. Thus they know nothing of the Frontier, the UPF, or the other species. They do not even know how to speak the universal trade language, Pan Gal. Communication with them will likely be through any player character that knows how to speak Yazirian or through a polyvox.
After the death of the captain the first officer forged a new clan and society out of the crew of the Pavor and Clan Pavor was born. This was not an easy feat and only succeeded because of the desperate situation and the forceful personality of the new clan chief. Some of the few original crew would dearly love to return to their clans but are torn realizing they have built something new here having invested their whole lives in it. The rest of the clan is first and second generation natives of Pavor and all they know is this clan and world. Despite that some of them dream of something better.
Mol Vay, yazirian chief
Mol Vay was the first officer of the yazirian scout craft that crash landed on Pavor. After the death of the captain he took command and forged a new society and clan out of the survivors. Naturally enough the crew were reluctant to let go of their native clan afliations but Mol Vay's forceful personality prevailed. He is mindful that his position as chief of a newly formed clan is on shaky ground and will resist change.
He is quite old at this point and his mane is graying but his mind is still sharp and shrewd.
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Sil Kie, yazirian huntress
Sil Kie is a second generation huntress for the Pavor clan. She knows nothing of yazirian society or the Frontier at large but longs to see them both. He imagination has been inflamed by the arrival of ships from the Frontier and she will be most intrigued by any yazirian characters and or stories of the yazirian colonies.
She is middle aged and an accomplished hunter. Her skill set is primitive by Frontier standards but well adapted to life on Pavor. Her greatest desire would be to travel to the Frontier.
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Disembodied Brain
The sathar visited Pavor approximately 900-700 years ago and wiped out the civilization of the original inhabitants. The left an observation post like the one found on Volturnus run by a sathar brain encased in a vat of nutrient liquid and have never returned to the planet. Over time the brain, cut off from other sathar, began to lose its sanity. Today it believes it is the only sathar left in the galaxy and that it must fulfill the sathar mandate of galactic domination.
The obelisk facility that he was entombed in has been sufficient to supply his needs and to create slave bots but lacked the infrastructure to build the war machine to conquer the galaxy. The arrival of ships from the Frontier has presented him with the opportunity to realize his ambition.¤t=2012-05-29_10-31-08_152.jpg#!
Note still need to work up some portrais for two pirates and do the ink shading for these.