Belnafaer System

Star Color: Blue
Habitable Planets: None
First Exploration: Survey Ship Astrolabe (report file: BF/119/G).

Belnafaer has only three planets orbiting it. Two of these (Gog and Magog) are in close orbit around the
star and are small, hot, rocky and barren. The third planet, Venturi, is a cloud gas giant that orbits Belnafaer at a much greater distance and has an extensive system of moons and rings.


Planet Type: Gas Giant
Moons: 20+
Diameter: 129,000 km
Temperature: -180ºC (at top of atmosphere) to - 50ºC (at top of liquid layer).
Rotational Period: 10 hours

Venturi is a gas giant planet. This means that it is a massive, spherical cloud of gas that becomes denser and denser towards the center until it gradually becomes liquid and finally solid. Because of this, Venturi does not have a surface in the way that other "rocky" planets do.

The outer part of the gas giant (its "atmosphere") is composed mostly of hydrogen with some helium, methane, ammonia and traces of other compounds. These trace compounds include a number of very complex, unstable bio-chemicals which are highly valued as catalysts for industrial processes. The atmosphere is cloudy, very cold, swept by winds of up to 2000 km/hr and frequently blasted by violent
magnetic storms.