Athor System

Athor is a K2 star.

Discovered in 85 PF when a ship from Araks was sent to investigate radio signals originating from human, dralasite and vrusk colonies. The jump routes from Araks to Athor and Athor to Prengular were charted and contact with the other races was established. This system was colonized in 83 PF by the second wave of the Yazirian Star Exodus. Known as "The Gateway to Yazirian Space" Athor is the main route from Prengular to the yazirian colonies.

Places of note: the planet Yast and it's moon Exib, both of which support agricultural colonies.

Yast, Athor system

Population: yazirain
Population Density: Moderate
Economic Base: Agriculture
Gravity: 1.0
Day: 15 hours
Stations: None
Moons: Exib (A), Ime

Government: Yast's government is called the Council of Clans. This body is made up of chiefs or designated representatives from all recognized clans on Yast. All members of the council vote to choose a Speaker of the Council who acts as the executive officer of the government. The Speaker is aided by a cabinet half of which is chosen by the council and half is chosen by him. This cabinet is known as the Speaker's Council.

The Council of Clans has instituted a civil service program and every yazirian that reaches adulthood is expected to serve the colony and in turn is accorded full citizenship rights. Citizenship rights conveys the important priviledge of being able to speak before the Council of Clans in the Hall of Warriors. Any citizen can appeal to the council for justice but if the council hears the appeal and does not accept it there is a great loss of face. Thus no one makes this appeal frivolously.

A large portion of the civil service program is hard labor supporting the ongoing terra-forming efforts. The mega corp GODco has effectively withheld its support  for the terra-forming program over perceived resistance of Yast's government to the hegemony of Hentz, the Family of One and by extention GODco. Other areas of civil service include teaching, government administration, and in Yast's small militia.

Militia: The Yast militia is classified as non void capable since its naval assets are limited to boarding shuttles and fighters. Entrance into the militia is highly competitive and requires connections. Despite their lack of true star-ships the militia's moral and dedication is very high.

Exib, Yast's moon

Population: yazirain
Population Density: Light
Economic Base: Agriculture
Gravity: ?
Day: ? hours

Government: Like Yast, Exib is governed by a Council of Clans made up of the recognized clans from Exib society. A Speaker and his cabinet is chosen in similar manner. Many of the founding clans on Exib came from Yast so that there are a few "power broker" clans with seats in both clan councils. Some Exib clans are no longer officially part of their parent clan on Yast but still have close ties it.

Despite this Exib is more more relaxed than traditional Yast. It has seen a large influx of yazirians from Hargut as the lower air pressure on Exib is conducive to yazirians miners suffering from Blue Lung.

The relationship between Exib and Yast is an informal one. Exib's ruling council has traditionally taken the subservient role to Yast's government out of loyalty to it's parent world. With the influx of yazirians from planets other than Yast and the eventual recognition of clans that did not originate in Athor some discord has entered into the relationship between the moon and the planet. There are now some clan chiefs on Exib that believe that the day is approaching when Exib must chart it's own course independent of Yast.

When the second wave of the Yazirian Star Exodus arrived in Athor to settle Yast they discovered Exib had a fully evolved ecosystem ripe to be terra-formed for yazirian needs. Since Yast required significant modification a large colony was planted on Exib while Yast was transformed into an ecosystem closer to that of the yazirian home world. The colony abandoned with the discovery of Milo's Disease carried by the medib sting fly.

A decade latter, after the discovery of a treatment for Milo's Disease, a small outpost was re-established on Exib. It quickly prospered and more yazirians emigrated to Exib. The farming colonies on Exib have proved incredibly profitable and despite the ever present threat of Milo's Disease the colony has prospered.

During the First Sathar War a contingent of warriors from both Exib and Yast won renown during the liberation of Pale. The reputation of warriors from Athor's colonies is legendary making them highly sought after as corporate enforcers, usually receiving a 10% pay bonus just to secure their services. The culture of civil service promoted by the Council of Clans frowns on enlisting in corporate service which in turn makes warriors from Exib (or Yast) in corporate service a rarity.


Exib supports no naval militia. The Council of Clans has a small standing force of civil service enlisted warriors at its call for domestic policing. In a time of emergency the Council can make the "Call to Warriors" and every yazirian that can still swing a khad'dan will respond allowing them to mobilize 70% of the population.

Only one time has the Call to Warriors has been made in Exib's history. In year FY 47 fragments of a comet struck the moon. The catastrophe brought the moon's population together and proved the value of the civil service ethic.

Currently Exib contributes warriors and supports a base for the Athor militia but those clan chiefs that feel Exib should act independent from Yast want to form an independent space militia. The fact that this would be impossible since neither society appears to be able to support a proper navy does not prevent it from being debated.

Exib's Zoological Catalog

Dzelt (flit tail)
TYPE: tiny insectivore
MOVE: slow 35m/turn
IM/RS: 9/90
DAMAGE: 1d2 pincer
NATIVE WORLD: Exib (Yast's moon, Athor system)

DESCRIPTION:Dzelt are tiny arthropods that share many Yazirian houses on Exib. They are useful creatures as they hunt the harmful sting flies that typically fill Exibian nights with their buzz and itch and which also carry Milo's Disease. Dzelt are built somewhat like scorpions except they have wings, which they rarely use, and their tail ends not in a sting, but in a third pincer which they use for securing and subduing prey. They can scale walls and ceilings with ease and often suspend themselves from such perches while they wait for their next meal.

Dzelt are common pets among young Yazirians and because they keep sting fly populations in check, a myth surrounding the killing of a dzelt has evolved. Yazirians killing a dzelt (accidentally or not) must leave a small saucer of mulkis milk out at night in apology to the dead creature's family. The mulk actually draws sting flies, which in turn, draws dzelts. The offender is assumed to be forgiven if the remains of sting flies are found floating in the mulk. Failure to leave the mulk offering or if it is not accepted supposedly bodes bad luck for the offending Yazirian.

Medib (sting fly)
TYPE: tiny carnivore
NUMBER: 2-20
MOVE: slow 30m/turn
IM/RS: 5/50
DAMAGE: 1/bite
NATIVE WORLD: Exib (Yast's moon, Athor system)

DESCRIPTION:Sting flies are the bane of any Yazirian on Exib. These creatures not only leave a painful, itching wound when they bite they also vector Milo's Disease in Yazirians (no other races are affected). Feeding during the night, male medib take blood meals from any mammalian host they can find. During feeding, microscopic parasites that live in the fly's gut are often regurgitated into the wound. If a Yazirian victim fails a STA check, he will develop Milo's Disease in 1d10 days.

Milo's Disease is characterized by spiking fevers and a loss of dexterity (halve DEX scores). The only treatment is costly and does not provide further immunity. Haltine is the drug of choice for treatment and while it does negate the fever and dexterity loss, it does not cure the disease. Furthermore, should someone stop their routine haltine treatment, the symptoms will return within a day. Until a cure can be found, Yazirians with Milo's Disease remain infected for life.

Mulkis (domesticated)
TYPE: large herbivore
MOVE: very slow 10m/turn
IM/RS: 5/50
DAMAGE: 1d10 kick
NATIVE WORLD: Exib (Yast's moon, Athor system)

DESCRIPTION:The first Yazirians to explore Exib reported finding small herds of animals that "stupidly bleat-mooed" at them as they stepped down from their spacecraft. Little has occurred to change that perception and no wild mulkis remains on Exib as they were all captured and domesticated with relative ease inside of two years of the colonization effort. Mulkis are famously dull-witted creatures and a common insult among rural Yazirians is to claim that someone does not have the sense that nature gave a mulkis.

Yazirians use these creatures for pulling carts and sometimes plows if machinery is not available. Their violet milk, known as mulk, is used as a beverage and when cured makes a fine purple-hued cheese. They are perfectly useless as mounts due to their size and have wicked tempers, as many young Yazirians can attest, when attempts are made to ride them. They are also often the culprits in raids on grape-corn fields, their favorite treat food.

Many zoologists and ecologists have marveled at the series of events that allowed mulkis to survive as long as they have. A relative lack of natural predators coupled with their yearly foaling were definite bonuses for them and help explain their otherwise dubious survival.

A domesticated four legged flightless bird imported by yazirians to Exib. Approximately the size and intelligence of a terran turkey.

Miniature Wyvole (domesticated pet)
TYPE: tiny carnivore
MOVE: walking- slow 20m/t, climbing-slow 30m/t, gliding-medium 50m/t
IM/RS: 5/50
DAMAGE: 1d10 bite
NATIVE WORLD: Yaz (Yazirian Home World)

DESCRIPTION: Only a yazirian would consider this animal a suitable pet. They are a miniaturized version of the larger wild wyvole but lack the special attack. They maintain their pack mentality but ascribe it to their owners and are very vicious toward outsiders.