Background material for your games.
A Frontier Calendar
Galactic Standard Time (GST)uses the following measures:
- 1 second = The time necessary for a laser beam to cross 300,000 kilometers.
- 1 minute= 60 seconds.
- 1 hour= 60 minutes.
- 1 day= 20 hours.
- 1 tenday= Ten days.
- 1 month= Four tendays.
- 1 year= Ten months.
The months of the Galactic Standard Year are as follows:
Month 1: Primus
Month 2: Secundus
Month 3: Tera
Month 4: Tetra
Month 5: Penta
Month 6: Hex
Month 7: Septa
Month 8: Octo
Month 9: Nona
Month 10: Deca
Days of the tenday:
Day 1: Prime Day
Day 2: Secday
Day 3: Terday
Day 4: Tetday
Day 5: Midpoint
Day 6: Hexday
Day 7: Sepday
Day 8: Ocday
Day 9: Nonday
Day 10: Decaday
Recognized Frontier-wide holidays:
Federation Day: Celebration of the founding of the UPF, observed on the first day of Primus(1 Primus).
Springfest: Celebration of the first day of spring. Observed on the third Prime Day of Tetra, except amongst those worlds held by Truane's Star/Streel, where observance is punishable by death.
Winterfest: Celebration of the first day of winter(a cross between Christmas and Samhein). Observed during the last tenday of Deca, except amongst those worlds held by Truane's Star/Streel, where observance is punishable by death.
Used with permission from
A Thin Sharp Line
Author: Layne K. Saltern
System: Star Frontiers
Type: Hook
Requirements: Small group of characters with starship skills
For years, the mysterious Sathar have been slaughtering Frontier worlds from space. No one knows their motivation, or much of anything else about these evil worms. But that may change. You see, a Sathar individual has just made contact with us, expressing his desire to defect to the Frontier. Is this our first breakthrough...or a cleverly designed trap? Either way, we need your help!
A Thin Sharp Line
Adventure Hook by Layne K. Saltern
Based on a discussion from the STAR FRONTIERS List Server
Background Information: This adventure hook was originally designed for the Star Frontiers role-playing game, although it could easily be adapted to other systems. In the Star Frontiers universe, the Frontier faces the constant threat of a murderous race called the Sathar, a technically advanced swarm of man-sized worms bent on total and unconditional annihilation. Very little is known of the Sathar, and no live Sathar specimen has ever been captured. A coalition of warships called the United Planetary Federation (UPF) has been formed to defend against the Sathar menace. Star Law is a division of the UPF that specializes in hunting down Sathar agents.
The Player Characters (PCs) either work for the UPF or have some sort of relationship with the UPF.
The UPF has received a covert message from a Sathar who has expressed a desire to defect to the Federation. A small team is to take a solitary Assault Scout to an asteroid belt in an uninhabited star system just beyond the Frontier's edge. There they will meet up with the Sathar in a small Scout Ship and take him aboard. All lie detection and verification methods show that the Sathar seems to be sincere.
If the PCs work for the UPF, they are selected for the mission. If they do not work for the UPF, they are selected because the Sathar requested that non-UPF personnel be chosen for the job.
The Sathar is indeed sincere. There are a number of possible motives for his desire to defect. The Sathar nation has gone to great lengths to pool the general populace into a mentality of cohesion and hatred. But an individual mind might be stronger than that. Maybe this single Sathar being, probably having been sheltered in a privileged status, has slipped through the holes and decided that what his race is doing is wrong. Or on another note, perhaps he has committed some unpardonable crime and is fleeing for political asylum. The details are up to the game referee.
Unbeknownst to the defecting Sathar, Sathar intelligence is aware of his plan and is using it to set a trap. The primary goal of Sathar intelligence is to capture an Assault Scout undamaged, so that they can study it and reproduce it.
For this reason, Sathar intelligence has subjected the defectee to hypnotic suggestion, causing him to insist that an Assault Scout be sent. The reasoning the Sathar being will give for requesting that type of ship is that he is being picked up in a remote corner of space. The Assault Scout is the smallest UPF craft capable of interstellar jumps and capable of decently defending itself. A larger ship would attract too much attention.
By the time the defecting Sathar arrives in the asteroid field, a fleet of "sleeping" Sathar warships has already been strategically placed and hidden. (They are difficult but not impossible to detect.)
If the PCs fall for the trap, they find themselves ambushed on all sides. However, since the Sathar wish to capture the ship unharmed, they will only fire shots to disable the PCs' craft--and will only do that if absolutely necessary. It is up to the players' ingenuity to either outsmart or outrun their would-be captors. One point of leverage that the PCs might use is that the Sathar are mainly interested in acquiring an intact Assault Scout. The Sathar might get nervous if the PCs threaten to destroy their own ship. Ultimately, this is the players' chance to be creative, and the referee should honor that creativity by improvising accordingly with the rules.
If the PCs do manage to make it home with the defecting Sathar, the Sathar begins talking about this being the start of a new era of friendship between the two peoples--when suddenly he is shot and killed by a hot-head Star Law Ranger.
Adventure Concepts
[[Thomas Verreault/jedion357]]
Colony Ship Lost
The SS Ark left Earth 178 years ago with 10,000
colonists in cyro as well as 1,000s of species of animals
and plants. Something has gone wrong as she has not
arrived at her destination and her command crew is
dead. The robotic brain nicknamed Hal, has selected
and revived a new command crew from among the
colonist. While he cannot explain much about what has
happened he is insistent that they must take over and
fulfill the mission.
The new command crew begins to suspect something
might be wrong but they are confronted with a myriad
of repairs and minor emergencies. As they start to
investigate numerous questions present which are
tough to answer. Why is there a 45 meter hole in the
hull? Why are a number of other people missing from
their cryo beds? Why is one of the heavy lift shuttles
missing? Why did the ship by pass a suitable planet
that would sustain human life? Where did the
mysterious sample of alien DNA in the med lab come
from? Why is equipment suddenly breaking down now
that we’ve decided to turn around and check out the
planet? Did Hal just change the ship’s course on us?
Just what did happen to Hal’s memory banks and is he
trying to kill us now?
Recycled PCs
Recycle those old player characters! Dust off your copy
of Star Frontiersman #3 and turn to page 10 for the
article “Fleshing Out Your Character”. In the article is a
table with effects of aging. Take those old player
characters and advance them to old age or even
ancient, applying all effects as per the article. One
player should volunteer for his character to have
become overweight or even obese and another for his
character to have become skinny and frail and all those
effects are applied as well. Then give them their
probable income for the intervening time period as well
as some more experience to simulate the character’s
development during the past decades. Each player will
have to write up a blurb detailing what the character
has been doing since the group last adventured
together. The caveat is that none of the characters can
do anything TOO exciting during those years.
Now the set up is that for some reason, possibly the
death of an old NPC acquaintance they have all
gathered for the wake and funeral. Naturally enough
they begin to reminisce and tell tall tales but fate takes
a hand and they’re about to have one last hurrah back
in the saddle again. Just what exactly killed their old
friend? Is there an enemy they never dealt with? Does
anyone out there still remember their old exploits? How
high are the stakes against them? Will they go out with
a bang or will they eventually die in their beds?
Behind Enemy Lines
It’s the first Sathar War and the planet Pale has been
ravaged. Pockets of resistance hold out here and there
and the Presidency has fallen to the Speaker of the
Senate. The PCs come from a variety of backgrounds;
police, local militia, security, etc and are trapped
behind enemy lines in a partially destroyed city. Can
they fight their way through to Free Pale Forces?
After the escape to non-sathar controlled territory they
are recruited for special operations behind enemy lines.
As the sathar space fleets drive on to Cassidine and
Dixon’s Star the planet Pale falls further behind enemy
lines but its citizens are not about to roll over and die.
The new president, Sarah Homles is determined to
strike back and rescue captured citizens from sathar
detention centers, destroy supply depots, and take
back Pale for all Palonites. These goals require
dedicated small special operation teams who can sneak
behind enemy lines and strike back against the tyranny
of the Sathar.
Corporate Actions
Author: Jason P. Bise
System: Star Frontiers
Type: Hook
Category: Science Fiction
Requirements: 5-8 mid level characters, at least 4 military specialists
Tahll'a Cee'Dah mining facility, nestled deep in the thick jungles of Jeyempe, had become a goldmine! The high dollar project initiated by the Pan Galactic Corporation had finally paid off with a huge strike of Federanium...and then all contact was lost.
The PC's are individually recruited by the UPF for this assignment due to each members unique talents. Upon reporting to the company's branch office in the city of Teyarra, New Pale, Truans Star, they are assembled and briefed on events that have transpired. -Pan Gal lost contact with Tahll'a Cee'Dah over three years ago but due to the war could not mount a recovery. -Several investigative teams were sent and learned that the system was now ripe with Streel Corporation ships. -Fearing a hostile company takeover, Pan Gal appealed to the UPF govt but was turned down, again due to the strains of war. -A rescue team was sent two months ago, and was lost with all hands. -Now, armed with the latest in arms, armor, and equipment, the PC's must go and retake the facility. The team will be inserted via high speed shuttle craft, but upon arrival they will be met with stiff resistance. Their shuttle will actually be hit and a crash landing will occur, effectively stranding them on planet. From here, the PC's must fight their way through hostile indiginous life, find the mining camp, and retake the facility. All of this marred by ongoing sabotauge efforts by an uknown assailant. End result, the PC's will have to battle through mistrust of each other, fight overwhelming odds, and finally find another way to get home.
Creating an Octopus or Spy or Terrorist Network
By Thomas Verreault/jedion357
Editor’s Note: The inspiration for this article came from Top Secret published by TSR Inc.
Octopus networks are made up of NPC’s fulfilling roles. The roles are mastermind, administrators, agents and cut outs.
- Masterminds are the brain of the octopus network, conceiving the plot and initiating it. Without the mastermind the network will stagnate or unravel. He is the key to the whole network. If the mastermind is taken out, the network will crumble into chaos.
- Administrators work beneath the mastermind and above the actual field operatives. They are the managers who implement the plot. They maintain a legal cover and rarely commit illegal actions. They are often unidentifiable by the agents andoperatives they manage. Administrators have in-depth knowledge of their area but may not be aware of other administrators under the masterminds’ control. Remember, it’s the mastermind that moves the chess pieces within his network. Twist: Truly brilliant mastermind may have several octopus networks which, at some point are connected through an administrator.
- Agents/Operatives are the dirty work specialist. They are the ones that get things done and perform the illegal actions. They report to a single administrator, are extremely committed and will aggressively defend the administrator and their portion of the network. Agents have a number of cut outs at their disposal.
- Cut Outs are used to do "leg work" and know very little of the network. All they usually know is that someone told them to do something. They're used in a network to protect the mastermind, administrators, and the agents from detection because they're more expendable; hence the name "cut out." Sometimes they are referred to as thugs, mooks and goons.
Communications Within The Octopus Network
Communications between the members of a network are either one-way or two-way.
- Two-way communications – either party can initiate contact.
- One-way communication - only one member can contact the other in the network.
It’s impossible to list all the methods of communication possible. Communications can be categorized into the following
- Indirect – a message that everyone can see but is intended for a single person or group. For instance, billboard signs, TV ads, graffiti, etc.
- Direct – message is it intended for a person or group that is communicated directly. For instance, ear-to-mouth, smell, touch, etc.
- Transmitted – messages other than ear-tomouth, they use public or private communications networks.
- Drop – Message dropped in a public location for pick up either immediately (briefcase hand to hand) or later (P.O. Box, locker, etc.).
Credit For a Flower, Mister
Author: Daron "Dan" Patton
System: Star Frontiers
Type: Hook
Category: Science Fiction
Requirements: 4-6 players of mid-level experience
Adventure hook for TSR's Star Frontiers!
When the daughter of Motta Granx, Member to the Council of Worlds disappears, the party is called on to use their connections to the Frontier's underworld to track her down. A good deal of legwork turns up the fact that her daughter Heena has joined a secret enclave on another world.
Infiltrating the The Brotherhood of Beings reveals that the seemingly benign cult has found an interesting way of financing its operations. Not only are they helping to produce and traffic the illegal drug Ixiol, they have unknowingly become a base for the evil worm-like Sathar inside the Frontier.
Data Searches on the White Light System
By [[Thomas Verreault/jedion357]]
Author's Note: wrote:
In the System Brief for SFKH0 "Warriors of White Light" module, there are several
agents of unrest who are opposed to the planetary
government. They were listed as the Political Party,
Liberation Front, and pirates. There was the suggestion
of connections between the terrorist and the pirates
with possible corporate support from Streel
Corporation. All of this information fills two small
paragraphs in the system brief.
Visitors to the White Light system, most likely tourist,
might not have considered the facts presented in
Warriors of White List to be of any special interest.
Others may have been keenly interested in them.
Anyone motivated to look deeper into the agents of
unrest may have found the following in their data
searches on GalactipediaNET.
SEARCH RESULTS Liberation Party, Clarion
The Liberation Party had as its major
platform plank the abolition of the monarchy. For
decades it had been part of the opposition parties on
Clarion. In the aftermath of the assassination of King
Leotus XIX it was discovered that the Liberation Party
was little more than the political arm and mouth piece
of the terrorist group the Liberation Front. A backlash
of public sentiment ended the Liberation Party
functionality as a viable political party. In the aftermath
of the assassination many former Liberation Party
members joined the small Liberal Party.
SEARCH RESULTS Liberal Party, Clarion
The Liberal Party has grown in power and
influence over the past few decades since the
assassination of King Leotus XIX. In the aftermath of
that event some of the key members of the Liberation
Party brought their amassed funds and joined the
Liberal Party. Overtime it became to new political home
of the anti-monarchist. There are still some “classic
liberals” in the party but they no longer represent the
party’s leadership.
In recent years the party has positioned itself as the
champion of the poor and managed to stake out a
pivotal role in Parliament. With the loss of the majority
support in Parliament for the Queen’s close political ally
and Prime Minister, Lord John Enoch, the Liberal Party
became the key to maintaining the majority that kept
him in charge of the government. In exchange they
were given a seat in the cabinet. The Ministry of
Defense is now controlled by Lady Hilda Slike.
Analysts believe the coalition government formed by
the Crown Loyalist, Conservative Association, and
Liberal parties will not last because their political
ideologies are diametrically apposed. For now the
leader of the Liberal Party, Lord Jonnas Slike, often
“releases members to vote their conscience”; which is
political speak for go along with the Queen and Prime
Minister on parliamentary votes while he publically
opposes the Queen and Prime Minister.
Lady Hilda Slike, Baroness of Oil Flatts
and Minister of Defense. Began her political career as
an aid for her cousin Lord Jonnas Slike when he as a
prominent supporter of the Liberation Party. She was
elevated to baroness after the destruction of the
Liberation Party and has been an avowed liberal ever
During the most recent fight in parliament to maintain
Lord John Enoch as Prime Minister the Liberal Party lent
support to the Prime Minister in exchange for a seat on
his cabinet. As the cousin of Lord Jonnas Slike the new
leader of the Liberal Party it was a forgone conclusion
that she would get the cabinet seat.
Her administration of the Ministry of Defense has been
marked by controversy. Her liberal ideologies have led
to resignations by key members of the Royal Guard
and Royal Marines, including one Lord Commander.
Ideological concerns led to a firestorm over the naming
of the latest ship in the Royal Marine order of battle. As
a stipulation for signing off on the purchase of the ship
she required an unprecedented break with tradition.
Normally all Royal Marine assault scouts are named for
birds of prey but the latest ship was christened as a
medical ship and named Nightingale in keeping with
the Minister’s ideologies.
SEARCH RESULTS Major political parties, Clarion
The Crown Loyalist Party is largely
made up of the aristocracy. Their core belief is that a
strong monarchy guarantees their continued position in
the political structure of the planet. This party is
obviously a strong supporter of the monarchy.
The Conservative Association has adherents in the
House of Lords and the House of Commons. They
typically abhor changes and measures that would lead
to higher taxes. They have traditionally supported the
Crown due to its policies of low income tax and strong
The Socialist Party is strongest in the House of
Commons. It favors social reforms with its major belief
being that the government must look after the citizens
for their own good. Traditionally this party has been an
opposition party.
The Independent Party is a small but vocal force in
both houses of Parliament with a long tradition of
opposition to the Crown.
New Beings Party often sells its votes to the highest bidder. Their major ideological concern is maintaining their power. They have many ideological sympathies with the Liberal and Socialist parties.
The Liberal Party has emerged as the spiritual home
for the anti monarchist since the destruction of the Liberation Party. Though traditionally an opposition
party it has joined the recent coalition government of
Prime Minister Lord John Enoch.
SEARCH RESULTS Liberation Front
The Liberation Front was the action arm
of the Liberation Party and responsible for the
assassination of King Leotus XIX. It continues to be
active on Clarion but since the loss of its political
mouthpiece the movement has floundered some. This
has given rise to a radical element known as the
Guards of Clarion.
SEARCH RESULTS Guards of Clarion
The Guards of Clarion are a radical and
violent arm of the Liberation Front and supports the
violent overthrow of the monarchy. It is known for its
virulent hatred of the Royal Guards, Royal Marines and
the Royal Mounted Constabulary.

Typical tactics include bombing and assassination
attempts by armed groups. They famously bombed the
Raptor’s Roost night club in Port Royal, a known Royal
Marine haunt.
SEARCH RESULTS Royal Mounted Constabulary
The Royal Mounted Constabulary dates
back to the founding of the monarchy. It has a served
the role of a planet wide “federal” police force since its
establishment. In the early days they kept the peace
over large areas of Clarion that were sparsely
populated and used live mounts to do so.
As the planet has grown to be a heavily populated
world the methods of the RMC have grown and evolved
to meet changing needs including the introduction of
the first robotic steeds in the Frontier.
Today you will find some areas of
Clarion are still patrolled by
“Mounties” on live and robotic
mounts. RMC is a modern police force
every bit the equal to the Star Law
Rangers. Its motto, “Fidelitas,
Veneratis, Virtus” translates loyalty,
honor, and valor.
Shades of the Blade
Author: Daron Patton
System: Star Frontiers
Type: Hook
Category: Science Fiction
Requirements: 3-6 PCs
Koraffo stared at the Khad'dan buried deep in Ulkunk's amorphous corpse. He was the sole survivor now. Why hadn't he simply refused to follow the human female's orders? Why didn't matter any more. The Hir-Kal would be coming for him next. Then it could rest again. The Yazirian sighed then dropped his blaster belt and blaster to the deck. Lasers would be no use against such a phantom. According to legend nothing was. The hissing song of his Khad'dan being swiftly drawn from its sheathe echoed down the silent passageway. If an ancient evil wanted his life, it would have to pass through ancient steel to take it.
The morning rays of an unnamed star glinted off the ablative hull of the privateer, Prodigal Sun as she lifted slowly into the air. In less than a quarter hour, Sun had cleared the thin atmosphere of the likewise nameless planetoid the team had spent two days exploring. Within an hour, the ship was already building up velocity for the first void-hop back home.
In a second-hand acceleration couch, Koraffo absentmindedly fidgeted with his holster. His mouth cycled through tight-lipped, barely contained anger to purse-lipped contemplation, back to anger. Pop. Close. Pop. Close. Pop. "Will you cut that out," Marsha Teak said staring back at him from the pilot's seat. Her seething glare cut through any veneer of civility the two had managed to maintain to this point. "We are taking these artifacts back to base and that's that. No more discussion. You read me, ‘Raff?"
"Loud and clear," The Yazirian's lips curled back to show sharp canines and he flared his nostrils in open contempt of Teak's decision to continue on in what Koraffo felt was nothing less than tempting the gods. Ulkunk, the Dralasite astrogator/engineer/every other free position on the ship, burbled for a moment. "Perhaps we should reconsider, Captain. After all, disturbing graves isn't standard even for Streel Corp."
Teak looked at her second-in-command, a nonplussed expression pasted on her face. She pulled her three-barred rank insignia from her collar and held them out to the Dral. "Perhaps you should call, T'keec up here and make it a unanimous mutiny, Ulk."
The blob blustered at the accusation. "No one said anything about mutiny, Captain. I was simply pointing out--
"Listen, Gentle-beings. For better or worse, I am the skipper on this little bag of bolts and what I say goes. The Executive VP has a thing for collections and he wants anything unusual we run across. I'd rate those ancient Yazzie grave-sites back there as unusual, wouldn't you?"
"Well, yes, but--
"Like I just told our simian muscle-boy here, it's not open to discussion. Not another gods-damned word about it. From anyone!"
No one knows what happened to the crew of Prodigal Sun. When she was recovered, all four of the crew had been killed by various grizzly means. The human female captain had been strangled by some sort strap. The Vrusk male archaeologist was dissected into component anatomical sections, joint by joint. Several deep stab wounds were found in the Dralasite neuter's cadaver.
Circumstantial evidence points to the crew's only Yazirian member, Koraffo except his remains massed less than four kilograms when recovered, though it all seems to be present based on proportional analysis. Piracy is one possible explanation, but why would pirates leave a perfectly functional ship floating derelict? Strangely the only thing missing from the ship's manifested cargo was a crate listed simply as artifacts. Perhaps no one will really ever know what happened aboard this ship.
The Hir-Kal (Clan Shadow) is a venerable legend among the Yazirians. Protectors of their masters' graves, these spiritual beings supposedly wreak vengeance on any foolish enough to disturb a Yazirian warrior's tomb. According to myth, the Hir-Kal are creatures of living darkness, taking their very substance from the absence of light. From gnawtoki cats to Yazirian nightbirds, they are said to be capable of changing form, passing through walls like a Khad'dan through water.
Accounts of Hir-Kal attack say that the only way to survive witnessing a Hir-Kal's fury is to not be the offending party. Other than simple innocence in the offending act, Yazirian folk history cites no known defenses against these shade creatures.
Adventure Hook #1: The crew of Prodigal Sun discovered a hastily made grave for a Yazirian warrior and looted the ornate weapons and equipment that had been laid to rest with his remains. The PCs could stumble on a similar find complete with several nearly irresistible items of great value. Will they respect the dead and leave the tomb undisturbed or will they try to make off with the valuables? A Hir-Kal or events the PCs could ascribe to a Hir-Kal might just follow them should they disturb the slumbering warrior.
Adventure Hook #2: The PCs are part of a starship crew that finds a jettisoned crate marked Streel Corp Cargo (control number:189AA8293:archaeological artifacts) floating out in the middle of nowhere. Shortly after the crate is brought aboard, strange things begin happening aboard ship. Accidents, system failures, maybe even a death. Has the Hir-Kal come aboard with the relics?
Adventure Hook#3: A frantic and sleepless looking Ifshnit merchant offers to sell one of the PCs a pea-sized black crystal that he claims came from an ancient Yazirian Khad'dan. He offers to sell the gem for a fraction of its worth. Strange behavior for an Ifshnit especially one with a rare ebony emerald; is the stone stolen or does he have another reason for wanting to part with it?
Star Frontiers Without Subspace Radios
by Chris Putnam
The Alpha Dawn rulebook has the following rules about the use of subspace radio between star systems:
Subspace Radio. A subspace radio is used for sending messages between distant planets and star systems. Subspace communicators send coded tachyon beams that must be broadcast from very carefully aimed dish antennas to hit their target planet or system. A subspace message crosses one light-year in one hour. The radio uses a type 1 parabattery. Sending a message uses 100 SEU.
Later, the rulebook makes the following comment in the section about layovers during travel in the Frontier:
If the characters are working for a company that is flying them to their destination, their ship probably will not stop over in a system for more than one or two days: just long enough to pick up supplies, fuel and news.
Taken together these comments suggest that communication can pass readily through the Frontier, especially for important messages coordinating such groups as the UPF, StarLaw, and various companies. The comment in the layover section suggests either that ships cannot be contacted when jumping through the Void (hence the need to catch up with news) or that subspace radio is bandwidth limited, so that bulk of entertainment and non-essential messages are carried by starships.
I personally find the second scenario particularly attractive; isolation between different systems and the concomitant differentiation of cultures in different systems is enhanced when subspace radios can only send the most essential messages. This would make each inhabited system highly and rapidly interconnected, however, most communication between systems requires waiting on ships that travel one light-year in one day. This brings to mind the “sneaker-net” phenomenon of the 20th and 21st century computing environment, in which carrying disks between computers is faster for transferring large amounts of information than using wired or wireless connections.
Pushing this concept to the extreme of a Frontier without subspace radios changes a number of aspects of the standard setting. First, intersystem couriers become a major force holding together the Frontier. Second, news outside of the system is always old, which is particularly problematic for large organizations that span multiple systems. And third, travelers and/or pirates in the Frontier can reach new systems before the news of their misdeeds. Although this concept might involve modification of certain adventures (such as reaching the subspace radio in the Streel compound in Mission to Alcazzar), simply making the subspace radio a non-commodity item opens up a large number campaign possibilities.
Bonded Couriers
Although all ships can carry information as “cargo”, bonded couriers were established to ensure both the validity and the security of the information they carry. Governments, banks, small corporations, and even average citizens are customers of these couriers. Similarly, large enough organizations are unwilling to trust couriers outside their direct control and therefore employ their own private courier fleet (often with secret navigated pathways between systems). The ability to corrupt, attack, or otherwise influence these couriers could lie at the heart of many schemes involving criminals, warfare between the mega-corps, or the Sathar.
Several large bonded courier companies compete for Frontier-wide services. These companies are more likely to have the most sophisticated infrastructures and protocols; however, some of their reputations have been darkened in recent years due to allegations that bribery from mega-corps and/or fanatical association with various cults has caused some sensitive information to be leaked, occasionally to various news services. To speed communications, these larger companies do not bring their ships near to inhabited worlds. Rather, these ships dock for supplies and communications download and upload at space stations, which communicate to inhabited worlds via encrypted electromagnetic signals. These facilities are typically armed and sometimes have their own fighter patrols (either owned by courier company itself or listed as “vital infrastructure” and supported by UPF and/or local militia forces).
Not all couriers have Frontier-wide range. The smaller carriers have short runs and frequently specialize in connecting small regions of the Frontier and doing so more efficiently than other carriers. For example, the Vrusk-colonized systems of Kizk-Kar, K'aken-Kar, and K'tsa-Kar are linked by a carrier that minimizes intersystem communication times by setting a secret rendezvous point between the systems in which information is rapidly exchanged with other vessels that only travel between the home system and the rendezvous point. This information distribution substantially reduces the communication time between Kizk-Kar and K'tsa-Kar and has made these routes unprofitable even for the larger courier companies.
Unlike mega-corps that produce physical products, the courier companies gain clients solely through the trust of their clients. Conflict between the major couriers has been as viscous as any of the conflicts between the mega-corps. Empty space between systems and outer regions of various solar systems are littered with the remains of courier ships destroyed and ransacked hulls of courier ships exposed to vacuum. Thus, modern courier vessels are well armed and armored and several have had distinguished records fighting along side UPF and local militias in conflicts with Sathar invasion forces.
Message drones
One potential solution for automated message delivery is through the use of uncrewed vehicles carrying messages. These message drones are particularly useful for regions with little ship traffic or in military situations where information can be returned, even if the ships themselves are destroyed. The Knight Hawks rules suggest, however, that even an uncrewed ship capable of jumping into the Void will be prohibitively expensive. Thus, these drones would not be disposable. These very valuable ships are owned by only the richest governments, mega-corps, and probably the UPF. These ships are also targets for thieves, pirates, and rival mega-corps both for the information they carry as well as the ship itself. The importance and expense of message drones could easily be motivations for adventures in which characters send, intercept, retrieve, or destroy message drones.
Large system-spanning organizations
In the absence of rapid intersystem communications, all large organizations must give local systems sufficient autonomy to operate effectively in-system. For many organizations, this autonomy gives rise to substantial changes in operating procedure from system to system, which can cause headaches for travelers. Additionally, sufficient separation (including separate administrative branches and bank accounts) has caused some mega-corps to split along system lines. Newly-formed subsidiary branches have on occasions rebelled against the parental organization, using differences in local legislation and StarLaw to legally support their efforts. Historically such corporate “rebellions” have been most successful in cases where the parent company and the branch are in Frontier systems with different biases in racial makeup.
The problem of slow, courier-based communication is particular acute for the UPF and StarLaw, which must be able to organize and transport forces to systems that are under attack or are undergoing local problems such as large scale mob assaults and anarchy. One solution adopted by both organizations are standard responses, such as “launch all battleships to a specific rendezvous points upon reports of attacks on this system”. These standardized responses help minimize the lag in responding to news by avoiding additional communications with headquarters located in other systems. The triggers for the organizations and their specific responses are regularly updated and kept under the tightest possible security. A sophisticated attack on the Frontier could be engineered by various parties by intercepting couriers and planting false news reports that would trigger known responses by the UPF and/or StarLaw to move them away from the site of the subsequent real assault.
A second very real problem for both the UPF and StarLaw is the same as for the mega-corps. Local autonomy (and different points of view) can tend to cause various branches in different systems to respond differently and on occasion fair to respond to reports according to current standing orders, especially when local events prevent reallocation of forces. Both the UPF and StarLaw are large enough organizations that they can exchange personnel between systems in an attempt to minimize the local effects; however, these programs are frequently criticized and have not been clearly demonstrated to work.
Using the communication lag
The disadvantages of the slow communications has for many organizations has been used as advantages. Perhaps the best known cases have been individuals and some corporations withdrawing large sums of credits from the same bank account on multiple worlds before the various branches can updated. The most famous of these incidents, reported by StarLaw to involve over twelve individuals on twelve different worlds, has led to the development of the quantum-encrypted “account bar” that travelers carry from world to world; however, recent rumors suggest that even these measures are not sufficiently secure.
Another clear case of individuals gaming the communication lag, which has been much harder to prosecute, is a novel form of “insider trading” where individuals who learn of specific events can beat news reports to more distant starsystems and make strategic purchases and sales of stocks to make money off of corporate losses and mergers. This is a fairly expensive crime; however, it is difficult for StarLaw to trace them, as perpetrators book passage with special (and often illicit) carriers having faster, and frequently more dangerous routes than those standardly used.
Crime waves have also spread similarly, in which sophisticated criminals or criminal cells concoct a specific crime with a profitable modus operandi that they then repeat on system after system before the news of these specific crimes are reported and defenses against them can be launched. Pirates have similarly launched raids sequentially against multiple systems, calculating the lag on the UPF response to pick subsequent targets.
Lack of subspace radios in individual campaigns
For seasoned Star Frontiers gamers, the easiest way to incorporate the concept of a Frontier without subspace radios might be to start a new campaign in which this modification has been applied. For the campaign to “feel” different, it is important that the characters are forced to interact with the implications of the lack of subspace radios directly. For example, characters might be forced to attack or defend specific courier vessels, investigate deep space espionage involving mis-information placed on a courier vessel, “out-run” news traveling from one system to another themselves, carry a message themselves, or deal with the consequences of poor communications in the exploration of systems outside of the Frontier.
The lack of subspace radios might not completely fit in with current campaigns in which the use of (or consequences of) subspace radios are in full force. The role of information courier (and their use as a source of adventures) could still exist and be important for high-level communications that must not be intercepted. Alternatively, subspace radios could fail throughout the Frontier (with the failure zone propagating through the Frontier at the speed of light). Causes for these failures might be a natural event, a scientific experiment gone awry, or tachyon jamming preluding a Frontier-wide attack. In any case, many different entities might enlist the characters to investigate the source of these failures. The consequence of a sudden failure of subspace radios, however, would likely be very disruptive, and many of the infrastructure changes detailed above would not preexist and would only be set up in the short term in an ad hoc manner.
Restricted access to subspace radios
An alternative to the complete elimination of subspace radios is to treat them as a newly developed technology not available for regular use or whose use is filtered through a “controlling organization” that has access to them, potentially the UPF, a mega-corp, or even some fanatical cult. The importance of the organization controlling access to subspace radio service depends on their ability to keep the technology behind the radios secret. All sites of subspace radios, therefore, have the highest possible security with both ground and space forces ready to defend these installations. If the controlling organization is not the UPF or the local system government, the presence and action of these military forces may cause political problems; however, the reliance of the UPF and the local system governments on rapid subspace communications almost always gives the controlling organization the upper hand.
More insidiously, the controlling organization may apply its own agenda to what messages are passed and what information becomes available to the general public. These organizations rarely modify information that is publicly available and can be readily learned through normal ship-borne information traffic; however, simply delaying this type of information or modifying secret communications between governments, the UPF, or mega-corps could be done to provide direct or indirect leverage for the controlling organization.
With a Frontier with restricted access to subspace radios, characters could be recruited into investigating and/or infiltrating the organization behind the subspace radios in order to hunt down political ties, outside influences, or the schematics for the radios themselves. Characters might also be recruited by the organization controlling the radios in order to protect an installation or hunt down messages or radio schematics stolen from them. The central role of these organizations in the Frontier could easily embroil characters in adventures that interact with the political heavyweights of the Frontier.
This alternative view of the Frontier was inspired by a few messages about subspace radios I have read but have been unable to relocate in an old Star Frontiers mailing list archive. Message drones were inspired by message torps in the Legion of the Damned series by William Dietz. The restricted subspace radio access is a scenario inspired by Comstar in FASA's BattleTech Universe.
Truane's Star Military Exploration Force
(Mentioned in [[Crash on Volturnus SF-0]] )
Louis V. Jameson - 22 years service Truane's Star military forces; combat veteran, Truane's Star Medal of Valor; commander two previous exploration missions.
STR/STA 55/60
DEX/RS 45/35
INT/LOG 55/50
PER/LDR 55/70
PS +3
IM +4
Ranged 23
Melee 28
Human, 1.9 meters tall, 88 kilograms weight, 43
years old
Skills: Computer 4
UPF Agencies
[[Victor Gil de Rubio]]
Aside from Star Law the UPF has created several
government agencies to handle certain common
problems which stem from governing such a large
amount of territory. The success of these agencies has
long been questioned, but they are the best that the
UPF can create, limited by the amount of influence they
can exert on the sovereign rights of each inhabited
planet in the Frontier.
League of Ambassadors (LA)
The League of Ambassadors is a government agency
created after the First Sathar War in an effort to use
diplomacy whenever possible when dealing with races
that are not members of the UPF. Lately though the
League has had its mandate broadened to allow them
to serve as go-betweens between member races in an
effort to avoid escalating a conflict.
The League of Ambassadors’ duties often involve any
negotiation between planetary and interstellar societies
and the UPF. They are also mandated to oversee any
first-contact negotiations, which puts them at odds
with the Frontier Office of Survey and Statistics.
The Colonial Affairs Committee (CAC)
This government agency handles matters pertaining to
the colonization of planets. Any authorized colony in
the Frontier has at least one small office where a
representative from the CAC works. The Colonial Affairs
Committee’s job is to insure that the regulations set
out in the Frontier charter are observed in regards to
any new colony. These rules generally amount to
guidelines regarding the sovereignty of higher lifeforms
encountered on planets. In the event of a first
contact situation occurring, the CAC officer must notify
the LA office closest to the colony world, and has the
authority to establish first contact rules with the new
species until a LA representative arrives.
The CAC officer has the right to take over the
management of a colony in the case of an emergency,
or if the colonial government is found violating Frontier
guidelines, but may only control the colony until he is
relieved by a new colonial government agent, or a
representative from a mega-corp if the colony is owned
by a mega-corp.
Frontier Office of Survey and Statistics
The Frontier Office of Survey and Statistics is
mandated to survey the worlds of the Frontier and to
keep accurate records of all worlds in the Frontier. The
Exploration Service (ES) is charged with exploring the
known Frontier and what lies beyond the Frontier. The
exploration division has the authority to certify worlds
for colonization, and can make detailed observations
about new species encountered and recommend how
the LA should approach a first contact situation.
UPF Trade Commission
In response to the growing number of aggressive
Mega-Corps, the UPF has created a government agency
whose responsibilities is to set tariffs, duties, rules and
regulations for all merchant ships in the Frontier,
whether they are corporate or independent. All
merchants must be licensed by the UPFTC in order to
work in the Frontier. However, the UPFTC has no
authority in the Rim, and many merchants who cannot
pay the high tariffs have started to move to the Rim.
At present UPFTC depends on Star Law to enforce its
policies, and their constantly trying to convince the UPF
that if they had their own enforcement arm, it would
free up Star Law resources. At present, though, their
requests have met with refusal. UPFTC operates many
customs houses throughout the Frontier. Depending on
the population of a star system this can either be a
small office with 2-5 customs officers or can be large
building employing hundreds and operating large
warehouses and impound lots.
Frontier Trade Administration (FTA)
While the UPFTC oversees the operations of merchant
ships throughout the Frontier, the FTA oversees
corporate practices, and is a judicial branch of
government authorized to fine or otherwise punishes
corporations who do not follow fair trade standards.
The FTA has only been in operation for two decades but
its power has, on more than one occasion, been felt by
mega-corps who have been caught participating in
illegal activities such as selling junk bonds, or
participating in “ice wars”.
UPF Postal Service
The Frontier is huge and getting messages from one
planet to another is vital to maintaining the Federation.
The UPFPS or just the PS as it is often called is in
charge of interstellar communications. The PS
maintains a fleet of courier type ships that make mail
runs throughout the Frontier, but they often contract
privately owned merchant ships, or purchase space on
corporate owned star craft, to deliver correspondence,
and packages throughout the known Frontier.
The Warmaster’s Guild
The Warmaster’s Guild was an independently operated
guild which ran a registry for mercenary companies in
the Frontier. Eventually, the guild received a license
from the UPF and the Rim Coalition. The Warmaster’s
guild is responsible for assuring that mercenary
companies follow strict guidelines regarding the terms
of war, the treatment of captives, and what weapons
are outlawed by the UPF and Rim Coalition. To insure
that licensed mercenary groups obey the regulations,
the WG often assigns company overseers to travel
along with mercenary companies to hotspots. These
overseers often act as go-betweens and diplomats, but
may defend themselves as needed. The WG also
maintain a standing military force, in case a situation
gets out of hand they have to be called in to resolve a
UPF Order of Battle
By [[parriah (Jess Carver)]]
I compiled this from every source I could find. I considered all the Polyhedron and Dragon articles to be Core or canon. If anyone disagrees, I'm sorry, but it’s the criteria I used.
A * indicates a name I have made up. All other names are derived from a source. I will try to mention them all, but didn't do a great job recording those.
The Knight Hawks Campaign book gives a list of ships and types, but no names. The TOC board-game book has several. I started there.
In the Nov '84 Dragon issue there is a KH scenario called "The Day of the Juggernaut. The entirety of
SF Nova is given, but it is a different composition of ship types and numbers. I went with the composition in the Campaign book.
In the Aug '84 Dragon issue there is a KH scenario called The Battle at Ebony Eyes. This one is a cool one set in a point of equal attraction between 2 black holes. The Admiral Clinton and some others are guarding a scientific expedition when in slither the Sathar in Heavy cruisers and destroyers.
The War Machine is another KH Scenario in Dragon as well as one other around Zebulon that was with the Yachts and Privateers articles.
UPF Vessels
TF Prenglar
BB Admiral Morgaine (given in Campaign book)
CL Dark Star
CL Intrepid (Raid on Theseus)
CL Honor
DD Thrasher
FF Flying Cloud (War Machine)
FF Vega *
FF Proton
AS Doboruas (War Machine)
AS Starpacer
AS K'Riss
AS Dauntless
ML Mainstay*
BB Admiral Clinton
CC Zamra
CC Grak
CL Courage
CL Glory
DD Chivalry
DD Faith
FF Shimer
FF Zz'Nakk
FF Z'Gatta (Never mind the Dolin Bay scenario)
FF Draidia
As Scimitar
AS Dagger
AS Raiper
AS Lancet
AS Razor
The KH Campaign Book has 6 fighters 1CV, 1BB, 2CL, 1DD 2FF and 3AS.
TF Cassidine
BB Admiral Harsevort
CC City of New Hope *
CL Courageous (Because of the composition of the TF in the KH book, I reassigned the Starpacer to TF Prenglar)
FF Electron
CVA Confluence *
ML Z'Rakt'Zoz
AS Avenger
AS Justifier
AS Morning Star
CL Steadfast *
CL Benefactor *
DD Allison May (I would have put her in TF Cassidine, but the KH Campaign book has no DD in it.)
DD Arcturon (Dragon April ‘85 issue)
ML Gree-Ka-Mip *
AS Arrow (Apr ’85 Dragon)
AS Remora (Apr ‘85 Dragon)
AS Javalin *
In addition, the Raid on Theseus article names three additional Assault Scouts that are not on the UPF Order of Battle for the Second Sathar War game in the KH Campaign Book. These ships have the names Dirk, Blade and Needle.
Clairon, White Light System
(don't call them Golloywog unless you want to start a barroom brawl!)
All listed in Warriors of White Light:
FF Leo
AS Ospery
AS Wasp
AS Falco
(AS Flitter and Swallow on order)
Inner Reach, Dramune System
All listed in Dramune Run:
DD Republic
FF Progressive
AS Scrapper
AS Odessa
AS Draminid
Outer Reach, Dramune System
All listed in Dramune Run:
FF Drasimian
FF Starhawk
AS Maltharia
AS Goldenrod
Minotaur, Theseus System
These ships are listed in an article in Polyhedron #13 Raid on Theseus. The militia in the article has the same composition in ships and types as in KH Campaign Book. This source is where some UPF ship's names come from also.
Minotaur Station
FF Heroic
DD Republic (yeah, the same name as in Inner Reach, but not a problem I think because they're different systems.)
AS Wasp (Again a dupe name)
AS Dragonfly
AS Mosquito
AS Gnat
Hargut, Gruna Goru System
AS Load Runner * (Anybody remember that game?)
AS Lynx *
Hentz, Araks System
FF Sliz K'Klak * (Don't ask me why a Yaz system has a Vrusk name on thier capitol ship)
AS Epe *
AS Cinqueda *
AS Dirk * (Yaz's do like their blades don't they?)
Ken'Zah Kit
K’aken-Kar System
AS Mongoose *
AS Meerkat *
Pale, Truane's System
FF City of Point True *
AS Cerval *
AS Mako *
AS Bolt *
Fromeltar System
AS Kingfisher *
AS Perigren *
AS Redwing *
Inner reach ain’t the only ones who like to name their AS's for birds! ;-)
Zik-Kit, Kizk'-Kar System
AS Szktt *
AS Klak Tak *