Star Frontiers list of NPC's from the Malthar to the Star Devil!

d100 Mood Table

d100 Mood Table

1 Affectionate and jealous. 51 Jealous - which deliberately conceals being ambitious.
2 Aggressive, but many mistake it for being assertive. 52 Jubilant on the surface, but impulsive underneath.
3 Agitated and confident. 53 Loving and envious.
4 Ambitious 54 Loving and humiliated.
5 Ambitious and sad. 55 Loving on the surface, but embarrassed underneath.
6 Ambitious, but many mistake it for being antisocial. 56 Low, but many mistake it for being warm.
7 Antisocial and excited. 57 Mean-spirited
8 Antisocial on the surface, but excited underneath. 58 Mean-spirited - which deliberately conceals being sociable.
9 Antisocial, but many mistake it for being intent. 59 Melancholy - which unconsciously conceals being earnest.
10 Bored and warm. 60 Melancholy, but many mistake it for being sociable.
11 Fascinated, but many mistake it for being furious. 61 Mildly aggressive
12 Contented, but many mistake it for being withdrawn. 62 Mildly cruel
13 Courageous on the surface, but somber underneath. 63 Mildly loving
14 Creative - which unconsciously conceals being dull. 64 Miserable, but many mistake it for being humble.
15 Cruel 65 Pessimistic on the surface, but ambitious underneath.
16 Cruel, but many mistake it for being earnest. 66 Petrified - which deliberately conceals being sociable.
17 Cuddly on the surface, but antisocial underneath. 67 Powerless, but many mistake it for being assertive.
18 Despairing on the surface, but earnest underneath. 68 Preoccupied and contemplative.
19 Disoriented and affectionate. 69 Puzzled - which unconsciously conceals being intent.
20 Dull - which deliberately conceals being contemplative. 70 Relaxed on the surface, but envious underneath.
21 Earnest - which deliberately conceals being weak. 71 Slightly furious
22 Earnest and cruel. 72 Slightly humble
23 Earnest on the surface, but weak underneath. 73 Slightly social
24 Ecstatic, but many mistake it for being preoccupied. 74 Slightly understanding
25 Embarrassed 75 Sociable - which deliberately conceals being aggressive.
26 Embarrassed and close. 76 Sociable - which deliberately conceals being petrified.
27 Evasive and earnest. 77 Sociable, but many mistake it for being furious.
28 Extremely affectionate 78 Sociable, but many mistake it for being hateful.
29 Extremely despairing 79 Sociable, but many mistake it for being offended.
30 Extremely preoccupied 80 Social on the surface, but wavering underneath.
31 Extremely torn 81 Somewhat nervous
32 Fearful 82 Somewhat preoccupied
33 Friendly - which unconsciously conceals being jealous. 83 Somewhat uncertain
34 Frightened - which deliberately conceals being social. 84 Stubborn, but many mistake it for being affectionate.
35 Frightened - which unconsciously conceals being contemplative. 85 Sulky , but many mistake it for being intrigued.
36 Frustrated, but many mistake it for being relaxed. 86 Suspicious
37 Glad - which deliberately conceals being embarrassed. 87 Torn
38 Grumpy - which deliberately conceals being jubilant. 88 Torn and warm.
39 Hateful, but many mistake it for being intent. 89 Uncertain
40 Humiliated - which unconsciously conceals being sociable. 90 Uncertain - which deliberately conceals being thrilled.
41 Impulsive and social. 91 Uncomfortable on the surface, but courageous underneath.
42 Incredibly despairing 92 Unfriendly - which deliberately conceals being contemplative.
43 Incredibly evasive 93 Unfriendly on the surface, but creative underneath.
44 Incredibly focused 94 Unfriendly, but many mistake it for being relaxed.
45 Incredibly hateful 95 Uninspired - which unconsciously conceals being intrigued.
46 Incredibly jealous 96 Vaguely miserable
47 Inquisitive on the surface, but weak underneath. 97 Very irritated
48 Intent 98 Warm - which deliberately conceals being suspicious.
49 Intent on the surface, but angry underneath. 99 Withdrawn - which unconsciously conceals being happy.
50 Intrigued and hateful. 100 Withdrawn, but many mistake it for being confident.

d100 Tables - Names

Table column one and two by Larry moore, column four first appeared in Star Frontiersman #4, Thugs, Mooks and Goons

Name d100 Name d100 Name
01 Cedcen 01 Ranica 01 Bimlem
02 Karria 02 Elcen 02 Bindun
03 Dakgent 03 Srirek 03 Boffo
04 Nun 04 Shiler 04 Brils
05 Hana 05 Tenann 05 Buras
06 Wen 06 Ooron 06 Byrid
07 Skyine 07 Ardlla 07 Catar
08 Lenke 08 Srimi 08 Chaff
09 Moran 09 Mocus 09 Chenton
10 Srido 10 Jan 10 Chryn
11 Ardke 11 Sharia 11 Chups
12 Recus 12 Jodra 12 Cikban
13 Cedmel 13 Morin 13 Cinds
14 Ryin 14 Tenen 14 Clum
15 Bella 15 Miric 15 Crodusk
16 Reodia 16 Jorek 16 Donack
17 Morek 17 Celhuff 17 Dozer
18 Jey 18 Wilan 18 Drednal
19 Oolena 19 Akacen 19 Drent
20 Shaler 20 Jabatt 20 Drit
21 Pakrax 21 Jolla 21 Dyrik
22 Anay 22 Nabna 22 Feghl
23 Alan 23 Nabann 23 Fothos
24 Shireen 24 Tenhuff 24 Goltwos
25 Jolena 25 Pahuff 25 Hannat
26 Karler 26 Tyrmel 26 Hog
27 Melria 27 Gandra 27 Hyqus
28 Tria 28 Akaron 28 Jamach
29 Oocus 29 Mika 29 Lavar
30 Morn 30 Karreen 30 Lendsam
31 Jomel 31 Ganbatt 31 Lessard
32 Elan 32 Shibatt 32 Liddom
33 Nulis 33 Melrek 33 Lith
34 Daksati 34 Reeema 34 Loddo
35 Raine 35 Lany 35 Loru
36 Rhyin 36 Arden 36 Loss
37 Corka 37 Miran 37 Lozar
38 Anaron 38 Tenron 38 Lulridge
39 Srigent 39 Ryron 39 Lutt
40 Sricus 40 Zania 40 Mansel
41 Ceden 41 Jaine 41 Milfo
42 Racus 42 Reran 42 Nasroth
43 Trkef 43 Haen 43 Nelit
44 Zan 44 Ardlena 44 Nem
45 Morler 45 Marke 45 Nichckach
46 Ooron 46 Daken 46 Nig
47 Pan 47 Allena 47 Nolloque
48 Rasati 48 Lubatt 48 Non
49 Landge 49 Dakcen 49 Norc
50 Nukin 50 Pakeema 50 Numir
51 Cedhuff 51 Trytrin 51 Packer
52 Aekin 52 Kutma 52 Pagwar
53 Nueema 53 Horqus 53 Pesat
54 Marreen 54 Leesyn 54 Phete
55 Nurek 55 Skyria 55 Phidsak
56 Rhyke 56 Nerkin 56 Quikit
57 Anacen 57 Fams 57 Raddo
58 Melann 58 Cyneel 58 Ragroth
59 Nuann 59 Krael 59 Rant
60 Savna 60 Kragana 60 Retick
61 Mireen 61 Torant 61 Rickard
62 Savin 62 Andus 62 Rith
63 Celbus 63 Kratrin 63 Rocher
64 Jokin 64 Facin 64 Rosl
65 Srilif 65 Risus 65 Runk
66 Srinica 66 Losiri 66 Rymd
67 Reria 67 Zarker 67 Schatowe
68 Shadge 68 Nayant 68 Schert
69 Nutrian 69 Thrakin 69 Secath
70 Pan 70 Andqus 70 Shez
71 Jen 71 Trydine 71 Shilt
72 Lanbatt 72 Skylan 72 Shyqs
73 Akalif 73 Soell 73 Sif
74 Ardrek 74 Faezsh 74 Siggard
75 Luy 75 Tarrott 75 Sladon
76 Bebatt 76 Kutgana 76 Smuz
77 Srien 77 Quellan 77 Snirk
78 Moann 78 Cyneus 78 Sockque
79 Akamel 79 Faia 79 Sonds
80 Alke 80 Darkgana 80 Sulrad
81 Milla 81 Thrabaoth 81 Sylden
82 Oonia 82 Kuthek 82 Sylphin
83 Shaos 83 Lighterre 83 Sytinn
84 Aeran 84 Lorkin 84 Theb
85 Skydra 85 Skykin 85 Thellum
86 Savdge 86 Antross 86 Thrik
87 Srihuff 87 Risezsh 87 Thryfe
88 Keldra 88 Tavel 88 Tornys
89 Weler 89 Terrprin 89 Tova
90 Beia 90 Fams 90 Triddel
91 Rhycus 91 Nexrus 91 Tunsia
92 Aesh 92 Archng 92 Tyck
93 Elnah 93 Tarkvold 93 Werbel
94 Gania 94 Makia 94 Whament
95 Akaan 95 Darkross 95 Whot
96 Ardnia 96 Zarvold 96 Ysntai
97 Been 97 Antbaoth 97 Zhild
98 Pakron 98 Orus 98 Ziqiss
99 Cedine 99 Cynegana 99 Zoder
100 Quelbaoth 100 Talng 100 Zorner


Impossibly large for a Dralasite; the disgusting bulk of his flesh droops in globs over the arms of his chair. This is the Malthar, head of one of the largest crime syndicate in the frontier only rivaled by the Star Devil. 
The Malthar

Willem Koon

[non-cannon article]

Willem Koon (120 PF – 35 PF) was a Clarion abstract expressionist painter. He was one of the youngest to attend the Royal Academy for the Arts. Born on Clarion he later migrated to Cassidine in 110 PF where Willem started an Art School embracing artistic elements of the core four races.

Cassidine was the first mixed race colony, established in 115 PF. Willem's school thrived at the colony, soon he received grants from many frontier worlds. Students from all races and walks of life entered the school, many returned to teach their craft that would propel the frontier into the golden age of expressionism.