ARAMAX ONE is set on [[Triad]] in the [[Cassidine]] star system.Triad in Cassidine is one of the trade and industrial centers of the Frontier,generally referred to as one of the Hub Worlds. Nearly all the largecorporations have offices and production facilities on planet or in closeorbit.

There are several smaller corporations with facilities onTriad and in orbit. All of these companies are limited to the Cassidine systemat present, but are attempting to expand their activities outsystem.
[[Aramax Power Factors]] (APF) is one of these smallercorporations, with interest in a number of fields including mining, shippingand, of course, power generation and distribution. At present the companysupply over half of Triad's power requirement, but its main competitor,Sunpower Inc, is attempting to expand its market share.
APF Ground Site One (ARAMAX ONE) is the collection array fora system of solar power satellites which supply the industrial belt roundTriad Low Starport.
Aramax One is also the site of APF's central computer. It organizesthe power distribution network, the maintenance of the collection arrays andsatellites, and handles the company record keeping. Although the company hasother computers at its other offices and facilities, the Aramax One machine isvital to the running of the company.