ARAMAX ONE is set on [[Triad]] in the [[Cassidine]] star system.Triad in Cassidine is one of the trade and industrial centers of the Frontier,generally referred to as one of the Hub Worlds. Nearly all the largecorporations have offices and production facilities on planet or in closeorbit.

There are several smaller corporations with facilities onTriad and in orbit. All of these companies are limited to the Cassidine systemat present, but are attempting to expand their activities outsystem.
[[Aramax Power Factors]] (APF) is one of these smallercorporations, with interest in a number of fields including mining, shippingand, of course, power generation and distribution. At present the companysupply over half of Triad's power requirement, but its main competitor,Sunpower Inc, is attempting to expand its market share.
APF Ground Site One (ARAMAX ONE) is the collection array fora system of solar power satellites which supply the industrial belt roundTriad Low Starport.
Aramax One is also the site of APF's central computer. It organizesthe power distribution network, the maintenance of the collection arrays andsatellites, and handles the company record keeping. Although the company hasother computers at its other offices and facilities, the Aramax One machine isvital to the running of the company.
Crash on Volturnus SF-0
Player Character Background Report
The Zebulon star system was first investigated 20 years ago by an unmanned exploration probe launched by Truane's Star. This probe indicated that Volturnus was the only inhabitable planet in the Zebulon system. It also indicated thatgreat mineral wealth might exist on the planet in the form of molybdenum, tungsten, gold, and other heavy metals.
Truane's Star soon made a legal claim to the ownership of Volturnus, and completed exploration of a star route to the Zebulon system one year ago. The first manned expedition to Volturnus from Truane's Star was launched nine months ago. The four member team ofspecialists was instructed to set up an outpost, gather data on the possible colonization and mining of Volturnus, and report back.
After passing into the star system, the starship carrying the specialists was never heard from again. The four members of this lost exploration expedition were:
Commander Louis V. Jameson [[Truane's Star Military Exploration Force]]
Geekosur-Mang [[Capital University]]
Itklikdil Cartographer [[Vrusk Atlas Manufacturing Corporation]]
Grod Technician [[Truan’s Star Civil Service]]
Truane's Star has found itself short of personnel and funds due to colonial troubles and associated police action on Cygnus Omicron IX recently. They have hired you, a team of unknown adventurers, to mount a relief expedition to Volturnus. Your mission is to explore Volturnus, gathering as much information as possible about mineral deposits, life on the planet, and other items of interest to future colonists. You are also to find and rescue the members of the original exploratory mission if possible.
The government has provided you with a minimal amount of equipment, and transportation to Volturnus aboard the starliner Serena Dawn. After dropping you on Volturnus, the Serena Dawn will return in three months to transport you (and, with luck, the original exploration team) back to Truane's Star.
Mission to Alcazzar SF4
The mining operation on Alcazzar was one of the Frontier’s best-kept secrets, worth millions of credits - until somebody wiped it out. Now you’re here, to set things right.
You press against the steel
hatchway as the explorer bounds
up the river bank, out of the
water. Over the roar of the
engines comes the unmistakable
whine of a high-performance
groundcar. Quickly, you scan the
horizon. At first the plain appears
empty. Then you see them.
“Bandits at 11 o’clock. Three of them!” you shout into your
chronocom. Instantly, the driver slams the heavy explorer
into reverse, backing down the bank for cover. The rear
doors burst open as Rocton dashes out to set up a heavy
laser. Harradd, the Yazirian, follows right behind carrying
five power beltpacks. Already someone is handing extra
ammo up to you.
At 80 kph, those ground cars are closing fast. Targeting the
lead car, you squeeze the trigger and a rocket flashes out of
the tube. At the same instant a shell streaks past you,
exploding in the river and spraying steam into the air.
You came to Alcazzar on a tough mission – it just got a lot