Froniter corporations.
Aramax Power Factors
Aramax Power Factors (APF) is one of these smaller corporations, with interest in a number of fields including mining, shipping and, of course, power generation and distribution. At present the company supply over half of Triad's power requirement, but its main competitor, [[Sunpower Inc]], is attempting to expand its market share.
Headquarters: [[Triad]], [[Cassidine]]
Capital University
(Mentioned in Crash on Volturnus SF-0)
Geeko-Sur-Mang Professor of Geology, Capital University
STR/STA 40/50
DEX/RS 50/50
INT/LOG 50/40
PER/LDR 55/55
PS +3 IM +5
Ranged 25
Melee 25
Description:Yazirian, 2.1 meters tall, 50 kilograms weight, 52 years old
Skills: Computer 4
Background: Recognized authority in geophysics, specialist in planetary crust formation
Cassidine Development Corporation
Headquarters: [[Triad]] , [[Cassidine System]]
Mission to Alcazzar
Interplanetary Industries
Interplanetary Industries specializes in high-tech non-computer and non-communications devices that are too expensive for other mega-corps to produce. More galactic patents are held by I.I. than any other mega-corp, and its research labs are the finest on the Frontier. Industrial spying is a way of life with most mega-corps and I.I. is no exception. Its private security force is reputed to be the best in the Frontier.
Headquarters: Lake Vast, Triad, Cassidine
Chief Executive: Harlon Thow (Human)
Subsidiaries: None
MercCo was created shortly after SWII by enterprising individuals who specialized in warfare. They received financial backing from the Streel Corporation, and in ten years have developed into a mega-corp. MercCo Specializes in mercenaries for hire in temporary or permanent security, military, or high-risk positions.
Headquarters: Buckerton, Kdikit, Madderly's Star
Chief Executive: Ebser Henshaw (Yazirian)
Subsidiaries: ForceCo (military personnel), SecurCo (security personnel), RiskCo (high risk operations of any type)
Allies: [[Streel Corporation]]
Enemies: [[Galactic Task Force Inc]], [[PGC]]
Occasional Opposition: Various small security organizations, militia, pirates
Triad Institute of Technology
by Thomas Verreault/jedion357
The following document will cover setting details, NPCs, and related information to assist the game referee in running a campaign centered on a group of adventurer scientists working for a major museum/research institute in the Frontier. Inspiration for this campaign is taken from action packed thrillers like Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider, and The Mummy.

Triad Institute of Technology (TIT) was established by decree of the Council of Worlds to be a research center independent of mega corp control. Its idyllic campus includes a beautiful mall and gardens spread over several city blocks in New Hope, the capitol of Triad. Triadians are immensely proud that Triad won out over Gran Quivera for the location of the institute.
The mandate that TIT is to be free of direct mega corp influence is aimed at the issue of control. Mega corporations direct research according to what is considered profitable. The institute, officially at least, directs research based on academic considerations. Being federally funded, TIT often must invest resources toward research for the benefit of Star Law, Space Fleet and Land Fleet. The upside is that the institute can occasionally call on these and other federal organizations for assistance in the pursuit of its aims.
Note: TIT gaining help from other federal organizations is not the same as a Star Law marshal commandeering a space ship in the pursuit of a criminal. The cross agency assistance usually requires written requests, bureaucratic review and time consuming coordination with said agency.
The fact that the institute is independent of the mega corps does not mean that the mega corps are not involved. Traid is the headquarters for Cassidine Development Corporation (CDC) and Nesmith Enterprises of Triad (NET), both with heavy investments in the high tech field. Surprisingly many mega corps have established grants and endowments, for the university, recognizing that highly trained researchers and scientist graduating yearly is a benefit to their research programs. CDC, NET, and even Streel have become significant patrons of the institute. Pan Galactic Corporation, which supported the bid for Gran Quivera to host the institute has not. In fact PGC's Artifact Research and Development Team has become a significant competitor of the Acquisition Service.
The Acquisition Service works directly for the museum portion of the Institute. They acquire and authenticate artifacts as well as negotiate for collections in private hands to be loaned to the institutes's museum. The service is made up of scientist, technicians, adventurers and what one might even call mercenaries. Their duties range from the mundane; investigating counterfeiters, to the exciting; discovering alien artifacts on strange new worlds.
The service has at its disposal the research capabilities of the institute as well as a modest inventory of equipment. For most assignments it contracts for interstellar transport on commercial vessels. If a mission is believed to be of significant importance a chartered vessel maybe provided. Rather than transport vehicles from Triad the service relies on locally rented vehicles unless travelling beyond the known Frontier.
Members of the Acquisition Service have the benefit of free training at the institute if its a skill that the referee rules is taught there. For example laser weapons marksmanship would not be while computer sciences would. In addition the service provides its teams with a credit line to cover mission expenses. Team members who are qualified (ie they have weapons skills) have a federally issued gun permit allowing them to possess and transport most pistols and rifles on interstellar transports. They still need to follow local laws and check proscribed weapons, like rifles on planets like Clarion. While it would be frowned upon for the team to walk around armed for razor tooths in settled areas it is recognized that security precautions need to be taken in wilderness and unexplored areas.
Truan’s Star Civil Service
Mentioned in Crash on Volturnus SF-0
STR/STA 60/50
DEX/RS 45/45
INT/LOG 60/70
PER/LDR 40/40
PS +4 IM +5
Ranged 23
Melee 30
Description: Dralasite, 1.3 meters height, 65 kilograms weight, 85 years old
Skills: 5th level all skills
Background: Developer, hydro-magnetic stabilization system in Dralasite air cars; author, ''The Metaphysical Foundations of Dralasite Morality''
Vrusk Atlas Manufacturing Corporation
Mentioned in Crash on Volturnus SF-0
STR/STA 40/40
DEX/RS 50/60
INT/LOG 40/50
PER/LDR 30/40
PS +3 IM +6
Ranged 25
Melee 25
Description: Vrusk female, 1.5 meters height, 85 kilograms weight, 32 years old
Skills: Environmental 6
Background: Ph.D., experienced explorer and cartographer; loaned to exploration mission by employer in exchange for Volturnus mapping rights.
WarTech Incorporated
The WarTech Inc. military and industrial complex control about 80% of all weaponry sold, and can influence planetary and system-wide military conflicts. Corporate warfare and miscellaneous battles on the Frontier are usually conducted by members of Galactic, MercCo, planetary militia, or Landfleet, who all buy their supplies from WarTech (or rent them from the Capellan Free Merchants). It is even reported that private dealers buy weapons for pirate or terrorist organizations from WarTech. It is also rumored that certain "Doomsday" devices were created by WarTech, but were deemed to be too dangerous for public consumption.
Headquarters: Heston, Hargut, Gruna Garu
Chief Executive: Lance "Gunner" Todd (Human)
Subsidiaries: Interstar Weaponry, Nova Explosives Unlimited, Newar Laboratories, Zik-kit Ordinance Industries
Referee note: Unknown to the rest of the mega-corps, WarTech actually has the largest annual income.