Note: Items marked (*) are new and found below.
- Ace
- Acrobat
- Alertness
- Ambidextrous
- Attractive / Very attractive
- Berserk
- Block / Improved Block
- Brawny
- Charismatic
- Cinematic martial artist (*)
- Combat Reflexes
- Command
- Common bond
- Connections
- Danger sense
- Dead shot
- Dodge / Improved dodge
- Fast healer
- Fervor
- First strike / Improved first strike
- Fleet footed
- Florentine
- Followers
- Frenzy / Improved frenzy
- Giant killer
- Hard to kill / Harder to kill
- Healer
- Hold the line
- Inspire
- Investigator
- Jack of all trades
- Level headed / Improved level headed
- Luck / Greater luck
- Marksman
- McGyver
- Might blow
- Mr. Fix It
- Natural leader
- Nerves of stell / Improved netves of steel
- Nobel
- No mercy
- Professional
- Expert / Master
- Quick
- Quick draw
- Rich / Filthy rich
- Rock and Roll
- Scholar
- Sidekick
- Steady hands
- Strong will
- Sweep / Improved sweep
- Thief
- Tough as nails / Improved tough as nails
- Trademark weapon / Improved trademark weapon
- Two-fisted
- Weapon master / Master of arms
- Woodsman
Cinematic Martial Artist
(Novice, Fighting d6)
You know a style of martial art from either military training or learning from a master honing your body into a weapon.
- Improved Damage: Your character does Strength + d4 damage with your hands and feet.
- Armed: When fighting unarmed your character is consideredarmed.
- No Gang Up Bonus: In addition, opponents do not receive a gang up bonusagainst you.
- Gear: If your character is wearing gloves such as shock gloves they do not inhibit your ability to use martial arts. Simple add the additional damage caused by the gloves.
Zero-G Combat
(Seasoned, Agility d8)
Your character is skilled in fighting in zero-G environments. Whenever your character makes an agility roll duringcombat to maintain control in zero-G, your character receives a+2 to their roll.