Air Whale
Agility d4
Smarts d6 (A)
Spirit d6
Strength d12+6

Vigor d12+6
Fighting d6
Guts d8
Notice d6
Shooting d6
Pace: 10
Parry: 5
Toughness: 22 (2)
Special Abilities:
Armor: +2, Thick muscle
Flight: Air Whales have a flying Pace of 10 and a climb of 4.
Gargantuan: Attackers add +4 to their Shooting or Fighting rollswhen attacking an Air Whale. Only heavy weapons may effectan Air Whale
Size: +9
Improved Frenzy: An Air Whale may make two attacks perround with its tentacles at no penalty.
Sunlight Beam: damage 3d10
Native World: Volturnus - Anywhere in the air
Air whales are part plant and part animal. The top of the air whaleis covered with plant life which converts sunlight directly into foodand energy. The giant creature also eats plants and animals. Itfeeds on floating plankton, drifting spores, and swarms of flyinginsects, plus anything else it manages to capture. It produces hydrogenas a by-product of feeding. The hydrogen is stored in hundredsof inner membrane sacs. The hydrogen provides the liftwhich lets the air whale float. Compressed hydrogen, ventedthrough tubes scattered around the air whale's body, lets the creaturemaneuver.Crystal-based life forms have a symbiotic relationship with the airwhale. These crystals focus sunlight into a beam, much like a laser.The crystals also store solar energy, and can when direct sunlightis not available. An albedo screen or albedo suit will protectthe target as if they were struck by a laser. From the bottom of thecreature hang hundreds of razor-sharp tentacles 10 meters long.Note that the air whale has two different attack forms depending onwhether the victim is above or below the creature.