Sathar, The
The information presented here is specific for Savage Worlds RPG. For textual description please refer to the
Alpha Dawn rule book.
Classified Information
A Sathar can hypnotize a character by talking to him in a non-combat situation. This ability is similar to the Puppet spell/power. The character must make an opposed Spirit roll versus the Sathar’s Spirit; if the character fails, he is hypnotized and will follow simple commands from the Sathar. If the Sathar succeeds with a raise or higher, the Sathar may command the character to attack allies and even commit suicide (however suicide allows a second opposed roll).
A hypnotized character will think the Sathar is his friend, and will want to cooperate with it. He will see things the way the Sathar describes them, if his other senses do not contradict what theSathar tells him.
For example, a character would not believe that a fire was a pool of water. The duration of the hypnotism is 3 rounds with a success and a further 3 rounds for each raise if used for acombat situation. In a non combat situation, a Sathar can command a hypnotized person to do something at a specific time, and to forget that he has been hypnotized until that time. For example,a character could be commanded to turn off a security system at midnight.
Average Sathar Warrior

Agility d6
Smarts d6
Spirit d8
Strength d4
Vigor d6
Fighting d6
Guts d8
Intimidation d6
Knowledge (Demolitions,Computers, Machinery, or Robotics) d6, Notice d8
Shooting d8
Stealth d6
Pace: 6
Parry: 5
Toughness: 5
Special Abilities:
Hypnotism: A Sathar’s hypnotism power is similar to the Puppet power as described above.
Command: +1 to troops recovering from being Shaken
Level Headed: Sathar know only war, as such all Sathar have keen battle tactics. They have the Level headed edge without being of Seasoned rank.
360 Vision: Sathar recieve +2 to Notice rolls based on Vision and negate all gang-up bonuses.
Sathar may use any weapons or defenses as per the standard equipment list.
Edit Note: edited by jedion357 only for grammar not content changed 2/8/11