Referee Book
Setting Rules
Gravity (Optional Rule)
The strength of gravity on a planet depends on the planet's size. Increasing or decreasing gravity can affect characters several ways.These effects are explained below. (This rule is optional. Referees who do notwant the added detail can ignore it and assume all adventures happen on planets where gravity equals 1 g.) Disregarding gravity rules will obviously make the Zero-G Tolerance Edge and Space Sickness Hindrance pointless in the campaign. Referees must inform the players at character creation if this is going to be the case for the campaign. For every 0.1g less than 1.0g
- A character's load isincreased to the next die type (Example: a Str of d4 would increase to d6 for purposes of load calculation)
- The distance a character can jump from a standstill is increased by 1". A running jump, increased by 2".
- Fallingdamage is reduced to 1d6 for every 20 feet (4"). For every 0.1g above 1.0g
- A character's load is decreased to the next die type (Example: a Str of d6 woulddecrease to d4 for purposes of load calculation) If a character's Str would reduce below a d4, a light load would be considered a medium load, medium becomes heavy etc.
- The distance a character can jump from a standstill is decreased by 1". A running jump is also decreased by 1".
- Falling damage is increased to 1d6 for the first 10 feet (2") and 1d6 for every 5 feet (1") thereafter.
Weightless Movement
Moving in an area where there is no gravity (Zero-G) is different than normal movement. Handholds are built into the walls of mostspace stations and spaceships, so characters can pull or push themselves alongin free-fall. Once a character starts moving, he will not stop until he bumps into a wall or grabs another handhold and stops himself.
Characters moving thisway can move at walking speed (their normal
Pace). They must follow a wall or, if they move across an open area, they must move straight at a constant speed until they reach the opposite wall. Some ships have velcro strips along the hallways, so characters wearing special footy's can walk normally. Characters walking this way can move at one-half their normal
Pace and may not run. Characters can move outside ships or space stations using space suits. Space suits have magnetic boots so characters can walk on the metallic surface of the ship or station at 1/2 their normal
Pace and also may not run. Characters can connect themselves to the ship with a tether, if they are knocked off the ship they can simply pull themselves back along the tether. The rate is 1/2 their normal
Weightless Combat
Whenever a character in free-fall attacks with eithera ranged or melee weapon, he must make an Agility roll. If he fails the roll, the character has lost his balance and is spinning out of control. A spinning character can do nothing until he regains control. To regain control, the character must pass another Agility roll. The character can make a check at the beginning of every round, starting on the round after he loses control.
Note: the Zero-G Tolerance edge grants a bonus to one's Agility roll.
Making an Agility roll to regain control is considered an action. If the character passes the check, he/she has regained control and can move and attack on the same roundwith the usual multi-action penalty. Characters who are wearing magnetic or velcro footys.
Note: characters who are firing gyrojet or laser weapons never lose control.
Click below for a list of creatures.
Air Whale
Agility d4
Smarts d6 (A)
Spirit d6
Strength d12+6

Vigor d12+6
Fighting d6
Guts d8
Notice d6
Shooting d6
Pace: 10
Parry: 5
Toughness: 22 (2)
Special Abilities:
Armor: +2, Thick muscle
Flight: Air Whales have a flying Pace of 10 and a climb of 4.
Gargantuan: Attackers add +4 to their Shooting or Fighting rollswhen attacking an Air Whale. Only heavy weapons may effectan Air Whale
Size: +9
Improved Frenzy: An Air Whale may make two attacks perround with its tentacles at no penalty.
Sunlight Beam: damage 3d10
Native World: Volturnus - Anywhere in the air
Air whales are part plant and part animal. The top of the air whaleis covered with plant life which converts sunlight directly into foodand energy. The giant creature also eats plants and animals. Itfeeds on floating plankton, drifting spores, and swarms of flyinginsects, plus anything else it manages to capture. It produces hydrogenas a by-product of feeding. The hydrogen is stored in hundredsof inner membrane sacs. The hydrogen provides the liftwhich lets the air whale float. Compressed hydrogen, ventedthrough tubes scattered around the air whale's body, lets the creaturemaneuver.Crystal-based life forms have a symbiotic relationship with the airwhale. These crystals focus sunlight into a beam, much like a laser.The crystals also store solar energy, and can when direct sunlightis not available. An albedo screen or albedo suit will protectthe target as if they were struck by a laser. From the bottom of thecreature hang hundreds of razor-sharp tentacles 10 meters long.Note that the air whale has two different attack forms depending onwhether the victim is above or below the creature.
One Sheet Adventures
Click on the one sheet adventure below.
The search for T14
T14 was scheduled to have a memory wipe after its last mission to the Big Bertha mining compound on Inanna VII. For unknown reason the memory wipe didn't take effect. The robot, apparently acting on it's own has acquired a ship and travelled to the mining compound.
Your job is to infiltrate the compound and get that robot back!
Planet: Inanna VII
Special Rules
The low gravity allows characters to leap, jump and fall great distances. Various suspended platforms allow the characters to jump down into the mine, retrieve the robot and jump back up for extraction.
Grapple pistol
Mass: 3kg, Cost: 20 CR
This pistols fires a small magnetic spike up to 10 meters (32 feet) or 5". As the spike spins, hooks snap out which are able to grab ledges. The cord can be rewound in 2 turns. A compressed air canister can fire the pistol up to 10 times before replacing. Canister cost 1 CR each.
Repulsor List Cart
Mass: 140kg, Cost: n/a
These carts are used to ferry large objects, debris and other heavy objects throught the mine. The repulsor's have an altitude limit of 1 kilometer above the surface of the planet. They have no altitude limitions in the mines.
Sathar, The
The information presented here is specific for Savage Worlds RPG. For textual description please refer to the
Alpha Dawn rule book.
Classified Information
A Sathar can hypnotize a character by talking to him in a non-combat situation. This ability is similar to the Puppet spell/power. The character must make an opposed Spirit roll versus the Sathar’s Spirit; if the character fails, he is hypnotized and will follow simple commands from the Sathar. If the Sathar succeeds with a raise or higher, the Sathar may command the character to attack allies and even commit suicide (however suicide allows a second opposed roll).
A hypnotized character will think the Sathar is his friend, and will want to cooperate with it. He will see things the way the Sathar describes them, if his other senses do not contradict what theSathar tells him.
For example, a character would not believe that a fire was a pool of water. The duration of the hypnotism is 3 rounds with a success and a further 3 rounds for each raise if used for acombat situation. In a non combat situation, a Sathar can command a hypnotized person to do something at a specific time, and to forget that he has been hypnotized until that time. For example,a character could be commanded to turn off a security system at midnight.
Average Sathar Warrior

Agility d6
Smarts d6
Spirit d8
Strength d4
Vigor d6
Fighting d6
Guts d8
Intimidation d6
Knowledge (Demolitions,Computers, Machinery, or Robotics) d6, Notice d8
Shooting d8
Stealth d6
Pace: 6
Parry: 5
Toughness: 5
Special Abilities:
Hypnotism: A Sathar’s hypnotism power is similar to the Puppet power as described above.
Command: +1 to troops recovering from being Shaken
Level Headed: Sathar know only war, as such all Sathar have keen battle tactics. They have the Level headed edge without being of Seasoned rank.
360 Vision: Sathar recieve +2 to Notice rolls based on Vision and negate all gang-up bonuses.
Sathar may use any weapons or defenses as per the standard equipment list.
Edit Note: edited by jedion357 only for grammar not content changed 2/8/11