Places of Interest on Clarion

Clarion has 12 great cities with populations in the tens of millions

Valentina is the throne city. The Royal Palace sprawls over square kilometers and the Royal Guard is headquartered here.

Landing- major petroleum refining center and site of Landing Park, the location of the first landing by colonist on Clarion. AIPS's Clarion headquarters is located here as the mega corp dominates the petroleum industry. Several home grown corporations via for market share as well.

Port Royal is The Royal Marine base on the surface of Clarion, the site of the Osprey museum, the RM Historical Center, as well as the Royal Marine Academy. Port Royal is a major star port in its own right with high volumes of commerce passing through.
The Marine base has officer and enlisted clubs but the truly popular off duty locations are the Raptor's Roost (bar and dance club) and Gimpy's (run by a retired RM NCO, Gimpy's maintains a quiet neighborhood style bar & grill atmosphere catering to RM NCO's).

Moline is the largest city and headquarters of Eversafe Enterprises.

Lapin is an anachronism being a resort community dedicated to the ancient art of snow skiing even in this day and age of grav skiing. Princess Vallencia is major patron of the sport and a frequent visitor in Lapin.

Roskov Mountains are the low range of mountains with rich quantities of uranium that made Clarion rich. Large portions have been set aside as Crown Reserve but much is controlled by AIPS mega corp via a subsidiary corporation: Roskov Development Corporation. RDC has been turning out huge profits producing fuel for atomic drives.

Gun Control in the White Light System

The original banning of Streel from doing business on Clarion came about from the government's order to all mega corps to demilitarize their operations. Streel’s violation of this resulted in the original 20 year ban.

Clarion has further instituted gun licensing and bans on certain weapons that are considered military in nature. All defensive suits and screens are allowed but weapons with a rate of fire of 3 or higher, heavy weapons, high damage, or explosive ordinance are considered military. Military, police and paramilitary personnel can purchase much of this with their ID card though most organizations allow their personnel to requisition what they want or need within limits.

The availability of weapons varies greatly depending on where you are in the system.
On Clarion “tame” weapons like semi automatics, needlers, and stun weapons are readily available as well as tangler and smoke grenades. Lasers can be purchased that will only discharge 1 or 2 SEU per shot though it’s a simple procedure for technicians and beam weapons specialist to remove the power governor and allow it to shoot at the full power setting. Explosives are very tightly controlled and tracked. There is of course a black market but that can be difficult to access and markups of 50-100% are not unusual.

On Clarion Station in orbit the situation is a bit looser with many ships coming and going. The same laws apply but the Royal Marines don’t confiscate banned weapons if they’re declared and locked in a weapons locker. Permits for carrying “ship safe weapons” are fairly easy to obtain providing no criminal record (record check is only Clarion’s data base). Ammunition that could endanger the safety of the station cost more and is harder to buy but most legal weapons are freely available. The black market is a little more open as deals can go down on ship and transfers of goods can happen in a number of ways. The black market here runs generally at 25-45% mark up.

On Planaron Ore Processing Stations (POPS) things are quite different as none of the licensing laws apply. The station was built on the gutted Planaron asteroid after Space Mines Inc purchased it from the Crown. Over time it has developed into a rough community of wildcat prospectors, low-life and less savory spacers. It is often referred to as a wretched hive of scum and villainy. Here the black market is the open market.
Most traders will keep certain wares out of site if Royal Marines have entered the station preferring to avoid drawing too much attention to them. It is often possible to buy weapons here that are vastly marked down but these either have seen heavy use and abuse or they may be flagged in a police data base somewhere.