Fragmentation Weapons(AD)
Fragmentation weapons are a specialized version of railguns, firing larger-caliber bullets with embedded explosive charges which fragment the round the instant it leaves the barrel.
Like railguns, frag weapons have an ammo clip and a separate power source lasting for the life of the ammo, as described below:
Frag Rifle
A frag rifle fires 15mm rounds which explode into hundreds of fragments travelling at relativistic speeds.
The resulting shrapnel(or shrap)affects all characters in a six-meter diameter area, as per grenades. Any character in that area suffers full damage, as for grenades.
Rate Of Fire: 3 single shots
Damage: 8d10
Ammo: 2 40-round clips and two 20 SEU powerclips
PB: 0-60;Short:61-225; Medium: 226-475; Long: 476-1050; Extreme: 1051-1875
Mass(loaded):10 kg
Frag Cannon
These are dual-barrelled 30mm railguns(most commonly known as "30-30s")firing fragmentation rounds.
The shrap from a frag cannon round affects all characters in a 20-meter diameter area, with effects otherwise as above.
Rate Of Fire: 2 single shots per turn
Damage: 24d10
Ammo: 400-round ammo belt and a 100 SEU powerpack
PB: 0-100;Short:101-600; Medium: 601-900; Long: 901-1700; Extreme: 1701-2800
Mass(loaded):120 kg
Skein suits and inertia screens(and any armor such as polyplate)protect normally.
Light Anti-Vehicular Railgun(LAVR)
This is a single-shot disposable weapon designed to give infantry some capability to defeat armored vehicles.
The LAVR consists of a single tube, the projectile, and a 20 SEU powerclip; the act of firing the projectile erodes the rails within the tube to utter uselessness, and drains the powerclip.
Rate Of Fire: One shot(weapon is useless forever after)
Damage: 40d10
Ammo: 1 LAVR projectile and a 20 SEU powerclip
PB: 0-200;Short:201-400; Medium: 401-800; Long: 801-1200; Extreme: 1201-1500
Mass(loaded):10 kg