Ifshnit Attitudes, Motivations, & Racial Abilities

Ifshnits are intelligent, brave, patient, and tolerant of other races, and members of most races like them instantly. However, despite their open, friendly dispositions, ifshnits perfer being alone with other members of their clan.

When an ifshnit demonstrates concern, you can be sure it is genuine, though they will gladly use the occasion to share any of their product that matches  the circumstance, but their doing so is an earnest attempt to help.  A person is wise to at least give them an ear in their offers, as you never know what wisdom may be expressed in their offer. They take every opportunity to make money to take care of themselves and their family, but never at the expense of the well being of others.

Though they value life more than the other races, they still see the need for repulsing would be usurpers by any means necessary and will come to the aid of the CFM whenever needed, even if it is not their employing company.

They harbor an intense hatred for the sathar and any who serve them. This is due to their past dealings with the sathar. Though the details are hard to get, apparently the sathar have plagued the ifshnits since their history began. This leads many historians to believe that the ifshnits (or a branch of that race) at one time inhabited sathar space. Ifshnits have been known to risk life and limb many times over to eliminate the sathar and their agents.

Despite the vrusk's dispassionate nature, ifshnits find them interesting becasue their commitment to their employer is similar to the ifshnit commitment to the CFM. They also love dralasites for their flexibility, humor, and congenial ways. Humans appreciate ifshnits for their genuineness and openness, as well as seemingly always having what they need.

Racial Reaction Modifiers Table
By Other
By Ifshnit
 Dralasite +0 +15
 Human +5 +5
 Humma -5 -5
 Ifshnit -- +15
 Mechanon +0 -5
 Osakar +0 +5
 Sathar -10 -40
 Vrusk +0 +5
 Yazerian +5 +10
 Boon'sheh -5 +5

Motivations for Adventure
Ifshnits are not shy for travelling to exotic worlds to see otherworldly beauty or share their culture, their beliefs, and their goods. They love the stars and seek to bring order to the universe and will sometimes take an active roll in achieving that goal. Ifshnits adapt very well to living and working in space. Dorem Dasak, the famous dralasite philosopher and historian, has named them, "The race of the future, they who will inherit!"

Racial Abilities
Flash Resistance: Ifshnits cannot be blinded by any light, as their nictitating membranes snap shut instantly. They cannot see during the turn a light flashes brightly, but their eyesight will be normal the following turn.

Innate Skill: Because of their unique culture, which is heavily based on barter, ifshnits learn about trading at an early age. An ifshnit player is allowed to choose one of the following bonuses at no cost when it begins the game: +20% to Appraisal, Gemology, or Haggling.

 DEX/RS +0