Astrography of the Rim

Rim Star Systems
Star (Class) & Planet
 Capella (G6)
 If Mod B 0.7 45 DS Astraa A
 If Mod A 1.5 15 TS Flaund -
        Bigoo I
 If Mod BT 0.6 22 RRS Haasan -
        Kleevor M
 Cryxia (K5)
      Pi'Ka'Nair * Hvy A 0.5 12 - Bu'd -
      T'zaan * Mod A 1.0 20 TS  
 Fockrik (F9)
      Forge Hu Hvy I 0.8 40 - Anvil M
      Hum Hu Hvy R 0.9 30 TS Kran C
        Glak M
      Larg Hu Mod RI 1.1 35 - Clud -
 Kazak (G1)
      Stenmar * ModRA
 DS,RRS Brount M
        Bernt M
        Bilf -
        Brunmt M
 Klaeok (G8)
      Point Go
 * Lt R 1.6 90 DS,TS - 
 Osak (G4)
 O Out M 0.8 20 - - 
 O Hvy I 1.1 25 FSS,TS Obladee C
        Ontair R
        Octon B
 O/If Out E 1.0 35 - Onmar -
      Reanee * Mod B 1.0 20 - - 
 * Lt AT 1.2 30 ASS Weskin E
        Weot -

Table Footnotes

PR (Primary Race): If= ifshnit, Hu= humma, O= osakar, * + mixture of races
Pop (Population)
     Hvy-- Heavy population: The planet has numerous large cities and hundreds of smaller cities. Individual cities may be considered "maxi-cities" that cover thousands of square kilometers.
     Mod-- Moderate population: The planet has several large cities and numerous small cities.
     Lt-- Light population: The planet has only a few small cities.
     Out-- Outpost: The planet has only a small outpost or colony. At most, it has only one small city and possibly some small settlements located nearby.
TR (Trade)
     I-- Industry: Most of the planet's economy is based on manufacturing. Cities are built around factories, processing plants, or robo-plants, and most of the inhabitants work there. Raw materials may either be mined on the planet or shipped in from another planet.
     R-- Resource Mining: The planet is rich in natural resources like metals, fossil fuels, gems, crystal, or radioactive materials. Most of these raw materials are shipped to industrial planets for processing.
     A-- Agriculture: The planet's economy is based on farming, whether natural or synthetic. This includes grain farming, fruit or vegetable farming, livestock, fish, lumber, textiles, and other such businesses.
     M-- Military: The planet is an ideal location for a huge military complex. This requires some industry and resource mining to be conducted on the planet and the planet is under the tightest security. Military planets are usually developed by a mega-corp that needs room for development, growth, and testing (like WarTech's Solar Major) or by a large planetary system that needs to heavily fortify a sector in space (like the UPF's development of Moonworld in the Lynchpin System).
     E-- Education: The planet's chief industry is educational or scientific study.
     B-- Business: The planet's chief product is mercantile operations. Such a planet usually has offices on it for middle sized companies and mega-corps along with massive showrooms and demonstration areas. Also in abundance are thousands of bazaars where one can find almost everything imaginable. Some planets, such as Minotaur, are tourist centers that make a large amount of their planetary income on vacation sites and amusement parks.
     T-- High Tech Industry: The planet excels in research or development of, manufacturing of, or advanced use of highly advanced technology. Wonma, Osak is a great example of a high-tech center.
Grav (gravity): given in PanGal's "Sol standard"
Sat (artificial satellites): Only lists the major stations
     FSS-- Fortified Space Station
     ASS-- Armed Space Station
     TS-- Trading Station: These "malls in space" are usually found in very secure space sectors. Trading stations have facilities for restocking spaceships.
     RRS-- Rest & Relaxation Station: These space stations specialize in entertainment facilities such as holo-shows, live theatre, casinos, lounges and sporting events. They also cover recreation facilities such as zoos, adventure parks, and on some of the planets with more hostile environments, "outdoor" parks that offer hiking, biking, climbing, boating, etc. Usually there is a wide range of packages for onboard hotel facilities so it is possible for people to vacation there over extended periods of time.
     DS-- Docking Station: These space stations provide facilities for repair, refurbishment, and complete overhaul of spaceships. Some are also shipyards where new spaceships are built. Every type of space station can handle light repairs on space ships, but only a docking station can handle seriously damaged ships.
Moons: Uses the same letter codes as TR with one addition.
     C-- Colonization

Planetary Footnotes

Faire (Capella) is a water world with five large islands. Red Island is the headquarters of the Capellan Free Merchants and the de facto system capitol. Each island has a supervisor that oversees it as a mayor and traditionally has always been a member of the CFM. The overseer/mayor position is typically a stepping stone to future appointment on the Board of the CFM. The largest island is Bizarre and is especially noteworthy for its Minzii marketplace where it's said that if an item can't be found in Minzii then it doesn't exist.

Fhloid (Osak), in the inner Osak system, is the secret weapons development site for the Flight. Established after a new weapon system turned up for sale in the Minzii market on the planet Faire, the orbital space of Fhoid is off limits to all by but specific Flight vessels.

Forge (Fochrik) would be uninhabitable due to its proximity to Fochrik except that it is tidally locked with one face always pointed toward the star. The habitable zone lies below the horizon shadow that never receives direct sunlight. Ships that ply the space lanes between Forge and Hum require extra heat shielding or they are very likely to take damage.

Homeworld (Capella) is the cradle of the ifshni civilization. Callith, its capitol, is the location of the Palace of the Stone and the sacred Mist Stone. Homeworld, though colder than Faire, sports 70% liquid water oceans. Sailing is the planetary passion even more so than on Faire. It is a leader in algae farming.

Hum (Fochrik) is the cradle of hummarin civilization. This planet is unique in known space as having the distinction of evolving two sapient races simultaneously; the humma and the boon'sheh. The boon'sheh race is nearly extinct on Hum and the humma have inherited the planet. The leading houses on Hum have their leaders chosen for the royal seats that control the government.

Osaka (Osak) is the cradle of the osakaran civilization, capitol of the system, seat of the Board of the Rim Coalition, and the headquarters of the Flight. Economically, it is as important as the Capella system sitting at the effective crossroad to Fochrik, Capella, the rest of the Rim. This planet is heavily defended with both a fortified space station and ground based defenses.

Pi'Ka'Nair (Cryxia), combined with its sister world T'zaan, is known as the "bread basket of the Rim." Its low gravity and favorable environment supports many varied agricultural exports. One of its native species, the cryxian roach, has managed to colonize several other planets in the Rim and proved to be invasive pest.

Stenmar (Kazak), discovered by the CFM, is a thoroughly mixed race colony. The economy is based equally on mining and agriculture but there is intense rivalry with the Cryxia system for the designation of Bread Basket of the Rim as well as resentment over the invasion of the cryxian roach. While most of its moons are military installations, its second moon, Bernt, is a major penal colony as well. The planet hosts the headquarters of the Flight's Talon Command (the Flight's marine force) and is the training center and supply depot for Talon Command.

Wonma (Osak) is an important research site with climate controlled domes simulating environments from around the Rim. The planet actively develops new agricultural products for the CFM. It has rapidly grown its the high tech exports as well.

Due to its rising importance in the Rim's economy the CFM has forced the Flight to build an armed space station in orbit. In reality, the station may not be needed for the planet's defense due to its distance from the system primary. Sathar ships jumping into the system will generally burn past Wonma before they can decelerate enough to raid the planet and by that time the Flight will have task groups on intercept. The Flight has negotiated with the CFM to turn this station over to their administration to re-divert funds to higher defensive priorities else where. The end result is that the CFM staffs the station but the Flight still pays for its upkeep.