Houses and Lineages in Humma Society
House Arius holds a seat of Higher One and is allied to the royal
house. Its leadership has chafed under the political status quo but
cannot break publicly with the king. The lineages in House Arius turn
out the best spacers and figure prominently in the Fokrik Defence Fleet.
(+10% to one spacer skill, chosen at the time of acquiring the first
spacer skill)
Lineage Eruditi produces war priests, who are fervent to
the point of zealotry. They are identifiable by their clean outward
appearance, their hair being clean and scented with pleasant oils. Their
Hum, quite unusually, holds the title High One, a seat generally only
held by a house. The Eruditi believe that the surge of adrenaline during
combat is actually the spirit of a humma from a past battle taking over
the body. They follow even the slightest impulse, deeming it the “will
of the spirit.” This makes them very dangerous even to their allies
though strangely effective. (Eruditi gain +10 to melee combat but must
make a LOG check every 5 rounds or attack an adjacent ally as an enemy
but with no +10 bouns)
House Falsguck is another house that holds a seat of
Higher One and is the main rival of the royal house. It publicly
supports the king but plots privately to change the status quo. Its
members are noted for their ability to read a “tell” and react quickly
to erupting combat. (+1 initiative modifier)
Lineage Glax is
a very traditional, some say backward lineage, holding to ancient ways
and practices. It produces few warriors as few of the young born to its
members survive infancy. They live very close to nature. (+5% to stealth
and concealment)
House Globulos, has turned its efforts to theatre and
literature gaining Frontier wide fame by its innovative adaptations of
significant literature from other races, the most critically acclaimed
being “Last of the Mohicans” as a stage production. (+10 to creative and
performance skills)
House Jorah is the largest house with over 60 lineages.
Its members are statesmen, diplomats and its Hum is a Higher One. They
have played both sides of the political divide concerning supporting the
king. Their status makes them effective leaders among the humma. (+10
to LDR instead of -10)
Lineage Kro is one of the strangest of all humma
lineages. Its members shave all fur and cover themselves with tattoos.
Due to years of selective breeding, members of this lineage are larger
then the average humma (3.5m tall). They are also very warlike and not
to bright. (STR/STA +15, LOD -10)
House Platget now sends out its descendants to become Star Law Rangers. (+15% to interrogation attempts)
House Recksill is the Royal House and holder of the seat,
the Highest One. It has astutely maneuvered to solidify control of the
planet since SW1. Its members are noted for their intuition. (+10 INT)
History of the Humma and Fokrik System
place holder text