On the outskirts of the frontier a ship unlike you have ever seen is detected travelling sub-light. The ship does not respond to any signal. If lethal force is used it will be returned, all ship weapons do double the normal damage. It's destination is calculated and shows it will reach populated frontier space in the next 4 years. Do you leave it alone and keep trying to crack it's secrets? Or place a bomb in it's path hoping to deter it?
Upon entering the station you are met with an unusual visual experience. Most of the rooms inside are wooden and stone structures, nothing like material used on a station. The walls have pictures and murals, hanging drapes over windows that show beautiful skylines. Tables and chairs line study halls.
You enter an entertainment area filled with human, dralasite, vrusk and yazirian gaiety. A vrusk plays two pianos at the same time while a dralasite blows a trumpet. A yazirian walks on his hands trying to impress a date. The bartender begs you to come over and greats you, "Welcome fellow Phalacians, I am Spec."
When Spec learns you are not Phalacians he says, "Oh no! You are the enemy" and he evaporates like a ghostly image into thin air along with the rest of the occupants. Menacing laughter echo's, "You shall pay for your treachery."
Someone may sense they are being watched or followed. They may catch eyes moving in paintings or appears in moose heads. Scraping sounds come from the walls. Rattling chains are heard.
Using a series of moving walls the party is split into two's. Each must face a spooky setting such as a graveyard or torture chamber. A quick character should be able to dodge moving walls and become separated from the party allowing him to explore the real station, maybe even hack into the computer.
If he hacks he will meet Spec who introduces himself as a doomsday device sent thousands of years ago to destroy the Phalacians ancient enemies that were once part of this area of the galaxy.
What is happening?
Indeed this is a doomsday device sent by an ancient enemy of the frontier Tetrarchs. Spec is an advanced AI, he is the station. He has had time to think about destroying an entire planet but must complete his mission. He attempts to scare off the invaders rather than see them destroyed.
Plot Hooks
- If it was built by an advanced civilization like the Tetrarchs, why is it so slow?
The ships FTL engines burned out during the final jump. Unfortunately the last jump was a misjump. The ship is very close to Prenglar thinking this is the target.
Spec believes this is the correct area of space and Prenglar is the target. More than 1,000 years ago a powerful alien race discovered a potential threat emanating from the frontier sector. A probe was sent to track technology levels in this sector, when they tech reached a certain level a dooms day device would be sent, after all one can't have too much competition in the galaxy.
In FY 73 the probe was encountered at Gruna Garu by a passing freighter bound for Prenglar. The UPF detached a small task force accompanied by Zuet Martin the famous xenobiologist. The task force began transmitting "Hello" in all known spoken and computer languages. To the astonishment of everyone the probe answered in PanGal asking a series of questions. The questions were easily answered but then the probe transmitted unknown signals. Were they more questions or something else? If this latest transmission are not answered what will happen to the frontier. Do we prepare for invasion?