Christianna-class torpedo frigate

Undergoing testing by the Clarion Royal Marines, the
Christianna-class torpedo frigate uses a Size 6 spaceframe and a pair of size C pion engines as the basis for a strike version of the standard frigate.
The torpedo frigate is armed with a pair of turreted railguns, a chin mounted railgun battery and eight torpedos, using its powerful engines for fast strikes and relying solelly on its railgun battery for point defense, and a reflective hull and masking screens for anti-beam defense, this lack of defensive equipment being the design's major weakness.
So far, the Royal Marines have fielded five protoype TFs: the class ship
Christianna, the
Rebekah, the
Audrianna, the
Rhiannon and the
Margaurite, with the
Margaurite being equipped with seeker missile racks instead of torpedos.
Name: Christianna-class torpedo frigate
HS: 7
HP: 35
Engines: 2 Class C Pion
Max ADF/MR: 4/4
DCR: 70
Life Support: 9
Crew Accommodations: 9
Passenger Accomodations: None
Cargo Capacity: 5 units
Computer Level/Function points: 4/128
Computer Programs: Alarm, Lockout, Damage Control, Installation Security, Pion Engine, Astrogation, Railgun, Torpedo(Seeker Missile), Masking Screen, Self-Destruct
Astrogation Equipment: Deluxe
Communications Equipment: Videocom, Subspace Radio
Sensor Systems: Skin Sensors, Cameras, Energy Sensors, Radar, White Noise Broadcaster
Weapons: RG(×2), RGB, TT(×8) OR SM(×10)
Defenses: RH, MS
Ship's Vehicles: Launch(10-person)
Other Equipment: N/A
Total Cost(unfueled): Cr. 32, 500,000
New Weapons Systems:
Railgun(RG): A massdriver which accelerates 12.7 millimeter projectiles to relativistic speeds, causing slightly more damage than a laser cannon, while requiring less space than a laser.
MHS:3(MHS:5 if turreted), HDR: 3D10, Range: 10 hexes, DTM: -10. Restrictions: LTD(15 100-round bursts)
Railgun Battery(RGB): A battery of four massdrivers firing 7.62 millimeter projectiles at relativistic speeds.
MHS:2, HDR: 2D10, Range: 8 hexes, DTM: -10.
Restrictions: LTD(18 100-round bursts)
Railgun Pod(RGP): A gunpod containing a pair of linked 5.56 mm massdrivers. Used by fightercraft and bombers.
MHS:1, HDR: 1d10+5, Range: 6 hexes, DTM: -10.
Restrictions: LTD(10 200-round bursts)