Basic Information
Ability Scores
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 5 kph
Racial Abilities
Working in the factory was a thankless job.
Pay was dirt. Dirt poor.
Siggy wants some action. Only because with action comes creds.
With creds comes a ticket out of this dump of a life style.
Siggy is putting all his hope in Arzagan's fleabag skills.
"This is my chance." Siggy says to himself. "All I need is one shot."
Afterthought. "Oh....and a gun."
"Starting characters receive 250Cr plus a roll of d100."
Siggy rolls a "44". Total = 294Cr
- Water Pack: days remaining: 3
- Gas Mask
- 2 Solvaway
- ID Card
- Pocket Flashlight
- Pocket Tool
- Staydose x4
- Stimdose x4