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Submitted By: Anonymous on November 4, 2007
"Siggy" Murtleford
Walking: 10 m/turn
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 5 kph
Primary Skill Area:
Projectile Weapons:
Level 1
Working in the factory was a thankless job.
Pay was dirt. Dirt poor.
Siggy wants some action. Only because with action comes creds.
With creds comes a ticket out of this dump of a life style.
Siggy is putting all his hope in Arzagan's fleabag skills.
"This is my chance." Siggy says to himself. "All I need is one shot."
Afterthought. "Oh....and a gun."
Nothing. I'm a poor white boy and work in a
Manufacturing Center.
"Starting characters receive 250Cr plus a roll of d100."
Siggy rolls a "44". Total = 294Cr
- Water Pack: days remaining: 3
- Gas Mask
- 2 Solvaway
- ID Card
- Pocket Flashlight
- Pocket Tool
- Staydose x4
- Stimdose x4
Balance: 192 CR
Submitted By: Shadow Shack on July 2, 2008
Alfrood "Al" Lannin
Walking: 5 m/turn
Running: 20 m/turn
Hourly: 3 kph
Racial Abilities
Lie Detection: 5%.
Elasticity: Up to 6 limbs.
Primary Skill Area:
Born and raised in Port Loren, Al is stuck in a dead end job at the Manufacturing plant were he repairs the plantes 'bots and plays shrink to workers and 'bots alike. A bit of a prankster, the plant's robots have been know to randomly behave erratically and humorously, much to the dismay of the plant's managers. While there's no proof, suspicions about that Al is behind the pranks. Tired of shift work at the manufacturing plant, Al is ready to head out and see the Frontier.
(character created and portrayed by Terlobar, referenced here for All That Glitters game)
- Robocom kit (10kg)
- Sonic knife (empty) (43% to hit) (1 kg)
- Chronocom
- Gas mask
- Toxy-rad Guage
- 2 Tangler grenades
- 2 Smoke grenades
- 3 Solvaway
Balance: 6 CR
Total Encumbrance: 12 kg
Submitted By: Shadow Shack on November 4, 2007
K'ras-Tvil AKA "K'rash"
Walking: 15 m/turn
Running: 35 m/turn
Hourly: 6 kph
Racial Abilities
Ambidextrous: Can use either hand equally well.
Primary Skill Area:
Projectile Weapons:
Level 1
K'ras-Tvil is rather small for his species, a trait that led to his training to develope his personal strength and prowess in an ever-competitive field. Out of work after a brief sabatical at one of Streel's various manufacturing centers, K'ras-Tvil yearns for a steady paycheck. Desperation leads to enlisting an employment agent, something his business-like species is loathe to participating in. But that same desperation led to the sale of most of his valuable goods, including a sweet open top skimmer and a Streel 'Crossbow' hovercycle along with a fair collection of projectile weaponry in order to continue living indoors rather than in a gutter.
Recently hired on by Pan Galactic and travelling to mission destination via chartered starliner where he fell in with a group of hovercycle club members and began selling narcotics to the crew in order to get into good terms with said club. When the dust settled (literally), he was granted honorary membership into the Knights of Hell's Highway club as a nomadic member.
"In For Life" --- Honorary member of KHH Cycle Club
"Marked Man" --- Club logo tattoo on right arm
Standard Equipment Pack
2 -Automatic Pistols
30 - pistol bulletclips
Doze Grenade
CKA bolt action rifle w/30 rounds
5 disposable suppressors (10 shot)
Riding Vest w/Knights of Hell's Highway & nickname "K'rash" patches
Submitted By: Shadow Shack on July 2, 2008
Benster DeVoulge
Walking: 10 m/turn
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 5 kph
Primary Skill Area:
Personality : Perfect military material. Physical type with average mental abilites. Will follow orders efficiently. Capable of initiative when its needed. Knows his place. Introverted but not shy. Stays in the background during social events. Dislikes being the center of attention. Unlikely candidate for command positions.
Self-Image : Benster sees himself as the silent, reliable guy that stays in the background but his always there for his family or team members.
Background : The first contract of Benster in the military has just ended. Disappointed he didn't get to see any action he chose not to reenlist. Instead he wants to freelance. He as recently come into contact with a contract agent called Arzagan. Benster is a pure product of Port Loren : Born, raised, schooled and trained there. His family could not afford to travel. His father is a robot technician and his mother a nurse. He is the oldest of four children (2 brothers and 1 sister – in order). The middle brother is currently training in the military. The youngest brother (a musician) has left home recently after a profound disagreement over career choices with his father. The sister follows the footsteps of her mother in biosocial work. She aims to become a psychiatrist.
(created and portrayed by bioreplica for the All That Glitters game)
Standard pack
2 Knives
Savings : 113cr
Submitted By: Shadow Shack on July 2, 2008
Walking: 10 m/turn
Running: 30 m/turn
Hourly: 4 kph
Racial Abilities
Battle Rage:5%.
Night Vision: But -15 to all actions in full light.
Gliding: Can glide 1m forward for each 1m dropped.
Primary Skill Area:
(character developed and portrayed by Corvus for the "All That Glitters" game)
Stunstick (+5, 40%) 75cr
Chronocom 100cr
Flashlight 5cr
Sungoggles 2cr
152 credits saved
PGC Moon Profile Zeneb
TEMPERATURE: Cold to Very Cold
ATMOSPHERE: Toxic/Suffocating (Methane/Ammonia mix)
planetoid is in distant orbit around the gas giant Tristrion. It is
very cold - the average temperature at the equator is about -30 degrees
C. It is believed to have a mostly hardened iron core, and is
relatively soft volcanic rock under a thick layer of ice that is a
minimum of 10 meters thick at the surface.
Gravity is rather
lighter than on most Federation Planets. Extra long jumps are possible
on Zeneb, but all people working there must exercise regularly to
prevent muscle atrophy. Supplements can also help with this problem.
atmosphere is rather dense, but very deadly - its combination of
methane and ammonia fumes would suffocate, or poison, anyone attempting
to breathe it. Depressurization is a problem for periods of over 30
minutes. The atmosphere is highly irritating to eyes, and can cause
total blindness within minutes. Prolonged contact is also dangerous to
skin and other bodily membranes. ALL EMPLOYEES AND CONTRACTORS ARE
Zeneb has many attractive planetary features, however,
that make it an ideal location for a mining facility. Ice Harvesting
is a key component of operations, which gives off large quantities of
life giving sustenance to the Facility. The ice on Zeneb is almost
completely pure water when melted, and our RT9000 Industrial Atomizers
find great uses for the hydrogen atoms for powerplant fuel, and life
giving oxygen to our PGC Employees and Contractors.
Of even
greater value are Zeneb's vast pools of solid and semi-liquid ammonia.
Though concentrated, caustic, and dangerous, this substance yields a
vast array of materials when atomized. Even more importantly, the
nitric acid produced from the ammonia is a vital component of the
processing the gold and rhenium ore.
Of course, the Pan Galactic
Corporation did not construct this massive Zeneb Facility for water and
ammonia. Gold, and even more precious veins of rhenium ore are found
in abundance in the brittle volcanic rock lying beneath the surface
ice. The water and, most importantly, the ammonia, allow the refining
of the ore.