SF-Sathar Wars

Document container for project design documents.

Idea dump


Landfleet  History to UPF – Landfleet

81FY:  Task Force Cassidine crushes the Sathar Feint on Zebulon, but with heavy losses. The UPF now realizes how vulnerable it is to land attacks.

82FY:  The UPF establishes the United Planetary Federation Landfleet, the first interplanetary army raised on the frontier. Thousands of Humma and Osakar arrive from the Rim and enlist, hoping to stop the Sathar menace before it invades their homeworlds. Many die for the Frontier, but still more stay and become citizens after the war.

84FY:  Dralasites and the Coalition insist that a diplomatic mission be sent to Outpost#1. The Sathar agree to meet three months later to discuss a possible treaty. Non-Sathar agents represent Sathar interests at the meetings. Diplomatic talks are held for another 18months with no results. During that time the Sathar strengthen their defences and repair their ships. The UPF Landfleet is given time to become a formidable army.

88-90FY:The Siege of Outpost#1. Task Force Prenglar blockades Outpost#1 while Landfleet is shuttled in under intense fire. The land battle take two years to complete. At the end of the hostilities, no Sathar survive and 40% of Landfleet is destroyed. Among the Landfleet dead, 30% are non-frontier citizens. Most of the Ifshnit, Osakar, and Humma who have served the UPF during the war settle down on the UPF Frontier worlds.

93FY:  The Frontier worlds decide that a permanent, but scaled down, UPF Landfleet force must be maintained at all times for the defence of the Frontier.

95FY:  Outpost#1 is established as a UPF military base. The “Hoppin’ Hundred and Eighth” a spearhead Humma division, is stationed there permanently.

additional unit types

The Units available to Landfleet are as follows: Infantry, Support Inf, Combat Robots*, Scout Cycles*, Fast track personnel carrier (FTPC)*, power armour*, infantry walkers*, gunships*, Air transport, Mortar (Inf)*
  • see below for a description of new units
  • The new units are as detailed below:
NameAIAADefMoveRangeCost Notes
Mortar1-110504Barrage 4cm templates x2. Indirect
FTPC322   Transports 2 units
Scout Cycles1-160154Spotter
Power Armour222254010Shielding, Inf
Combat Robots      Special rules
Inf Walkers      Shielded
Gunship243   VTOL
Air Transport322   Transports 4 stands

Notes:Mortar: Place a 4cm template and roll another D6 to place the remaining template.

FTPC: APC’s were deemed to be too limiting in this role, and a fast, lighter version was required with suitable firepower to support the infantry. The FTPC was the resulting solution.

SCOUT CYCLE: Fast, maneuvable and apt for the role. Not designed for direct combat, but rather to deliver precise coordinates to orbital control for effective bombing solutions.

POWER ARMOUR: The ultimate in infantry troop types

SF – Sathar Wars
 Additional units LANDFLEET Militia 
 Prone to artillery fire; artillery add =1 to hit. Cannot be counted as a spotting unit. One unit may be upgraded to a commander: 

Add 1 point to either AI or AA--+10cms+4
 Improved morale, additional support options and can spot for artillery. 

Support Base, Militia
Add 3 points to either AI or AA115cm50cm5
 Use special templates for barrage effect (2 x 4cm ) 

Classed as infantry for movement purposes, otherwise treat as a vehicle.

 Steathy; can only be targeted at ranges of 30cm and below. 

OPTION for Militia
AIAADEFMove RangePts
 Prone to artillery fire; artillery add =1 to hit. Cannot be counted as a spotting unit. All units must fire at one target. Depends on the number of stands in the unit:  
Number of unitsAIRange
6 or over430cm
 A truly multi-tasking unit. Can carry out VTOL attacks. Can spot for ONE artillery unit.  

Hover bikes/ Cycles
AIAADEFMove RangePts
 Due to speed & manoeuvrability of these units, it counts as being in soft cover – i.e. a +1 to hit. Being in soft cover is not accumulative.Hoverbikes cannot carry out VTOL attacks – engine propulsion is not designed to operate this way.

Combat Robots 
DefenceAdd 3 points to either AI or AA3-50cm360°7
PatrolAdd 2 points to either AI or AA320cm40cm180°7
AttackAdd 2 points to either AI or AA330cm30cm180°7
 Defence robots do not move, but can rotate in location to attack enemies in rangePatrol robots operate in a 30cm x 30cm box (see rules) to be clarified laterAttack Robots: Nominate a point on the battlefield. The robots advance to this point and then use the patrol rules to secure the point there after. 

Figure sources

Figure sources 

Exodus wars.com
Dark realm

There are many sources of figures and the quality is generally very good. Here are some of my recommendations. If anyone is interested in a more thourough breakdown of model types, please let me know.

further history ideas

UPF recognised the need for an organisation to defend the frontier interests , independent of local governments, and to provide critical support to besreiged planets. The UPFL was formed in 82FY. This force consisted of the core 4 species, as well as significant numbers of Humma and Osakar from the Rim. These forces were drawn up as traditional armies, which involved vast numbers of Infantry, supported by vehicles. 

Following the highly attritious assault on Outpost #1, there was a need to re-organise and develop tactics. The traditional role of artillery/ heavy vehicles required huge logistical support and slowed down the assault on Outpost #1. these shortfalls led to the development of a highly efficient force, who could move rapidly and minimise the amount of logistical support; a very important consideration. Troop types tended towards fast, multi tasking and hard striking. Emphasis on laser and fusion energy to maximise logistical efficiency. The use of Army/ Artillery was minimal primarily for the same reason.

Where heavier firepower is required, this is provided by orbital support, from direct bombardment to Atmopsheric support. Controlled by ground guidance

Additional information on details of the assault on Outpost#1. This is one of the intial contacts with the sathar planetbound, and did not go the UPF's way...



Troop Types

Colour Schemes

Suggested Figures



Sample Armies


History – timeline, accepted facts

Invasion of Outpost#1


6 years prior to the invasion of Outpost#1, Landfleet was formed (similar to American prior to WW2)

Logical to surmise that there were quite a few skirmishes prior to main invasion.


Was there an ‘Omaha Beach’ for the UPF? (Omega Beachhead) – where there were many casualties.

Therefore, need a detailed map of planet with Defences ( 2 years to prepare for an Invasion – not a lot of time really)

Omega stike point – Incorrect Intelligence led to the demise of many UPF troops – a lot of Osakar/ humma died in this attack. Only the tenacity of the Hoppin’ 108 and 106 prevented an outright massacre.


[insert map of Outpost 1 – will be revised if there are any ‘official’ copies kicking about]


Base1 – main continent with industrial/ agriculture centre.

Base2/4 – Main defence sites/ orbital defence stations

Base 3/5 – Northern/Southern orbital defence stes.

The Omega beachhead 

Prior to the assault, the UPF fleet Cassadine launched a deadly bombardment on the Sathar base. The base received heavy punishment from the fleet, but managed to drive off the fleet with significant casualties. The Assault group was moved in and the drop onto Sathar Base 3 was commenced.


The ill fated Omega mission landed straight on top of the Sathar Base (3). A multitude of guns, missles opened up and almost 2/3 of the assaulting force was cut down before they even reached the ground.


The remaining forces managed to hold the beachhead, and force their way to the coastline, again suffering terrible casualties. A concerted effort to rescue the survivors was made. At the end of the campaign, only 1 in 10 persons came back.


10 divisions (40,000) troops were dropped onto the Omega site.


Consisted of 6 Infantry, 2 Support, 1 Heavy Armoured Division and an Artillery Division.




All the Infantry  Divisions were mauled.

15th/ 61st Mechanised Infantry Divisions (Mixed) and 106th Hoppin’ Division (Humma)were wiped out.

108th Hoppin’/ 38 & 39 Air Assault Divisions suffered massive casualties (4%/2%/6% survivors respectively)


The Strike Eagles (Hvy Armour) and 8th Artillery Div were wiped out, whilst the 8th and 10th Mechanised engineers lost all vehicles and suffered similar casualties (94% - 98%)


Analysis and accounts from the survivors deduced the following:


The UPF bombardment was ineffective and incorrect info had given the wrong co-ordinates for an effective bombing campaign. The Sathar had made excellent preparations of the defence of the base ( indeed after it capture later on, it is still used by the UPF in its current form.) , and had 2 Divisons in well prepared defences, supplied and eager to take the fight to the enemy.


Initially, the invasion force overwhelmed the defenders taking horrific casualties in the process, but were then beaten back by reinforcements counterattack.


The 106/108th Humma Division, and the remenants of the 61st mechanised Division launched a desperate assault to break out  of the encirclement and successfully did so. Comms were re-established  and the remaining troops still to be deployed were held. A conserted effort was made to save as many of the besieged troops as possible.

[insert appropriate picture]



Designed to transport space to ground assault

Capacity – 20 units or 10 vehicles (company size)


Approx 500 were used in the initial drop onto the sathar Base


50ships at a time, in ten waves, with ten minute intervals.


Opposing the assaulters were the following formidable defences:


3 batteries (4 off) Anti aircraft

5 missle battalions

2 Space defence modules (surviving)


These accounted for the destruction of some 300 or so craft, of which 200 were destroyed outright, and the remainder too badly damaged  to take part in the assault. More to follow....


The navy was a very much under developed part of the UPF/Sathar  and mainly consisted of scouting vessels. Throughout the conflict, this developed into a multitude of Cruisers/ destroyers and a fleet of supporting ships.


Logistical lines were stretched to the limit, and there were instances where troops had to be self reliant. – mainly on Solar/ion power sources. ( to be developed in the future UPF forces)

Shielding was found to be too draining, and was generally only used where ample supplies of power were available. This led to a development of batteries and power sources in general.

army themes

Overall themes of Army UPF – light, fast, manoeuvrable, good morale – can strike hard when required to do so ( low logistics)

SATHAR – Solid, heavy firepower/ reliant on artillery/vehicles, but have some deadly close combat troops available. Good morale ( medium logistics)

MILITIA – Solid defensive units, cheap and numerous; weak morale ( high logistics)

PIRATES/ CORPORATIONS – Varied; weak morale (medium logistics)

Morale Rules - very rough


1 – Add D6 to enemies modifier ( on a roll of a 1 no bonus is counted to either side)
2 – 5 Add to AI
6 – Add to AI and use rules below

Special attack If the Inf vs Vehicle, use higher of AI/AA and add this bonus to attack modifier.
If it is Inf vs Inf, roll another D6 to combat modifier (normal roll) 

Apply combined results to all combatants. The results given are for:
1.      Units in Combat
2.      All other units 
Deadlock: Both combatants continue combat until next round – roll to see if any units are lost
Slight difference: Loser roll to see how many units lost, then attacker. Loser is pushed back 5cm (if in cover, they remain locked in place – unless the defender wishes to move back) the defence bonus is lost.
Big difference: Loser pushed back 10cm and rolls as above for losing units.
Huge difference: Loser/ winner rolls for lost units and pushed back 10cm. If attackers move is greater than loser, then all units lost. 

Inantry Platoon        6 x Inf; 3 x carrier
Options: Infantry – elite(+1 to AI or AA, improved morale)
Heavy weapons – Hvy laser, Antiaircraft, Arty
Jump Troopers
Vehicle options – Air Transport, Fast trak, Sled, none 

Morale – Total the number of figures in the unit. Halve this amount and round down. This is the units morale and is how many figures can be lost before morale is checked ( must be checked every turn)

add +1 to the morale total for each elite/ Commander in the unit.
 i.e. 6 inf + 3 carriers = 9/2 = 4.5, rounded down to 4 – 4 units can be lost before the unit is tested for morale purposes. If one of the units were upgraded to commander, then the morale score would be 5. 

Morale is determined before the battle, if an elite/commander is lost during the game, this still only counts as a loss, not two. Some units do not need to check morale – namely Sathar units.

If a unit fails its morale, halve their AI/AA- if applicable. If a formation fails morale and is involved in close combat and loses, they are automatically destroyed. 

*units that are suppressed, do not suffer from the above, they are physically forced to stop due to weight of fire.
 Required 2D imagery of stands.

Sathar Attack Force

Units for Sathar Attack Force Force 2 name TBC
Seeded monsters4-230cmBase contact only3
HW Infantry3 points either in AI or AA115cm65cm5
APC, Hover22235506
Tank, Hover (Light)33330659
(Hvy)354259016, Shielding
Artillery, HE42220100Indirect 10pts
AP24220100Indirect 10pts
Pulsar Cannon15210708
Orbital lander--3--Orbital transport (6), 9pts
Large--5--Orbital Transport (20), 25
Air fighter33390cm45cm10
Inf (inferior)1-115303pts, no extras, no morale
Strategy behind SAF

Seeded creature are dropped first to disrupt enemy forces. Drop in landers loaded with inf/ pulsar cannons/ HW inf/Rob – beachhead.
After established Arty, Hover tanks/ APC’s 

Special rules for Sathar
Seeded monsters – disruption, close combat
Cyberdragons – close combat
Robot – special rules ( see earlier)
HW inf – move or fire
APC hover – hover, transport (2)only inf
Hovertanks – hover, spotter
Inf – spotter
Arty HE – indirect, barrage 6cm
Arty AP –
Pulsar canon – move or fire
Orbital lander – once deployed immobile
Airfighter – spotter (2)
Inf (cyber) – special see below 

Sathar – suicide/ self destruct. Will not surrender, will kill themselves in certain circumstances. Can be broken, but do not suffer the ill effects of the halve AI/AA.

Due to the fanatical nature of the sathar, morale is worked out differently. 50% of total points is the break value of the sathar ( as normal) once this number is reached, the sathar become enraged, add +1 to AI/AA, -1 DEF to a minimum of 1 ( including vehicles) If the force reached 2/3 Casualties, the sathar fall back, retreat or kill themselves – remove from board – will no longer participate in the battle. 

Sathar will always attempt to kil civilians where possible, even if military options are available. This is to break the will of the inhabitants/ cause terror – main focus of sathar.

Due to relatively cheap worth of sathar lives, inferior infantry can be used, these are cyberdised troops who ignore morale and all morale checks – fight to the death.