Discovery Deck Plans

The DISCOVERY has two kinds of doors: regular and
airtight. All doors open and close by sliding into and out of the wall next to
the doorway.
A regular door has 20
structural points. It is not airtight. A latch can be opened from either side
of the door holds a regular door shut.
An airtight door is primarily
a safety devices on spaceships. An airtight door has 75 structural points. When
an airtight door is shut, it automatically seals.
Normally, an airtight door
opens electronically when a button on the door is pressed. Characters can
switch individual airtight doors to manual, if desired. The ship's computer can
control all airtight doors except those switched to manual. When there is no
power to an airtight door, it must be opened and closed manually.
All airtight doors on the
Discovery have pressure locks (level 2). These locks prevent the doors from
opening when the pressure on both sides of the door is different by more than
10%. Thus, a door between a pressurized room and a depressurized room cannot open
until both rooms are brought to the same pressure. However, a character can
override a door's pressure lock by flipping a switch on the door. Gauges on the
wall next to each side of the door show the pressures on both sides of the

are no implements in this room. It is cubical in shape with rounded edges on
all sides. There are airtight doors on both sides of the airlock
The door between the airlock
and the pod bay is normally closed.
Cabinets and lockers cover
all sides of the room. These lockers contain spare parts for all the equipment
on the ship except HAL, the cockpit, and the circuit breaker room. Equipment
for repairing Discovery's exterior is also stored here.
This room connects directly
to the access tube (area 5).
This lab is used to test and
repair portable equipment, and to prepare samples for further analysis in the
science lab (area 7). The air pumps, launching platforms, and pod bay doors can
also be controlled from here.
This circular tunnel connects
all decks on the ship, except the centrifuge. It starts in area 4 on the pod
bay deck, leads to area 6 on the central deck, then leads to area 18 on the
command deck, and finally ends at area 22 on the upper deck. A ladder runs up
the center of the tunnel.

The access tube (area 5)
opens directly into this hall. At the port end of the hall, an air-tight door
leads into the airlock. A regular door in the forward side of the hall leads
into the science laboratory.
The ceiling and walls of the
laboratory are covered with cabinets. They contain glass test tubes and flasks.
This laboratory is used to
analyze samples and instrument readings. Here, the astronauts can perform
chemical and electrical experiments. They can also construct electrical devices
and prepare chemicals in this lab. (Chemicals are stored in area 21.) There is
a HAL terminal here.
There are no implements in
this room. It is cubical in shape with rounded edges on all sides. There are
airtight doors on both sides of the airlock.
The walls, ceiling, and floor
are covered with tools in clamps and straps. All the tools needed to test and
repair the interior of the Discovery are stored here.
The elliptical airtight door
to this room has three signs on it, reading:
"No Admittance Except To Authorized
"Have You Obtained
Certificate H.19?"
"Ultra-clean Area - Suction
Suits Must Be Worn."
The ship cannot be controlled
from here, except by HAL. This room is only a repair access to HAL's memory and
central processing unit.
There is a closed circular
hatch in the ceiling of this room. A large fire extinguisher stands in a niche
in each side wall. Conduits and cables line the walls in several places.
12. THE
This is a circular
passageway. A door at the aft end leads to the centrifuge. When the centrifuge
is spinning, the aft part of the hub revolves with the centrifuge.

The cockpit walls are covered
with knobs and buttons, surrounded with indicator lights. A view of the area
forward of the Discovery is visible through the windows.
If HAL is not controlling the
Discovery, the astronauts can fly the ship from the cockpit.
From here, characters can
monitor and control all the ship's functions, including life support, and the
atomic engine. There are two HAL terminals here.
This is one of the main
passageways in the Discover; it connects areas 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, and 18.
All spare parts for HAL, the
cockpit, and the circuit breaker room are stored here. A few simple tools to
make the replacements are kept here as well.
This toilet contains several
water pipes.
The walls of this room are
covered with hundreds of small black circuit breakers. The circuit breakers are
"on/off" power switches for everything in the ship. At the end of each row of
breakers is a large yellow switch. Above all the switches are these large red
switches, each covered with a clear plastic case.
The yellow switches are the
system circuit breakers; each controls a room or small portion of the ship. The
red switches are the master circuit breakers. One controls power to the entire
sphere, and the last one controls power from the auxiliary power from the power
generators. All the switches are in the "on" position.
If a character makes repairs,
he must switch the appropriate circuit breakers off, and then on again.
A fire extinguisher hangs on
the wall near the door. An airtight hatch in the ceiling leads to the life
support center, area 24.
The hallway leads from the
access tube into the freezers and hallway 14.
These rooms are used to store
perishable food. The food freezers' doors are not airtight, but they are
heavier than the regular doors on the Discovery. The temperature gauges on the
doors read -15 degrees centigrade.

This area holds dry chemicals
and the crew's personal belongings. Cabinets cover all the surfaces of the
room. Racks suspended on guy wires form a riow down the center for yet more
This dim, barren hallway
connects the access tube with the radar laboratory, area 23.
This lab holds all of the
exterior sensing equipment of the Discovery. There are telescopes, Doppler
scanners, energy sensors, spectrometers, radar dishes, and radio telescopes in
this room. Through HAL, the astronauts can control and monitor all the
equipment here from anywhere on the ship. There is HAL terminal here.
Some of the equipment above
the radar lab swivels on ball bearings, which require occasional lubrication.
The airtight hatch to this
room is in the floor.
The life support system
maintains the air pressure, oxygen mixture, and temperature, and recycles all
water and most waste material.
The life support system is
normally controlled by HAL. Characters can also control it manually from
consoles in the cockpit and centrifuge. This room is used to inspect and repair
the life support system. There is a HAL terminal here.

The centrifuge spins to
simulate normal gravity. It is usually at rest, rotated during exercise and
meal periods. HAL turns it on and off when asked; it can also be controlled
manually from station E, H, or L (see below).
The door in the hub opens
easily. From the door, a ladder leads down to the floor of the centrifuge. (In
zero gravity the ladder is not needed.)
- William
Hunter, in his hibernaculum.
- Peter
Whitehead, in his hibernaculum.
- Victor
Kaminski, in his hibernaculum.
- Main
hibernaculum controls, including the Master Hibernation Timer. All five
hibernaculums are monitored here. HAL normally controls the operation of
the hibernaculums. A character may control them manually if HAL releases
control, or if HAL's Security can be defeated or bypassed. A -20% penalty
applies to all such attempts.
- Medical
and relaxation table. There is a HAL terminal in the wall here.
- Frank
Poole's bed and empty hibernaculum.
- David
Bowman's bed and empty hibernaculum.
- Lounge
and dining table. A HAL terminal is inset in the table top.
- Science
station. From here, a scientist can monitor and control experiments in all
the labs. This station can also control most of the equipment I the radar
- Atomic
Engine Control. The engine reactor is monitored and controlled from here.
Some repairs to the atomic engines itself can be carried out from here.
- Food
processor. Processed food is dispensed from slots in the wall here, and
served on trays. The food looks, smells, and tastes like normal food, but
most of it is actually processed soymeal.
- Flight
controls. From here bowman and Poole
monitor and control the navigation and flight of the ship. All the
functions of the cockpit are duplicated here. These controls cannot
override HAL, but the controls in the cockpit can. There are two HAL
terminals here.
- Surveillance
and detection station. From here, the crew can study and observe space and
objects around the ship. This station controls all the equipment in the
radar laboratory. Some of these controls are duplicated at the science
station (I).
- Communications
station. The large antenna in the middle of the ship is controlled here.
All messages are sent and received either here or in the cockpit.
- Flywheel.
The flywheel is a very heavy steel rim connected to a shaft by large flat
spokes. When the centrifuge spins, the flywheel spins in the opposite
direction to stabilize the ship.
The door at "O" on
the map leads from the centrifuge to the flywheel. This door will not open when
either the flywheel or the centrifuge are spinning. If necessary, characters
can open panels in the floor to repair the centrifuge bearings.