SL1 alpha section
a STAR FRONTIERS adventure
by Lauren Smith
This adventure is designed for 4-8 characters of experienced levels. It is tailored for Star Law characters of Ranger rank or less, but can easily be adapted for private adventurers. Since even Deputy Officers have significant experience levels, non-Star Law characters may find this overwelming. Although military skills will be very important; there are times when biosocial and technological skills will be necessary. Starship skills are not mandatory, as NPCs can fill in the ranks. If used, a Pilot of 4th level and those with levels in Rocket and Energy Gunnery are useful.
STAR LAW For those without access to the information in Dragon November 1984 a Star Law graduate has the following skill levels: Military PSA: Two 5th-level weapon skills, 2nd-level Martial Arts, 1st-level Demolitions; Technological/Biosocial PSA: One 5th-level skill and one 3rd-level skill from the appropriate PSA, a 2nd-level ranged weapons skill (usually beam), and 1st level in a non-ranged weapon Military skill (usually melee). They also have at least four of their eight ability scores five points above average (for their race) two of which must be INT and LOG. As you can see, even basic Deputy Officers are quite formidable, and considering that each rank advancement requires another skill level, this adventure is not for beginners.Basic equipment for each officer in this adventure is as follows: Laser Stunner Pistol with recognition grips (a special combination of Laser & Sonic Stunner which works in either capacity depending on the setting. It's ranges are the same as for the individual weapons - basically two weapons in one ( It CANNOT fire both settings at once.) A second pistol of the character's choice (commonly an electrostunner, needler pistol with anaesthetic clips, or for those with access to Zebulon's Guide: a Rafflur M-3). For a Military PSA who chooses Projectile and Gyrojet skill training, they may replace the above with a Gyrojet pistol or Automatic pistol and a Needler pistol with anesthetic clips (remember, they are police and often try to subdue opponents). They are also issued a stunstick, and commonly carry four doze and four tangler grenades. For defense: a Civilian Gridsuit in Star Law blue (absorbs as a skeinsuit up to 100 pts. ballistic damage before destruction, as well as 30 pts. energy damage per turn without harm to the garmet), a defensive screen which has both inertia and albedo properties (can only be on one setting at a time, but is connected to the helmet's brain-link and can be changed at a thought - subject to initiative and must keep same setting until following turn when it can be changed again) - this item cannot be used by others as it is keyed to the brain-link (as is the helmet) and will malfunction if someone else tries to use it, an anti-shock implant, and lastly; a helmet with built-in gas mask, radiophone, IR visor, sungoggle visor, magnivisor, poly-vox, helmetpack with 250 seu, sonic protection, and a helmet sixpack (bodycomp with brain-link, help-beam stop-hear, hear-all, med-inject - staydose, and compsight [combining 1&2] for the pistol). Each weapon will have 10 clips of ammo, a power backpack for their screen, and usually 2 power beltpacks for weapons or screens as needed. Rifles and heavy weapons are not standard issue, but will be gained over the course of the adventure at the Star Law armory.
KRAATAR This adventure is set on the planet Kraatar from SFAD6 Dark Side of the Moon. For those without this reference, it is planet to the right of White Light and K'Tsa-Kar which has Med. pop. and Resource primary exports. It is a small planet with 0.6 gravity which requires breathing apparatus except in the lowlands. Most of the planet is covered by mountainous uplands and desert plateaus. The cities are connected by pressurized monorails. 60% of the population are Human and 38% Vrusk. The rest are a mixture of Dralasite, Yazirian, and Saurian. With minor modifications, this can be set on other worlds along the Vrusk or Yazirian homeworlds, as long as they are non-central worlds without a large militia or fortress. The government is controlled by the Commercial Council; a group of Vrusk executives from the six major trade houses. Planet security is the responsability of Ral'Ik'Ka (RIK) trade house (private adventurers may be hired by RIK as a way to get them involved). The planet's only protection is an armed space station.
SATHAR WAR This adventure is set during the Second Sathar War, but can easily be adapted to a different timeline. The characters will be on a planet under assault by Sathar forces and required to hold out until UPF Spacefleet vessels arrive to rescue them. As Star Law officers they will have jurisdiction since this is a stellar law situation dealing with Sathar. Since private citizen adventurers do not have the same authority, the referee may have to strand the players and force them to cooperate with RIK.
EXPERIENCE Experience points should be awarded based on character performance at the end of each section;
Beta Section: delaying Sathar long enough to totally evacuate space station and protecting shuttles from fighters - 3 pts.
Gamma Section: preventing destruction of planetary laser batteries around capital - 1 pt. each (4 max.); hunting down Sathar troops before they reach the Government building - 1 pts; capturing Sathar agents for interrogation - 1 pt.
Delta Section: for each 2 Saurian noncombatants rescued - 1 pt; for recapturing the armory, capturing the howitzer, reprogramming the computer at the robot plant - 1 pt. each; for each supply convoy stopped - 1 pt.; successful attack on Sathar HQ - 3 pts.
Epsilon Section: rescuing members of Commercial Council unharmed - 3 pts; successfully recapturing space station - 3 pts.
In addition, for successfully saving the planet, the characters will automatically be promoted one rank if less than Chief Agent rank (provided they advance the required skill level). Chief Agents will recieve 50 exp's. toward Ranger rank, and Rangers will recieve 25 exp's toward Marshall rank.