Ship Types

The format used for each ship will be:

Ship Type:Hull Points; ADF; MR; Damage Control Rating

The following abbreviations are used for weapons:

AR=Assault RocketsM=Mines
DC=Disruptor Beam CannonPB=Proton Beam Battery
EB=Electron Beam BatteryRB=Rocket Battery
LB=Laser Beam BatteryS=Seeker Missiles
LC=Laser Beam CannonT=Torpedos

Defenses use the following abbreviations:

RH=Reflective HullSS=Stasis Screen
ES=Electron ScreenMS=Masking Screen
PS=Proton ScreenICM=Interceptor Missiles

Fighter:HP 8 ADF 5 MR 5 DCR 30
Weapons: AR(x3)
Defenses: RH

Assault Scout:HP 15 ADF 5 MR 4 DCR 50
Weapons: AR(x4) LB
Defenses: RH

Frigate:HP 40 ADF 4 MR 3 DCR 70
Weapons: LC RB(x4) LB T(x2)
Defenses: RH MS(x2) ICM(x4)

Destroyer:HP 50 ADF 3 MR 3 DCR 75
Weapons: LC RB(x4) LB T(x2) EB
Defenses: RH MS(x2) ICM(x5)

Minelayer:HP 50 ADF 1 MR 2 DCR 75
Weapons: M(x20) S(x4) LB(x2)
Defenses: RH ICM(x4)

Light Cruiser:HP 70 ADF 3 MR 2 DCR 100
Weapons: DC LB EB PB RB(x6) T(x4)
Defenses: RH ES SS ICM(x8)

Heavy Cruiser:HP 80 ADF 2 MR 1 DCR 120
Weapons: LB(x2) PB EB DC S(x2) T(x4) RB(x8)
Defenses:RH ES PS SS ICM(x8)

Assault Carrier:HP 75 ADF 2 MR 1 DCR 150
Weapons: LB PB RB(x8) fighter(x10)
Defenses: RH MS(x4) ICM(x10)

Battleship:HP 120 ADF 2 MR 2 DCR 200
Weapons: DC LB(x3) PB EB(x2) S(x4) T(x8) RB(x10)
Defenses: RH ES PS SS ICM(x12)

Space Station:(Statistics for stations vary with the size and type of station.)
HP 20-300 ADF 0 MR 0 DCR 1/2 HP
Weapons: 1 EB, LB, PB or RB per 50 HP
Defenses: RH All Screens ICM(x4-24)