Gravity Drive: Optional Material

The gravity drive allows a ship to travel super fast sub-light spaces. Using tractor beams to magnify the gravity of a celestial body or a star to make these speeds. With that said it has been found for military applications that have plenty of potential. Top speeds were clocked at 500,000kph (310,500mph) which was considered the best for small recon ships in order to escape the prying eyes of detection.

Cost of a gravity drive is about one-billion credits. Since it is still a prototype, only top military officers have access to this technology or higher up PanGal and Space Travel Inc., officials or technicians. Black market versions of this drive cost double and have triple the suggested speed of what PanGal and Space Travel Inc., suggest when they did studies of the illegal drives. But the danger factor is less than that of PanGal and Space Travel Inc.,.