KHB (Knight Hawks Basic) future expansion

Basic Game Campaign Expansion Rules for Starships

Part 1: Introduction

Accompanied by a Stiletto class assault scout ship, the UPF Frigate Z'Gata cruised toward the orbiting station Doliin Bay. The ship's commander, Beril Gamache, was nervous. Doliin Bay, and its mining colony on the planet Kenzah' Kit, were on the very edge of the Frontier. Reports of unfamiliar ships had been trickling in from this area for the last few months. Gamache hated to carry a valuable cargo into a border system without more information about possible dangers.

Suddenly, the frigate's sensors lit up: long range detectors reported two ships emerging from the Void inside the system. Immediately, the commander ordered all hands to their stations. There was no good reason to be suspicious, but he had an odd feeling . . .

As the intruders closed in. Gamache studied the computer's report:


The UPF ships swung into an intercept course. With weapon crews on alert, Z'Gata's automatic beacons began radioing friendly messages in all known languages toward the unidentified ships. The intruder's reply vaporized the Stiletto's starboard thrusters in a blinding laser flash - The Second Sathar War had begun!



The Basic Game can be played by two or more players. The players must be divided into two teams: the United Planetary Federation and the Sathar, an evil race of worm-like aliens. Each player controls one or more starships in a space battle. Two sample battle set-ups, called scenarios, are given at the end of the Basic Game. Players can make up an endless variety of scenarios on their own.

Sequence of Play

The game is played in a series of game turns. Each game turn is divided in half. The first half is Side A's turn and the second haIf is Side B's turn. During Side A's turn, Side A is the moving side and Side B is the non-moving side. During Side B's turn, Side B is the moving side and Side A is the non-moving side. During each side's turn, players do the following things in order:

1. Player A's Turn

a. Movement

Player A announces which of his ships are using masking screens. A masking screen counter is placed on top of each of these ship counters.

Ships and space stations in orbit are moved one hex, following the direction of their orbit.

Player A moves each of his ships, making sure that no ship moves a longer or shorter distance than its speed from the previous turn will allow. The player writes down each ship's new speed after it moves.

b. Combat

The non-moving player (player B, in this case) announces which of his ships will shoot at moving ships, and which weapons they will use. The non-moving player then resolves all of these attacks and their effects are applied immediately.

The moving player (player A, in this case) announces which of his ships will shoot at the non-moving player's ships, and which weapons they will use. He then resolves all of these attacks, and their resuIts are applied.

2. Side B's Turn --- The steps described above are repeated, bul Side B becomes the moving side and Side A becomes the non-moving side.



Every ship has a speed when the game starts. This speed is the number of hexes the ship will move on the space map during its turn. Players should write down each of their ships' speeds so they remember them during the turn. Also, a ship's speed this turn will affect its speed next turn.

Acceleration and Deceleration

Each ship has an Acceleration/Deceleration Factor (ADF). This is a number that tells the player how many hexes the ship can add to or subtract from its speed in one turn. Ships accelerate or decelerate just before they move. A ship cannot accelerate and decelerate on the same turn.

EXAMPLE: A ship that moved five hexes last turn has a speed of 5 at the beginning of this turn. If its ADF is 2, it can add one or two hexes to its previous speed. or subtract one or two hexes from its previous speed. This turn, the ship can move 3. 4, 5, 6 or 7 hexes. The player decides he wants the ship to move 6 hexes this turn. He moves the ship 6 hexes, then writes down "6" as the ship's speed so he will remember it next turn.

STOPPING. A ship can stop movi ng (decelerate to a speed of O) only if its speed during the previous turn was equal to or less than its ADF. A ship that had a speed of O during the last turn can remain at O, or accelerate to any speed up to its ADF. A ship does not move at all on the turn it stops.

TOP SPEED. Ships do not have a top speed. They can accelerate to any speed, but players may find that ships traveling very fast willbe forced to leave the map.


Each ship has a Maneuver Rating (MR). This number tells the player how many times the ship can turn during its move.

The bow (front) of a ship always must point at one of the six sides of the hex the ship is in. When a ship moves, it must move into the hex it is facing.

A ship can turn after it enters a hex. A ship turns by rotating so that itsbow faces the first hexside to its right or left. During its move, a ship can make a number of turns equal to its MR. A ship can turn only one hexside in any hex, however. If the number of hexes a ship moves is less than its MR, it still can turn only once per hex.

EXAMPLE: The frigate in the illustration has a speed of 7 and an MR of 3. The player controlIing the ship decides she wants it to perform a wide turn. She moves the ship forward three hexes and turns it one hex side to the left. She then moves it two more hexes and turns to the left again. So far, the ship has moved five hexes and turned twice. She moves the ship one hex forward. turns it left again, and finishes the move by moving the ship one more hex forward. The ship has now moved seven hexes and turned three times.

If a ship has a speed of zero through the entire turn, it can rotate during its movement phase so it faces any hexside.

Stacking Counters

Any number of ships can be in one hex at the same time. Ships can shoot at other ships in the same hex without penalty.


A hex that contains a planet counter is blocked. No ship can move into or through that hex. The planet also blocks shots if the shortest path from the attacker to the target must be traced through the planet's hex.

Orbiting Planets

Any ship that starts its move in a hex next to a planet can orbit that planet. The player simply announces during his movement phase that the ship is orbiting the planet.

A ship that is orbiting a planet has a speed of zero. However, the ship automatically moves one hex around the planet each turn. The direction of the orbit (clockwise or counterclockwise) is up to the player who controls the ship. Once it is established, the direction cannot be changed unless the ship leaves orbit and returns to start a new orbit in the opposite direction. The ship in the illustration is orbiting clockwise. The numbers show how many turns it will take the ship to move from its starting hex to the various hexes around the planet. It will return to its starting hex in six turns.

Because a ship in orbit has a speed of zero. it can rotate to face any hexside during its movement. The ship can rotate this way even if it leaves orbit during the turn. If the ship leaves orbit, it still has its full MR to use during its move.

Moving Off The Map

Ships that ieave the map are considered lost and are taken out of the game. If a ship travels off the map because it cannot turn before reaching the edge, then it cannot return to the map on a later turn.

Part 4: COMBAT

A ship can fire its weapons during the opposing player's movement phase and during its own combat phase. Weapons cannot be fired at any other time during the turn.


Before firing any weapons. the player that is attacking must count the range from the attacking ship to its target. To find the range, count the number of hexes in the shortest path between the attacking ship and the target sh ip. Count the hex the target ship is in, but not the hex the attacking ship is in. Weapons cannot be fired at targets beyond a certain range. and some weapons become less effective at long ranges; see Weapon Systems for more information.

Fields of Fire

Laser batteries, torpedos and rocket batteries can be fired in any direction. Laser cannons and assault rockets can only be fired straight ahead of the firing ship. Laser cannons and assault rockets are called Forward Firing Weapons. Forward firing weapons can be fired at any target inside the three-hexwide area outlined in the diagram. (The weapons are not limited to the range shown in the diagram. The field of fire extends to the limit of the weapon's range. Targets in the central row of hexes are easier to hit; see Head-On Shots.)

                               HEAD-ON SHOTS

If a moving ship enters a hex containing an enemy ship. the moving ship may always use its FF weapons against that enemy ship. The enemy ship, however, may only use an FF weapon for defensive fire if the last hex the moving ship was in before entering the enemy's hex was in the enemy ship's forward field of fire.

Aiming Weapons

A player must announce which weapons he is using and which targets he will use them against before the dice are rolled to resolve any attacks. If a target is destroyed by the first few shots, any other weapons the player had aimed at that target must be fired, even though there is nothing for them to hit. The attacker cannot shift these weapons to a new target once they are aimed. If these wasted shots include torpedo or rocket fire, these weapons are fired and must be crossed off the attacking ship's record sheet.

EXAMPLE: A player announces he will fire five weapons - two lasers, two torpedos and a rocket battery - at an enemy. The lasers and one torpedo are enough to destroy the target. The second torpedo and the rocket battery are wasted shots, because their target is already destroyed.

Combat Procedure

When a player wants to shoot at an enemy ship, he must use the Combat Table. Find the row on the Combat Table that lists the weapon being fired, and the column that lists the defensive system being used by the target ship. The number that is printed at the intersection of the weapon's row and the defense's column is the attacker's percentage chance to hit the target. If the attacker rolls this number or less on d1OO, the target ship has been hit. If the target ship has more than one defensive system operating, the defense that is most effective against the attacking weapon is used.

EXAMPLE: A laser battery is being fired at a ship that has a reflective hull. According to the Combat Table, the laser battery has a 50% chance to hit its target. The attacking player rolls d100 and the result is 26. This number is less than or equal to 50, so the laser hits the ship. If the ship had a masking screen, the laser battery would have had only a 1O% chance to hit, and a roll of 26 would have missed.

Attack Modifiers

A ship's percentage chance to hit its target can be modified by several factors. These are explained below.

Head-On Shots.
If a forward-firing weapon is used against a target in the center row of the three-hex firing area, the attacker can add lO% to his chance to hit. This central row is shown in the Forward Field of Fire diagram. If a ship with a forward-firing weapon enters the same hex its target is in, the attacking ship automatically gets the head-on bonus.

Range Diffusion.
Laser cannons and laser batteries become less effective at longer ranges. The attacker's chance to hit his target with a laser weapon is reduced by 5% x the range to the target.

EXAMPLE: A ship is firing its laser cannon at an enemy ship that is four hexes away. The target ship has a reflective hull, so the attacker's base chance to hit is 60%. The attacker is making a head- on shot, increasing the chance to 70%. This is reduced by (4 x 5% =) 20% because of the range. The attacker will hit the enemy ship on a d100 roll of (70-20=) 50 or less.

Evasive Maneuvers.
Fighters and assault scouts have a special defensive ability. Because they are small and maneuverable, these types of ships can try to dodge torpedos that have been launched at them. The player controlling the ship under attack must declare that he is taking evasive action. The MR of the evading ship is then multiplied by 5% and the result is subtracted from the torpedo's percentage chance to hit.

If the evading ship is not destroyed by the torpedo, it must turn in every hex it enters during its next move. until its MR is used up. The ship must move a number of hexes equal to or greater than its MR on its next turn; it cannot evade by staying in its hex and rotating. An evading ship can zig-zag or move in a circle.

Rate of Fire

Laser cannons, laser batteries and rocket batteries can be fired during both the controlling player's combat phase and during his opponent's combat phase. Torpedos and assault rockets can be fired only during the controlling player's combat phase. A ship with more than one torpedo, assault rocket or rocket battery can fire each only once per turn. For example, a ship with four torpedos and two rocket batteries can fire only one torpedo and one rocket battery per turn.

Automatic Hits and Misses

If a target is within a weapon's maximum range, a dl100 roll of 5 or less always will hit the target, even if the attack's chance to hit was modified to O by range, evasion or other factors. Similarly, a d100 roll of 96 or more will always miss, even if the attack's chance to hit was modified above 100%.

Defensive Attacks

The non-moving player can shoot at his opponent's ships at the start of his opponent's combat phase. Moving ships can be shot at in any hex they moved through during their move. No shots are resolved until after all ships have finished moving. At that time, the non- moving player can shoot at any of his opponent's ships as if they were in any hex they moved through during the turn. The non- moving player can place upsidedown counters in hexes his opponent's ships move through, so he will remember where the opposing ships traveled.

Laser cannons, laser batteries and rocket batteries can be fired defensively at the start of the moving player's combat phase. Torpedos and assault rockets cannot be launched at this time; they can be used only during the player's own combat phase.

Ship Damage

If a weapon hits its target, the player who made the attack must roll dice to determine how many points of damage the attack caused. The number of dice rolled depends on the weapon used; this information is listed on the Combat Table.

Each ship has a number of Hull Points. When a ship is hit, the number of points of damage caused by the attack is subtracted from the ship's hull points. When all of the ship's hull points are gone, the ship is destroyed and immediately removed from the map.

EXAMPLE: An assault scout has 15 hull points. In one turn it is hit by a rocket battery (2d1O points of damage). The attacking player rolls 2d1O and gets a total of 11 points of damage. The defending player subtracts 11 from his ship's 15 hull points, leaving it with 4 hull points. On the next turn, the ship is hit by a laser battery (1d10 points of damage). This attack causes 6 points of damage. This damage reduces the ship's hull points to O or less, so the ship is destroyed and the player removes it from the map.

Weapon Systems

The following weapons are used in the Basic Game. The abbreviations listed after the weapon name are explained at the end of the weapon list.

Laser Cannon
- FF / RD / Range: 10 / Damage: 2d10
A laser cannon is a large weapon that is mounted on the bow of a spaceship. It fires an intense, concentrated beam of light.

Pod Laser
- FF / RD / Range: 5 / Damage: 1d10
A pod laser system is a down scaled set of laser battery guns fixed onto a hull to provide a forward firing energy weapon for smaller craft.

Laser Battery
- RD / Range: 9 / Damage: 1d10
A laser battery is a cluster of very small laser cannons mounted in a rotating turret. It can fire in any direction, but is not as powerful as a laser cannon.

- MPO / LTD / Range: 4 / Damage: 4d10
A torpedo is a self-guided nuclear bomb that homes in on its target after it is launched. Torpedos are propelled by prolonged fission reactions which enable them to travel at tremendous speeds. A ship can carry only a limited number of torpedos, and these must be marked off the ship's record sheet as they are used.

Assault Rockets
- MPO / FF / LTD / Range: 4 / Damage: 2d1O+4
Assault rockets usually are carried by fighters and other small ships. They can be launched at a target during the owning player's combat phase. Assault rockets are powered by a brief fusion reaction which causes them to fly even faster than torpedos. Unlike torpedos, however, assault rockets are not guided missiles. They rely on their tremendous speed to hit their target before it can dodge away. A ship can carry only a limited supply, so assault rockets must be marked off the ship's record sheet as they are fired.

Rocket Battery
- LTD / Range: 3 / Damage: 2d10
A rocket battery is a cluster of small rocket launchers. These rockets are much smaller than assault rockets, but they cause nearly as much damage as an assault rocket because many rockets are fired together. Like torpedos and assault rockets, rocket batteries must be marked off the ship's record sheet as they are fired.

Explanation of Terms

FF --- Forward-firing weapon

MPO --- Moving Player Only. MPO weapons can be fired only during the attacking player's combat phase.

RD --- Range Diffusion. The accuracy of RD weapons is reduced by 5% x the range to the target.

LTD --- Limited Supply. A ship can carry only a limited supply of these weapons. They must be marked off the ship's record sheet as they are fired.

Range: # --- The weapon can be used only against targets within the listed range of hexes.

Damage: #d10-- - This is the number of 1 O-sided dice that are rolled to determine how many points of damage are caused by a successful attack.

Defensive Systems

The following types of spaceship defenses are available in the Basic Game. If a ship has more than one defensive system, an attack's chance to hit is calculated against the most effective defense.

Reflective Hull.
This is mirror-Iike paint that is sprayed onto a ship's hull. It will often cause a laser beam to bounce off the ship without causing any damage. A reflective hull is the most common defense on spaceships.

Masking Screen.
A masking screen is created when a ship releases a cloud of water vapor into space. The vapor crystalizes a nd forms a protective cloud surrounding the ship. Besides making the ship more difficult to hit, a masking screen absorbs energy from a laser. If a ship is hit by a laser while inside a masking screen, the amount of damage that is rolled is divided in half (fractions are rounded up). The result is the number of damage points inflicted on the target ship. A masking screen has exactly the same effect on a laser fired out of the screen as it does on a laser fired into the screen. If a ship surrounded by a masking screen fires its lasers, resolve the attack as if the defending ship is masked.

To indicate that a ship is using a masking screen, place a screen counter on top of the ship counter.This screen counter stays on top of the ship as long as the ship travels in a straight line at its current speed. If a ship or space station in orbit around a planet creates a masking screen, the screen will last through one complete orbit. The hex the ship or station was in when the screen was created should be marked with an upside-down counter, so players will know when one orbit is finished. A ship can carry only a limited number of masking screens. These must be marked off the ship's record sheet as they are used. When all of them are used, the ship cannot create any more masking screens.

Interceptor Missiles (ICM).
Interceptor missiles are small missiles that can be fired at incoming torpedos, assauIt rockets and rocket battery barrages. Before the torpedo or rocket attack is resolved, the player controlling the target ship can declare that it is launching ICMs. The player must declare how many ICMs the ship is using. The attack's chance to hit is determined as if the attack was hitting a reflective hull or a masking screen, whichever the ship is using. The number of ICMs launched by the target ship is multiplied by the modifier on the Combat Table, and the result is subtracted from the attack's chance to hit.

EXAMPLE: A torpedo is launched at a ship with a reflective hull. The player that controls the target ship announces that it wiII fire two of its ICMs in defense. The torpedo normaIly has a 70% chance to hit, but each of the ICMs lowers this by lO%. The torpedo's final chance to hit is (70 - 20 =) 50%. A ship carries a limited number of ICMs. Whenever one is used. it must be checked off the ship's record sheet. ICMs can defend onlv the ship that launched them.



Laser Cannon60%*20%**---2d10
Pod Laser60%*10%**---1d10
Laser Battery50%*10%**---1d10
Assault Rocket60%60%-5%/ICM2d10+4
Rocket Battery40%40%-3%/lCM2d10
 *  +15% to hit for no reflective hull
** The target ship takes only,one-half damage (round fractions down) if it is hit.



Laser CannonFF, RD10
Pod LaserFF, RD5
Laser BatteryRD9
TorpedoMPO, LTD4
Assault RocketMPO, LTD, FF4
RocketMPO, LTD3


All of the various types of ships and stations used in the Basic Game are described below. Besides a short report about the ship, each description includes the number of hull points the vessel has, the movement information, the Damage Control Rating, the types of weapons it can carry as well as how many limited supply weapons (torpedos and rockets) it carries, and the defensive systems built into the ship.

Not all ships of the same type are identical. All ships of one type will have the same ADF, MR, DCR, and hull points. The weapon and defense information, however, lists the maximum amount of equipment a ship can carry. Many ships do not carry their maximum armament.


Fighter: Fighters are small, single-seat spaceships. They must be based on an assault carrier or a space station. Fighters are fast and maneuverable. but because they are small the only weapons they can carry are three assault rockets. Their size also makes them easy to destroy.

A fighter that has fired all of its assault rockets can dock at a station or assauIt carrier to rearm. In order to dock, the fighter must stop (have a speed of O) in the same hex as the station or assault carrier. To be rearmed, a fighter must spend one complete game turn on board its station or carrier. If the fighter's base is attacked, the fighter cannot be rearmed that turn. A fighter that is docked cannot be attacked. A fighter may also land on a planet for rearming. To do so it must first orbit the planet (re: ending it's move in a hex adjacent to a planet with a speed of zero), and then it may enter the atmosphere onthe next turn.  There are two weapons configurations for a fighter, it can have either configuration but prior to launch the specific configuration must be stated and it can not change until the fighter docks with a station or carrier, or if it lands on a planet with a host base.

Hull Size:1    Hull Points:8    Propulsion:Space
ADF:MR:5   DCR:30
Weapons:pod Laser, assault rocket OR 3 assault rockets
Defenses:reflective hull

Assault Scout:
Assault scouts are larger than fighters, and carry five crew members and can have up to seven troops. They are as fast as fighters, and are big enough to operate without a base station or carrier. They are lightly armed and easily damaged, however.

Like fighters, assauIt scouts can rearm at a space station. They cannot be attacked while docked at the station. Assault scouts cannot be rearmed at assault carriers, but they may land on a planet like fighters.

Hull Size:3    Hull Points:15    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:4   DCR:50
Weapons:4 assault rockets, laser battery
Defenses:reflective hull

Frigates are small warships, carrying about 25 crew members and up to 15 troops. They are commonly used as patrol ships by the UPF, as they are large enough to handle most pirate ships and other criminal vessels. The smallest of the big ships, they are often considered as capital ships whether serving as a flagship for local planetary militias or operating under UPF detachment. Frigates and larger warships may not land on a planet.

Hull Size:5    Hull Points:40    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:70
Weapons:laser cannon, laser battery, 2 torpedos, 4 rocket batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, 1 masking screen, 4 ICMs

Destroyers are slightly larger than frigates, and also a little slower. They carry 30 crew members and up to 20 troops. Their main function is to escort larger ships, but otherwise performs as a frigate.
Hull Size:6    Hull Points:50    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:75
Weapons:laser cannon, 2 laser batteries, 2 torpedos, 4 rocket batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, 2 masking screen, 4 ICMs

Light Cruiser:
These large ships are among the latest in warfare. They are fast and well armed, but can not absorb as much damage as a heavy cruiser or battleship. They carry 60 crew members and up to 40 troops. A light cruiser will be dispatched to settle a dispute or establish a strong military presence, as even the strongest of civilian ships is no match.
Hull Size:12    Hull Points:70    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:2   DCR:100
Weapons:laser cannon, 2 laser batteries, 4 torpedos, 6 rocket batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, 3 masking screens, 6 ICMs

Assault Carrier:
This type of ship is a relatively new development. Assault carriers carry groups of six to twelve fighters through the Void, launching the fighters where they are needed and taking them back on board to refuel and rearm. An assault carrier carries 160 crew members along with 240 flight crew members to support the fighter craft.
Hull Size:15    Hull Points:75    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:1   DCR:150
Weapons:2 laser batteries, 8 rocket batteries; 6-12 fighters
Defenses:reflective hull, 3 masking screens, 8 ICMs

Heavy Cruiser: These large ships were the first space battleships. Advances in technology have caused them to be downgraded to cruisers, and they tend to be slow and somewhat clumsy compared to most modern warships. However, they make up for lacking performance with a heavy offense and a resiliently strong hull structure. They carry 70 crew members and up to 50 troops.
Hull Size:16    Hull Points:80    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:1   DCR:100
Weapons:laser cannon, 3 laser batteries, 6 torpedos, 8 rocket batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, 4 masking screens, 8 ICMs

Battleship: These galactic dreadnoughts are the mightiest vessels to travel between the stars. The UPF has only a few of them, and they usually stay near the largest space stations. Battleships have never fought in ship-to-ship battles, so their effectiveness is a matter of theory. A battleship carries 150 crew members and up to 100 troops.
Hull Size:20    Hull Points:120    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:2   DCR:200
Weapons:laser cannon, 4 laser batteries, 8 torpedos, 10 rocket batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, 4 masking screens, 12 ICMs

Orbital Space Stations

Space Station: These are large outposts that orbit planets. A space station has no engines to move itself; it simply serves as a base of operations for other ships. Any ship can dock at a space station by entering the station's hex and stopping there. At the end of the movement phase, the ship's counter is placed under the station's counter to show that it has docked. As long as the ship remains there. it is linked to the station, and people and supplies can move back and forth freely. The ship can leave the station during its movement phase, and pays no penalty for doing so. When the station moves, the ship that is leaving does not move with the station. It can move normally during its movement phase.

A docked ship can use its battery weapons to help defend the station. A docked ship cannot fire any forward-firing weapons. torpedos or ICMs. An attacker must declare whether his ship is firing at the space station or at a ship that is docked with the station. Any docked ship except fighters and assault scouts can be attacked by enemy ships. If a station is destroyed while ships are docked at it, each docked ship takes points of damage equal to one-half of the station's original hull points. If a ship is destroyed while docked, the station takes points of damage equal to one-half of the ship's original hull points.

Hull Points:20 to 200
Weapons:1 to 3 laser batteries, 2 to 12 rocket batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, 1 to 4 masking screen, 2 to 8 ICMs

Fortified Military Stations: Like a space station, a military station serves as a base to a fleet or militia. Civilian craft rarely are permitted access to them, and are usually admitted under escort by a warship in dire situations. A civilian station always orbits nearby a military station at any established UPF charter world.
Hull Points:40 to 400
Weapons:4 to 12 laser batteries, 4 to 24 rocket batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, 3 to 12 masking screen, 6 to 36 ICMs

Expanded Ship List


Light Fighter: The light fighter is designed as an "anti-fighter" craft, intended to fend off craft that are a danger to larger vessels without sacraficing the valuable punch of assault rockets against easily destroyed vessels. Their lesser offensive and defensive punch is countered by improved performance. The light fighter may make atmospheric landings.

Hull Size:1    Hull Points:5    Propulsion:Space
ADF:MR:5   DCR:30
Weapons:pod laser
Defenses:reflective hull

Heavy Fighter: On the flip-side of the Frontier Credit is the heavy fighter, a larger version of the standard fighter that can accomodate a second crewmember. Slow and sloppy by fighter standards, the greater offensive payload more than makes up for the lacking performance. The heavy fighter is looked on as a work horse that packs a good punch, capable of taking out both larger vessels as well as eliminating potentially dangerous smaller ones. The heavy fighter may make interstellar jumps, but is usually ferried by a mother ship. They are capable of atmospheric landings.
Hull Size:2    Hull Points:12    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:4   DCR:35
Weapons:pod laser, 2 assault rockets
Defenses:reflective hull

Supply/Repair Vessel: These craft serve as support to a fleet detachment, not engaging directly in the battles but rather assisting damaged vessels along with rearming depleted systems and serving refueling missions as well. Any other ship that docks with a Supply/Repair Vessel may utilize its services.
Hull Size:8    Hull Points:40    Propulsion:Star
Weapons:2laser batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, masking screen, 3 ICMs
Reloads: 8 torpedoes, 36 rocket battery salvos, 16 assault rockets
Refueling Capactiy: 24 star drives


Assault Courier: A small craft used by a local government or business to carry out errands without sacraficing a more important vessel of a fleet or detachment, such as transporting an officer or small cargo to a waiting vessel or station. It is typically crewed by four persons, but can accomodate up to eight.
Hull Size:3    Hull Points:15    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:4   DCR:35
Weapons:pod laser, laser battery
Defenses:reflective hull
Cargo Capactiy:1

Gunned Skiff class Privateer: similar to an assault courier in concept but in a larger scale, the gunned skiff can be utilized for a myriad of missions. The ship can accomodate up to six persons.
Hull Size:4    Hull Points:20    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:4   DCR:3240
Weapons:pod laser, laser battery
Defenses:reflective hull, masking screen
Cargo Capactiy:2

Fleet Escort: a swift yet well armed craft used to escort and/or protect other vessels. It can carry up to 16 crew members including ten troops.
Hull Size:4    Hull Points:20    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:40
Weapons:2 laser batteries, rocket battery
Defenses:reflective hull
Cargo Capactiy:1

Broadsword class Privateer: smallest of the non-military capital-grade ships, the broadsword is swift and deadly as well as versatile. Four cabins can accomodate up to eight crew members.
Hull Points:25     Cargo Capactiy:2.5
Weapons:laser cannon, laser battery
Defenses:reflective hull, masking screen

Falcon class Para-Military Freighter: A small, swift, and armed freight hauler designed to withstand attack. It can be manned by up to ten crew although five to six is the norm.
Hull Size:5    Hull Points:30    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:45
Weapons:2 laser batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, 2 ICMs
Cargo Capactiy:4

Hawk class Para-Military Freighter: a slightly larger cousin to the Falcon class frieghter, the Hawk can be operated by six crew members yet accomodates up to twelve.
Hull Size:6    Hull Points:35    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:50
Weapons:2 laser batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, masking screen, 2 ICMs
Cargo Capactiy:5

Vanguard class Privateer: The Vanguard dwarfs the other armed G/S vessels. Although not quite in the cruiser-grade class, this vessel almost sports a frigate's arsenal of weaponry. Eight cabins can accomodate up to 16 crew members.
Hull Size:9    Hull Points:45    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:2   DCR:45
Weapons:laser cannon, 2 laser batteries, 2 rocket batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, masking screen, 2 ICMs
Cargo Capactiy:3

Avenger class Privateer: the cruiser-grade entry of the government/subsidized craft brings even more firepower to the battleground. Ten cabins allow for up to 20 crew members.
Hull Size:10    Hull Points:50    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:2   DCR:45
Weapons:laser cannon, 4 laser batteries, rocket battery
Defenses:reflective hull, 4 ICMs
Cargo Capactiy:3.5

Bold Heron class Para-Military Freighter: A large scale hauler that boasts enough weaponry to ensure delivery of heavier loads. Twelve cabins accomodate is sufficient up to 24 comfortably, although the vessel can be operated efficiently with half that.
Hull Size:12    Hull Points:70    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:2   DCR:80
Weapons:2 laser batteries, 2 rocket batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, masking screen, 3 ICMs
Cargo Capactiy:10

Laconian Galleon class Privateer: a mighty vessel that can perform multiple tasks whenver called upon, the Laconian Galleon is perhaps one of the finer ships that a contracted civilian can serve aboard. Very well armed with a sufficient hold to carry valuable cargoes, the ship can be crewed by as few as ten yet houses upwards of 40.
Hull Size:13    Hull Points:65    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:1   DCR:59
Weapons:laser cannon, 6 laser batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, 6 ICMs
Cargo Capactiy:4


Merchant Scout:
Merchant scouts are civilian versions of assault scouts redesigned to carry small cargoes. Due to their small size and limited range, they are not the most profitable for long hauls but can fare well on short hops to nearby systems. Like assault scouts, a merchant scout may land on a planet. Their speed and optional light armament prompts a quick business charter for those that wish their supplies to get to a neighboring system quickly. They can accomodate up to 8 crew members, but requires as few as two or three to operate depending on the voyage.
Hull Size:3    Hull Points:15    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:4   DCR:29
Defenses:optional reflective hull
Cargo Capactiy:3

Light Freighter: A light freighter is a frigate-sized freight hauler that can carry a considerably larger load than a merchant scout. However due to their size they may not make planetary landings, but their increased payload capacity and decent performance makes them attractive to potential customers. A light freighter may accomodate up to 10 persons but can be operated by as few as three, with a five person crew being the average.
Hull Size:5    Hull Points:25    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:35
Defenses:optional reflective hull,
Cargo Capactiy:5

Stock Freighter: A stock freighter, roughly equivelent in size to a destroyer, can carry slightly more cargo than a light freighter. They aren't as fast but owners may add a laser battery with no penalties to performance or cargo capacity, making them a preferred method of transport for higher risk cargo. A stock freighter may accomodate up to 12 persons but can be operated by as few as four, with a six person crew being the standard.
Hull Size:6    Hull Points:30    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:38
Weapons:optional laser battery
Defenses:optional reflective hull
Cargo Capactiy:6

Macro Freighter: A Macro freighter is a larger craft intended to carry greater loads to distant systems. They are about the same size as a light cruiser. They may also carry additional firepower and defenses with no penalties. A macro freighter may accomodate up to 24 persons but can be operated by as few as eight, with a twelve person crew being the norm. A macro freighter may carry one shuttle in its own dedicated bay.
Hull Size:12    Hull Points:60    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:56
Weapons:two optional laser batteries
Defenses:optional reflective hull, optional masking screen
Cargo Capactiy:12

Bulk Freighter: A bulk freighter is a very large craft intended to carry huge loads to multiple and/or distant systems. About the same size as an assault carrier, and like a macro freighter they may also carry additional firepower and defenses with no penalties. A bulk freighter may accomodate up to 36 persons but can be operated by as few as twelve, with an 18 person crew being the usual staff. A bulk freighter may carry up to two shuttles in their own dedicated bays.
Hull Size:18    Hull Points:90    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:2   DCR:74
Weapons:three optional laser batteries
Defenses:optional reflective hull, masking screen, and 2 ICMs
Cargo Capactiy:18

Dreadnaught Freighter: A dreadnaught freighter is the largest civilian craft available. It is designed to ferry massive loads as it travels about the Frontier, dropping off and acquiring new cargos at each stop. It equals a battleship in sheer size, and they typically come standard with additional firepower and defenses and often add more with no penalties. A dreadnaught freighter may accomodate up to 40 persons but a 20 person crew is the designated size. A bulk freighter may carry up to two shuttles in their own dedicated bays, and has the option of carrying up to six light fighters in their own bays at a performance penalty (-1 cargo for every two fighters).
Hull Size:20    Hull Points:100    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:2   DCR:80
Weapons:up to 4 laser batteries or three rocket batteries
Defenses:optional reflective hull and up to 2 masking screens and 4 ICMs
Cargo Capactiy:20

Type I Space Liner: the smallest interstellar passenger transport with a 150 person capacity. Typical cabin set-up would include 30 double occupancy journey class cabins, 10 double occupancy first class cabins, and 25 frozen berths, leaving room for a crew of 25.
Hull Size:6    Hull Points:30    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:38
Defenses:optional reflective hull
CPassenger Capactiy:150

Type II Space Liner: interstellar passenger transport with a 225 person capacity.
Hull Size:9    Hull Points:45    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:38
Weapons:optional laser battery
Defenses:optional reflective hull
CPassenger Capactiy:225

Type III Space Liner: interstellar passenger transport with a 300 person capacity.
Hull Size:12    Hull Points:60    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:56
Weapons:optional laser battery
Defenses:optional reflective hull and masking screen
Passenger Capactiy:300

Type IV Space Liner: interstellar passenger transport with a 375 person capacity.
Hull Size:15    Hull Points:75    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:2   DCR:65
Weapons:two optional laser batteries
Defenses:optional reflective hull and masking screen
Passenger Capactiy:375

Miners -TBA-

Claim Jumper class Miner: accomodates 3 units worth of ore
Hull Size:3    Hull Points:15    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:4   DCR:38
Defenses:optional reflective hull
Hold: 3

Dredger class Miner
Hull Size:TBA    Hull Points:TBA    Propulsion:Star
Hold: TBA

Prospector class Miner
Hull Size:TBA    Hull Points:TBA    Propulsion:Star
Hold: TBA

Excavator class Miner
Hull Size:TBA    Hull Points:TBA    Propulsion:Star
Hold: TBA

Scout Ship: Civilian scout ships are similar in design to military assault scouts, but lack the integrity, weaponry, and performance. They are typically produced by megacorporations for sale to the pulbic, however on occassion a civilian may acquire a surplus demilitarized/retired assault scout to the same spec but with more hull points. Both versions are streamlined and may land on a planet.
 Since the basic design is a gutted version of the standard military version, it can be ordered or retrofitted in numerous ways. It can accomodate 3 units worth of cargo, or it can be converted to a limited passenger liner (or even a mock yacht) to accomodate up to 50 persons, or it can be rigged for exploration duties using the excess hull space for additional fuel and life support. Combinations are also possible, such as a 1U hold and 25 person capacity.
Hull Size:3    Hull Points:15    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:4   DCR:29
Cargo/Passenger Capacity: varies


Hatchet class Fighter: a small, quick, and agile single person craft used in groups to quickly overtake any escort craft that may be guarding a ripe target vessel. Capable of atmospheric landings.
Hull Size:1    Hull Points:7    Propulsion:Space
ADF:MR:5   DCR:25
Weapons:pod laser
Defenses:reflective hull

Cybot class Assault Scout: the pirate assault scout is loosely designed after the UPF scout. It holds a crew of up to eight, and is primarily used as a preliminary strike vessel for a larger craft, but they have been known to operate alone as well.
Hull Size:3    Hull Points:20    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:4   DCR:40
Weapons:pod laser
Defenses:reflective hull
Cargo Capacity: 0.5

Corvette: the pirate corvette is a recently discovered menace, small and well armed. It is able to overtake most larger civilian craft with ease and can match speed with all but the smaller military vessels. It can carry up to 25 crew members, most of which are troops. It is also capable of atmospheric landings.
Hull Size:4    Hull Points:25    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:50
Weapons:laser cannon, laser battery
Defenses:reflective hull, masking screen
Cargo Capacity: 1

Black Condor class frigate: the pirate frigate is a well armed vessle used as a flagship in major operations. It can carry up to 40 persons including 20 troops and hatchet fighter support personnel.
Hull Size:5    Hull Points:35    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:60
Weapons:laser cannon, 3 laser batteries, rocket battery; 4 hatchet fighters
Defenses:reflective hull, masking screen, 2 ICMs
Cargo Capacity: 2

Dominator class Destroyer: a pirate destroyer is the capital ship of an operation, rarely seen beyond any larger scale mission. It can carry upwards of 50 crew including 30 troops and fighter support personnel.
Hull Size:7    Hull Points:45    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:2   DCR:70
Weapons:laser cannon, 4 laser batteries, 2 rocket batteries; 4 hatchet fighters
Defenses:reflective hull, masking screen, 3 ICMs
Cargo Capacity: 2

Pirates will also utilize various freighters, privateers, and the occassional yacht or liner in the course of their criminal operations.


Lansing class Yacht: The entry level yacht features all the basic neccesities for a luxurious space cruise: 4 first class cabins that can accomodate up to eight persons with all the usual ammenities that can be expected on a pleasure cruise.
Hull Size:3    Hull Points:15    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:29
Weapons:laser battery
Defenses:reflective hull
Cargo Capacity: 1

Evergleem Schooner class Yacht: Slightly larger thant he Lansing, the ES class yacht boasts a little extra boost in offensive capability toward unwelcome visitors and gives up power for increased maneuverability. Six first class cabins can accomodate up to twelve beings with good looks, charm, and grace.
Hull Size:4    Hull Points:20    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:4   DCR:32
Weapons:pod laser, laser battery
Defenses:reflective hull
Cargo Capacity: 1.5

Clarion Clipper class Yacht: A newer design for a relatively fast and well armed craft. The craft was designed to spec to accomodate the requests of the Valentine Royal Family, with eight first class cabins boasting luxurious appointments to accomodate a total of 16 travellers.
Hull Size:5    Hull Points:25    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:35
Weapons:laser cannon, laser battery
Defenses:reflective hull, 2 ICMs
Cargo Capacity: 2

Anthem class Yacht: The Anthem is a glorious vessel, the pride of many an owner. While it gives up performance, this yacht is designed for the slow lazy cruise and has many offerings for its guests including in-suite spas & saunas. The ten suites will accomodate up to 20 persons, and an additional 10 double cabins is designed for crew and servants (such as chefs, entertainers, and the like).
Hull Size:6    Hull Points:30    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:2   DCR:38
Weapons:laser battery, rocket battery
Defenses:reflective hull, masking screen, 2 ICMs
Cargo Capacity: 2.5

Lady Luck class Yacht: The next step up in luxury transport offers more generous defensive and offensive capabilities, not to mention power and poise. The Lady Luck offers twelve suites for up to 24 occupants, and an additional 12 double cabins for crew and workers. A casino deck separates the LL from smaller yachts.
Hull Size:7    Hull Points:35    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:3   DCR:41
Weapons:laser cannon, 2 laser batteries
Defenses:reflective hull, masking screen, 2 ICMs
Cargo Capacity: 3

Gazelle class Yacht: at the top of the food chain lies the grandfather of all luxury transports, the Gazelle. Based on the Lady Luck platform, the Gazelle adds a restaraunt section on the gaming level along with other forms of recreation such as a launch deck that guests may experience spacewalks in vacc-suits along with co-piloting a launch, shuttle, or mock star fighter. They can even participate in space-skeet from the open bay doors of the launch deck, or launching a grav-ball into the depths of space. 15 suites can accomodate up to 30 guests long with the 15 double cabins intended for the crew and operators.
Hull Size:9    Hull Points:45    Propulsion:Star
ADF:MR:2   DCR:47
Weapons:laser cannon, laser battery, rocket battery
Defenses:reflective hull, masking screen, 4 ICMs
Cargo Capacity: 4


Launch: A launch is a small space-faring craft designed to carry out routine errands for the parent ship. It can be operated by a single person and will accomodate up to ten beings for ten hours. The vehicle is not suited for atmospheric use.
Hull Size:1    Hull Points:2    Propulsion:Space
ADF:MR:5   DCR:20
Passenger Capacity: 10 (inc operator)

Lifeboat: a lifeboat is a revamp of the launch, intended to support the occupants for a longer period of time during emergency situations. Like the launch it can be operated by a single being. It will support up to 20 beings for 30 hours, and can make atmospheric landings.
Hull Size:1    Hull Points:5    Propulsion:Space
ADF:MR:3   DCR:25
Passenger Capacity: 20 (inc operator)

Cutter: an armed transport craft capable of moving up to 14 people (including the standard crew of two) and a small load of goods between ships and/or stations. The life support will accomodate the maximum 14 people for up to 100 hours. The ship is often utilized by local militias as a patrol vessel, capable of supporting the crew of two for up to 35 days assuming no passengers are taken aboard. The vehicle is not suited for atmospheric use.
Hull Size:1    Hull Points:8    Propulsion:Space
ADF:MR:3   DCR:25
Weapons:optional pod laser
Defenses:optional reflective hull
Cargo Capacity: 0.5 Passenger Capacity: 12

Shuttle: A shuttle is a small craft that can ferry supplies and personnel to orbitting vessels or craft docked at a space station. They are not interstellar capable vehicles, but are very useful for spacecraft that may not make atmospheric landings. Larger civilian craft often employ or even carry one or two of them as support craft. They can be manned by one or two crew members and may carry up to 20 total for up to 120 days in space before the life support is taxed.
Hull Size:2    Hull Points:10    Propulsion:Space
ADF:MR:3   DCR:26
Defenses:optional reflective hull
Cargo Capacity: 0.5  Passenger Capacity: 20

Part 6: Ship Construction

   --- Work In Progress ---

At some point the refereader or characters will desire a unique ship in their campaign. This section will detail all the variations and modifications available, as applicable to civilian ships.

Ship Construction 
 The first step to creating a specific or custom ship is to decide what size of hull it will have. The hull is a framework of bulkheads and plating, with limitations on performance and access depending on size. Consult the following table:

Hull SizeLeng/Diam# HatchesADF*/MR
     1    10/2      1     5/5
     2    30/5      1     4/4
     3    50/8      1     4/4
     4    75/12      2     4/4
     5   100/15      2     3/3
     6   130/20      2     3/3
     7   150/25      2     3/3
     8   180/30      3     3/3
     9   210/35      3     3/3
    10   240/40      3     3/3
    11   275/45      3     3/3
    12   300/50      4     3/3
    13   340/55      4     3/3
    14   380/60      5     3/3
    15   420/70      5     2/2
    16   450/75      5     2/2
    17   475/80      6     2/2
    18   500/85      6     2/2
    19   540/90      6     2/2
    20  600/100         8     2/2

* assumes Star Drive for propulsion, otherwise ADF is always 1

For civilian ships, hull cost will be 50,000Cr per hull size and hull points will be 5 per size rating. Thus a size 6 hull would cost 300,000Cr and would have 30 Hull Points. The DCR rating is also factored by the hull size, via the following formula: DCR = ( HS x 3 ) +20

Thus the size 6 hull above would have a DCR of ( 6 x 3 ) + 20 or 38.

Military/warships do not adhere to these rules, their hulls are much stronger and able to withstand more damage while their electronics are more advanced to permit greater performance with their heavy payloads. As such their damage control ratings are higher as well.

Equipping the Ship
 Assume the basic design comes with only the hull for the listed price of the design. To that end, a custom application will require a computer, propulsion system, life support equipment, navigational equipment, along with communications and detection equipment. Emergency equipment, weapons, and defenses will round it out, and finally specific miscellaneous equipment will define it.

 Computers are detailed in the Basic Rules Revisited section. Typical programs for a ship will include Analysis (to asist in navigation and damage control), Industry (for hydroponics and machine shops), Life Support, and Maintenance (for equipment upkeep). Other programs required to operate a ship include Alarm, Damage Control, and Navigation.

ProgramDrive SpaceCost
Alarm        11000Cr
Damage Control        22000Cr
Navigation        22000Cr

Optional programs could include Commerce (for temporary record keeping during voyages, such as a passenger or cargo manifest), Communication (for an intercom network), Information Storage (for permanent storage, like a ships log, travel routes, or details on encountered vessels), Security programs (for the computer or installation itself), and Transportation (for lift shafts). Additional programs not covered in Basic which may be needed for other equipment are included with each system description that follows.

 The propulsion system includes the main drives along with the arrays of maneuver jet nozzles. There are two types of drive systems, Space Drive and Star Drive. Space Drive is utilized for system ships such as shuttles or interplanetary transports, and as such their range is limited to the planets in a system. The Star Drive is a much more powerful system which enables a craft to travel to distant stars.

To determine the cost of a drive system, hull size is taken into consideration. For a Star Drive, the formula is ( HS x ___ ) and full performance is permitted with such a system. For a Space Drive, the formula is ( HS x ___ ) and ADF is limited to 1 while full MR is permitted. The software required to opeate either system is detailed below:

ProgramDrive SpaceCost
Space Drive       33000Cr
Star Drive       44000Cr

Life Support
 Life Support equipment covers water tankage and a purification plant, food storage, hydroponics, oxygen & atmospheric controls, and waste disposal. The cost of equipment varies according to the number of persons supported, but the same program can manage any system. Equipment pricing is as follows: 

# SupportedEquipment Cost
     1-2        300Cr
     3-20      1,000Cr
   21-100      5,500Cr
  101-200     18,000Cr
  201-500     30,000Cr
  501-1000     60,000Cr

Navigational Equipment
 Three types of navigational systems are available depending on type of craft. Small craft (shuttles, launches, etc) only require a basic package for ship to ship, ship to orbital station, or orbital station to ground operations. System ships (non-starships, such as fighters or interplanetary trasnports) require a more advanced set of items to navigate a solar system, while star ships require the most complex equipment for plotting interstellar jumps. Pricing is as follows:

Ship TypeEquipment Cost
Small Craft     1,000Cr
System Ship     5,000Cr
Star Ship    15,000Cr

The Navigation program will work with any equipment package.

Communications & Detection
 Long range detectors, communicators, and interferenace equipment is broken down into five systems.
 SubSpace Radios are used for sending messages across vast distances, up to and including other star systems. Utilizing encoded tachyon beams that are broadcast from dish antennae, a subspace transmission can cross one light year in one hour. As such, inner system communiques will take no longer than ten minutes to reach their destination. A SubSpace Radio costs 20,000Cr
 A Radar Unit sends out radio beams which travel at the speed of light. They reflect off of solid objects and return to the source where limited graphic images are displayed on a screen for interpretation. The effective range is 300,000Km and teh unit costs 10,000Cr
 An Intercom Network is used to commincate inside a ship. Utilizing a master panel (typically located on the bridge level) and numerous combination speaker/microphones (typically at least one on each deck), crew members may communicate freely within the ship much in the same manner as if using a chronocom. A master panel costs 50Cr and each speaker/mike is 10Cr. Unless the characters have a specific deckplan, assume a ship has one deck for every ten hull points to determine price. A Communication program is needed to operate teh system.
 Transmission Jammers broadcast a blanket of white noise that serves to interfere with other subspace radio transmissions, thereby blocking the signal at the source. The strength of the jammer decreases with the range between the jamming ship and the broadcasting ship. If the two craft are in the same 10,000km hex there is no chance of broadcasting the signal. The chance to break through increases at 10% per 10,000km hex distance between the craft, hence a jammed craft that is 40,000km away has a 40% chance of breaking through and successfully transmitting. The usual automatic success/failure rolls still apply. The jammer normally costs 80,000Cr but is only available to military contractors, as such if cahracters wish to acquire one it will have to be through unconventional means (such as an inflated black market buy, etc)
 Radar Jammers difuse and redirect radar waves in order to confuse enemy detection equipment. They work in a similar manner as a transmission jammer. If a jamming ship is at least 100,000km away fromthe detecting vessel, there is a zero percent chance of being detected. As the jammed vessel gets closer to the detecting ship, the detecting ship has a chance of detecting the jammed craft. The chance of remaining undetected is 10% per 10,000km hex between the ships, thus if there is a 40,000km distance the protected craft has a 40% chance of remaining hidden from radar view. The radar jammer costs 250,000Cr but like the transmission jammer, it is only available to military contractors.

Offensive & Defensive Systems
 Weapons and defenses are often desirable in warding off would be assailants, particularly Sathar and Pirate vessels. When outfitting civilian ships with weaponry and/or defenses, hull size is taken into consideration. Each system is assigned a point value, and a ship may contain a number of points equal to its hull size minus two, divided by three (and rounding up).

Point Value = ( HS-2 ) / 3

Hence a size three ship could contain one point worth of weaponry, while a size six craft could utilize two points worth of weaponry, but a size one or two ship could not contain any weaponry. If the weapon points exceed the ship's allocated value, then performance (and passenger/cargo capacity) are reduced. For each point over capacity, a ship will lose one ADF or MR point (owner's choice) along with one cargo unit space (or 25 passengers for liners) worth of space.
 A Minimum Hull Size (MHS) rating is also listed with weapons and defenses, this illustrates the minimum size craft that the weapon may be fitted to. A computer program is required for each weapon system, although a single assault rocket or torpedo program may operate multiple launchers as only one may operate at a time.
 The following table illustrates the various weapon systems available along with their point value for hull accomodation as well as computer program information:

WeaponPoint ValueCostMHSProgram Space/Cost
Laser Cannon       215,000Cr  5     3/3,000Cr
Laser Battery       110,000Cr  3     4/4,000Cr
Pod Laser       17,500Cr  1     3/3,000Cr
Torpedo Launcher       340,000Cr  5     3/3,000Cr
Assault Rocket Launcher       ½*20,000Cr  1     4/4,000Cr
Rocket Battery       240,000Cr  5     3/3,000Cr
* Two AR launchers are permitted per point. A ship must have a minimum MR of 4 to use assault rockets

Torpedoes cost 20,000Cr each, assault rockets are 10,000Cr each, and a rocket battery salvo is 5,000Cr. Only one rocket weapon may be loaded per launcher, but additional reloads may be carried for resupply and may be rearmed during the repair phase.

 Defenses are figured in along with weapon systems, with total points between weapons and defenses considered for civilian craft. For example, if a size 6 civilian ship may contain two points worth of weapons and defenses, it may utilize those points on all weapons, all defenses, or one point towards each.

DefensePoint ValueCostMHSProgram Space/Cost
Reflective Hull     n/aHSx500Cr any            n/a
Masking Screen       1 10,000Cr  4            n/a
ICM Launcher       1 20,000Cr  5        3/3,000Cr

A Masking Screen or Interceptor Missile launcher can hold only one charge or missile each. Interceptor Missiles cost 2,000Cr each. A Masking Screen charge is primarily comprised of water, whose price may vary according to the source world...naturally it would be very pricy on a station supported by a desert planet and quite cheap on a water world. Figure HS x 100Cr as an average replenishment cost.

Miscellaneous Equipment

Freight Hauling

Passenger Liners

Mining Vessels

Exploration Craft

Part 7: Ship Operations

   --- Work In Progress ---

Ship Skills
 > Engineer
 > Gunner
 > Navigator
 > Pilot

Operating Expenses
 > Crew Salaries
 > Fuel Costs
 > Life Support
 > Scheduled Maintenance
 > Repairs
 > Berthing Fees
        Space Station

 > Cargo
 > Passengers
 > Subsidized Missions

Part 8: Campaign Info

   --- Work In Progress ---

The Frontier

 > Deployment Map
 > System Key
 > The UPF
 > Planetary Militias
 > Star Law
 > MegaCorps
 > the Sathar
 > Pirates