Off-hand firing, Recreation, Personality Restructuring, Pick Pockets, Psychotherapy
Off-hand firing
(Brad McMillan)
Prerequisites: N/A
Description: Characters who purchase this skill ignore the penalties for using their non-primary hand in combat.
(Brad McMillan)
Prerequisites: N/A
Description: This skill is identical to the Entertaining skill outlined in Zebulon’s Guide, except it relates to indoor and outdoor recreational activities (billiards, table tennis, skiing, surfing, boating, skydiving, etc.).
Personality Restructuring
(Brad McMillan)
Prerequisites: Psychopathology 2, Psychotherapy 2, Interrogation 1, Hypnosis 2
Description: This skill allows an individual knowledgeable in the above-mentioned prerequisites to attempt to completely change an individual’s personality. New personality traits, suggestions, or behavior patterns can be imprinted upon an individual given ample time and proper conditions (for example, hospital facilities and several weeks to months of work with a willing subject). Skilled individuals can attempt to subvert willing or unwilling subjects and change behavioral patterns, imprint subliminal messages, condition phobias, obsessions, or compulsions, etc. in a number of hours equivalent to the person’s intuition or logic (whichever is higher) divided by 10 (rounded up). This sort of brainwashing, however, is not without its flaws given the shortened time frame. Every standard day, a character is allowed a one-quarter LOG/INT check to recognize the tampering. Although the tampering cannot be fixed without further personality restructuring or intensive psychotherapy, the afflicted individual can fight off the effects of the brainwashing with a successful LOG/INT check
Pick Pockets
(Brad McMillan)
Prerequisites: N/A
Description: Pick Pockets allows the character to successfully steal from another individual, palm items, and generally pilfer small articles on a successful skill check. If the character knows what she is looking for and knows its location, a successful skill check is all that is required. A failed check means the object is not found or successfully lifted (and an opposing INT check of the target is called into play to see if the pilfering attempt is noticed). On a roll of 98-00, the character is automatically caught in the act. If the character does not know where the object is or just wishes to blindly search, the searched individual notices the attempt on any failed roll (no INT roll needed).
(Brad McMillan)
Prerequisites: Psychopathology 1
Description: This skill allows a character knowledgeable in psychopathology to treat individuals afflicted with mental illnesses. The individual is skilled in various treatment techniques and is aware of the latest developments and treatments in Frontier healthcare.