Shotguns are high tech versions of modern shotguns. They can fire either buckshot or sabot slugs, or the much sought after explosive sabot slugs. All shotguns require one round to reload, and with exception to the self loaders may fire once per round until out of shot shells. Double barreled shotguns may fire each barrel separately (once per round) or both simultaneously. Semi auto and full auto shotguns fire 2/4 per round respectively, and each additional shot suffers a -5 to hit penalty consecutively until the gun is steadied, meaning the first shot is determined normally, second at -5, third at -10, etc until the shooter stops to reaquire aim.
Buckshot allows a +20 modifier to hit at point blank range, +10 at short, +5 at medium range, and no modifier for long range. Sabot slugs use the listed modifiers.
The shotguns are listed by name, followed by rate of fire, ammo supply, range (PB/S/M/L/X), cost, and mass (in kg)
Projectile weapons skill required. Damage is 3d10 for buckshot, 4d10 for sabot slugs, and 6d10 for EXP sabot slugs. Cost is 1/2/5Cr for each respectively.
Single Barrel (break away): 1 | 1 | 5/10/50/90/-- | 100Cr | 2
Single Barrel, sawed-off: 1 | 1 | 2/5/10/20/-- | 100Cr | 1
Double Barrel (side by side or over/under; break-away): 1 | 2 | 5/10/50/90/-- | 150Cr | 3
Double Barrel, sawed off: 1 | 2 | 2/5/10/20/-- | 150Cr | 1.5
Pump-action Shotgun: 1 | 5 | 6/12/60/100/-- | 200Cr | 3
TAC Pump-action Shotgun: 1 | 5 | 5/10/40/80/-- | 200Cr | 2
Combat Shotgun (semi-automatic, magazine): 2 | 8,12, & 20R magazines | 5/10/50/90/-- | 300Cr | 3
War-Monger Shotgun (automatic, magazine or belt-fed):
3 | 12 & 20R magazines, belt feed mechanism | 10/20/50/100/-- | 500Cr | 4